Devoted to the Propagation and Defense of New Testament Christianity
August 27, 1953

"Example" Of What?

Judson Woodbridge, Mulvane, Kansas

Some brethren think they have found the example of the elders of one congregation "overseeing" and "sponsoring" the work of others in 1 Corinthians 16:3,4 and 2 Corinthians 8:16-23. Let us see what these passages teach, and what they do not teach.

The Passages Teach:

1. There was a man (or men) appointed (approved) by churches to help receive and deliver the funds collected from the different congregations.

2. The purpose was to avert any blame of dishonesty.

The Passages Do Not Teach:

1. That funds were funneled through the eldership to the work.

2. That elders of one congregation took the "oversight" of the evangelist and funds beyond their own congregation.

3. That elders were over any work other than the work of the congregation which is "among you."


1. All ought to be able to see the difference in "receiving and delivering money" and "receiving and administering or overseeing money."

2. It is proper and right to do things so there can be no question of honesty in the handling of funds.

3. It is proper and right for different congregations to contribute to the same work when there is a need.

4. It is not proper and right to set up an order of things which violate the principle of local congregational work — to give elders power that the Lord did not give them.