Devoted to the Propagation and Defense of New Testament Christianity
October 8, 1953


Joe H. Morris, 2707 Ky Ave., Paducah, Kentucky, Sept. 24: "Brother Clarence Isenburg and I closed a good meeting at Center, Kentucky, last night with two young men baptized. Crowds were large at every service. Clements St. work prospers."

Bob Copeland, Jr., Box 146, Talhlequah, Oklahoma, Sept. 29: "Three placed membership last Sunday night. Record attendance at last Wednesday night service. Prospects for continued growth here are good. Am stressing personal evangelism on the part of the congregation as means of rapid and continuous growth. This is a congregation of love, peace, and harmony. Giving God the praise and glory, we shall march onward and upward."

Luther Blackmon, Bellaire, Texas, Sept. 29: "S. L. Edwards of Lamarque, Texas, has just closed a fine meeting at Bellaire. Six were added to the local membership. One of these was baptized. Brother Edwards has done a splendid work at Lamarque. The people there like him, and their admiration for him is not generated by backslapping and ear-tickling 'messages,' but by plain, straightforward, uncompromising sermons and teaching and clean living."

Louis J. Sharp, Little Rock, Arkansas, Sept. 26: "We have just concluded our first evangelistic meeting at the East Side congregation in Little Rock. Brother Ordis Copeland was visiting preacher and delivered some very fine lessons. Interest was good throughout the meeting. One was baptized and two placed membership. Brother Copeland's work was much appreciated by all."