Devoted to the Propagation and Defense of New Testament Christianity
December 17, 1953


Frank Trayler, Chaplain (Maj.) USAF, Box 207, Boerne Texas, Dec. 7: "Splendid interest continues at our 1:00 o'clock service each Lord's day at Chapel No. 4, Lackland Air Force Base, San Antonio. There were 65 present a week ago and 87 yesterday. Seven Airmen responded the past two weeks — three for baptism and four restored."

Joe H. Morris, 2707 Ky. Ave., Paducah, Kentucky, Dec. 9. "Clements Street work still progresses. Last Lord's day saw our two largest audiences in the church's history-316, in Bible school, $461.00 contributed, 77 in Wednesday Ladies class, and 270 in Mid-Week Bible study Wednesday evening. One restored and one identified."

Lynn Shelton of Tatum, New Mexico, did the preaching in a meeting with the church in Fort Morgan, Colorado, November 30 thru December 9. The church in Tatum supported Brother Shelton in this meeting. The church in Fort Morgan is meeting in their new building. Garnie Atkisson is the local preacher.

W. Wallace Layton, Box 10086, Houston 18, Texas: "The meeting in Altus, Oklahoma, closed November 29 with five baptisms and three restorations. Attendance was excellent, averaging around 1,000 each night. This was like a homecoming to me having worked with this congregation from 1944 to 1947 and returning nearly every year either there or to adjacent communities for meetings. Brother Boyett has been with them over three years and has done an excellent work. He has moved to Pecos, Texas, leaving Altus in need of a preacher. Work here at home at the Garden Oaks congregation goes forward. We have finished a new $60,000.00 auditorium and have appointed elders and. deacons recently. We have had 96 additions here in the last twelve months — 20 of these were baptized."

B. G. Hope, 211 E. 12th Street, Bowling Green, Kentucky: "Brother A. C. Grider met W. P. Jordan, Baptist in a four-night debate. It was held November 30 thru December 4. The first two nights Brother Grider affirmed the following: 'The scriptures teach that baptism in water of a penitent believer in Christ is essential to salvation from past sins.' The last two nights Mr. Jordan affirmed that 'An alien sinner is saved before and without water baptism.' The debate was held in Bowling Green at The Quonset. Large crowds attended and a good spirit prevailed between the speakers and the audience. We believe good was done. Brother Grider is an A-1 debater. He knows the scriptures. He knows how to meet the dodges and always conducts himself as a Christian gentleman. I consider him among our best debaters."

R. D. Simmons, 441 W. Clark Dr., Corpus Christi, Texas, Dec. 8: "I am leaving the work here at Furman and Staples. Corpus Christi, Texas, January 31, 1954. On February 7 I will begin work with the Central church, 12th and Hoover Streets, Los Angeles, California. The work here has been pleasant and profitable in many ways and I can personally recommend the elders of this congregation to any preacher brother who might be interested in the work here. This month has completed five pleasant years' with this congregation. Will correspondents please note my change of address after February 1, 1954. Thank you."

Roy E. Gulley, Merkel, Texas, Dec. 8: "We seem to be getting off to a good start here at Merkel. I have been here for two months. During this time we have moved into a lovely new building with twelve classrooms, nursery and preachers study. The auditorium will seat about five hundred. This good work was begun while Layton Plaster was here. I just moved in to reap the benefits from someone else's labor. We have had one baptism and several restorations and transfers. We pray that we may press on to greater things as the harvest is white."