Ralph R. Givens; 555-12th St., Yuma, Arizona, Nov. 8: "During October two were baptized, one restored, and six did what Paul tried to do, according to Acts 9:26. The first Lord's Day in November three were restored and one baptized."
Felix W. Tarbet, 2685 Twentieth St., San Pablo, California, Oct. 31: "Ten were added to our working forces during October here in San Pablo. Five were baptized and five placed membership. Attendance and offerings are at an all time high for San Pablo. We also opened a new classroom addition to our building during October."
O. E. Correll, Kinmundy, Illinois, Nov. 3: "The meeting at Marion, Indiana, on West 9th St. closed Sunday night with good interest. There were four additions to the congregation; one young man confessed Christ and was baptized, one wayward soul was restored, and two others placed membership with the congregation. Much good was done other ways. For a few years this little group has just struggled along for existence, with only a few in attendance. But now they have come to life with a greater zeal and determination to work for the Master. The attendance was the best they have had for quite some time, and I will say that the interest and attention was as good as I ever had. This was my first meeting with them. Just one week, and I enjoyed it very much. I was glad I could help them. Let us all pray for them that they may prosper in the Lord's work."
Ballard - Duncan Debate
Voyd N. Ballard, 408 W. Marengo, Shafter, California: "On the nights of November 30, December 1-2-3, Voyd N. Ballard, gospel preacher, and M. J. Duncan, Missionary Baptist preacher, will meet in public debate in the building of the church of Christ in Woodville, California. November 30 and December 1 Ballard will affirm: `Baptism in water to the believing penitent is for the remission of past sins.' December 2 and 3 Duncan will affirm: 'It is impossible for a child of God to so far sin as to be finally lost.' Woodville is located about half way between Tulare and Porterville in the San Joaquin Valley of California. There will be two 30 minute speeches by both speakers each night, and the debate will begin at 7:30 o'clock each evening."
W. Woodrow Allen, Kearney, Nebraska, Nov. 1: "Three placed membership with this congregation during October but the total membership remains about the same as it was at the beginning of the year, due to several members moving away. Lack of funds has prevented us from doing anything about a building. We need $7,000 more before we can borrow the balance necessary for a small, neat building. Just how long we will have to wait and be hampered with an inadequate building will depend, to a great extent, upon what Christians in other states are willing to do. We do not have but about 1,000 members in all of Nebraska, and throughout the state we are hindered because of poor, unattractive buildings. How long will we continue to neglect this area? Even the Herald of Truth misses Central Nebraska because no one is willing to support it on KMM — in Grand Island. No congregation in Nebraska is able to do it. I begin a meeting in Beatrice, Nebraska, November 2. Brother Homer Wolfe, Jr., is the preacher there."
J. D. Parker, 1021 Walnut St., Danville, Illinois, Nov. 4: "A preacher from the conservative wing of the Christian Church (church of Christ in this area) has renounced erroneous teaching and practices and has taken his stand with us. Along with his wife and two children he intends to move into an area where he can preach and attend one of the schools staffed by Christians. He attended Lincoln Bible School for two years and served as deacon for one of the churches in this area. Any congregation interested in his services can contact Glenn Cherry at Catlin, Illinois. The work here becomes more encouraging with one baptism last Sunday and a contribution over 400 dollars. The church also is in the process of making arrangements for broadcasting our morning services over a new radio station that has facilities for reaching over a million people. When in this area, worship with us at the corner of Walnut and English Streets."
J. T. Marlin, Sweetwater, Texas: "One was baptized Sunday at Fourth and Elm. Our class work is inspiring. Above 80 are enrolled in my high school Bible class studying Acts at the high school each Wednesday. This week we had 110 adults in Ladies Bible Class and 17 children in the children's class conducted during the same period. Interest is good in all services."
Floyd Embree, 610 E. LaDeney Drive, Ontario, California, Nov. 3: "We continue here with two radio broadcasts each week. We will begin a teacher's training class next week. One was baptized and several identified recently."
Ninety Day Meeting In Coffeyville Is Now History
On August 2nd the small but zealous group of Christians in Coffeyville, Kansas, began a meeting that continued for ninety days. When the announcement was made to the local newspaper of the proposed meeting, the editor exclaimed: "At least this is something that no other church has attempted in Coffeyville!" Not only was it something new to the city, but also to the members. Some doubted if they would be able to "hold out" for that long . . . . "That's an awful lot of church going," others were heard to remark but they were assured by George Darling, who has served as evangelist in the congregation since last February, that so long as they did not all decide to take the same night off that the attendance would not be such a problem. An average of seventy five percent of the members were present for the services. Very few services did not find some non-members in the audience.
The church in Coffeyville expresses their appreciation to the following preachers and the congregations that sent them: Bobby Hoovers, sent by the church in Plainview, Texas; Rex Kimbrough, sent by the church in Independence, Kansas; Charles Tinius, sent by the University church in Wichita, Kansas; Hugo McCord, sent by the church in Bartlesville, Oklahoma; Jack Shackleford, sent by the church in Neosho, Missouri; E. M. Borden, Jr., sent by the church in Earth, Texas; L. R. Wilson, Central Christian College in Bartlesville, Oklahoma — self supported; Charles Parker, sent by the church in Miami, Oklahoma; Stafford North, Central Christian College, Bartlesville, Oklahoma — self supported; Dale Pearson, sent by the church in Ponca City, Oklahoma. George E. Darling did the preaching during the final week of the meeting.
The church in Coffeyville does not consider the visible results (17 responses) as the full measure of the success of the meeting. Only time and eternity will reveal the worth of the campaign. It is doubtful if one local resident does not know the location of the building in which the church meets. A new building, across the street from the High School. The zeal manifested by the members during the meeting won the admiration of the people. The zeal of "that small group" was mentioned from the pulpit of one of the leading denominational churches, that too helped to advertise the meeting.
Since the beginning of Brother Darling's work in Coffeyville the church has increased from 35 to 60 members. The contributions have increased from an average of $65 per week to $120 per week. The new building will seat 158 and has seven classrooms. The Lord's cause is on the march in Coffeyville and some are of the opinion that they will be a self-supporting congregation by the first of the year when Brother Darling plans to move to other fields of service.
Arley E. Moore, 1208 Grant St., Oregon City, Oregon, Nov. 4: "The work of the church here progresses in an encouraging manner. We had our largest crowd present Sunday with two adults being baptized at the close of the service. Four have been baptized since last report. The average Sunday attendance has increased twelve and average contribution increased $30 per week since June 1. We are beginning a weekly broadcast on the local radio station, KGON (1230 k.c.) next Sunday morning. The broadcast time will be 7:45 to 8:00. If you know of members of the church in this area, please send me their names and addresses."
Bryan Vinson, Jr., Abilene, Texas, Nov. 7: "I will meet Arthur L. Vaughan, Fundamental Baptist, in a series of debates in Kilgore, Texas, on November 24 - 26 - 27 - 28. John W. Hedge and my father will moderate for me. The discussions will be held in the Community Center Auditorium. Mr. Vaughn is a graduate of the Bible Baptist Seminary in Fort Worth, and 'pastor' of the Shell Fundamental Baptist Church in Kilgore. Tuesday and Thursday nights will be on Faith Only and Baptism, and Friday and Saturday nights will be on Apostasy."