W. Woodrow Allen, 401 West 26th St., Kearney, Nebraska, March 20: "The church here in Kearney, Nebraska, has prepared information on all the congregations in Nebraska, as well as colored slides of several. They are sending me on a trip among the churches to acquaint them with the work in Nebraska and especially here in Kearney. For too long we have neglected mission work right here in our own country and we believe we have a right to be heard. There are hundreds of towns, many of them large ones, that have no churches. All we ask is that you listen to our story and then decide if we can afford to continue neglecting this area. You will be given an opportunity to contribute to the building fund here in Kearney. I plan to start this trip after the Central Christian College Lectureship is finished. If you would like to have me come to your congregation with this information I will be at the lectures, and may be contacted by writing to Frank L. Smith, 645 North Union, Shawnee, Oklahoma. The church in Shawnee continues to help with the work here. They are giving $500.00 to our building fund. The church in Seminole is also helping us."
R. Ervin Driskill, 2509 Gould St., Columbus, Georgia, March 17: "It has been some time since I sent in a report to any of our papers, however, the work at Rose Hill, in Columbus, and the work with the Korean Officers, at Fort Benning, has made good progress. W. Douglas Harris (who preceded me in the work here) is to hold our spring meeting and Marshall E. Patton (of the North B'ham. congregation) will preach in the fall meeting. One was baptized (Catholic) last Lord's day. Our budget calls for $386.00 per week and we have gone well over $400.00 the last three Lord's days. Contributions and cooperation are the best in the history of the Rose Hill church. Brethren have responded in a marvelous way and the Lord has certainly blessed us. Work will begin on a new building (another congregation) within the next month or so. I would like to leave the church here on the move "up" and not "down" so, I am leaving the work when I can locate another and the church here locates a desirable man. I will be glad to correspond with brethren concerning a move. I am in my fourth year here and can give references."
COFFEYVILLE BUILDING NEARS COMPLETION George E. Darling A very zealous group of Christians in Coffeyville, Kansas, are anxiously awaiting the completion of the new building there. The building should be ready for service within 30 to 45 days. The new building is located across the street from the high school, junior high school, and the McFarland Trade school building. It is on the main street of town and the principal highway through the city. The present plans are to start the work in the new building with a "continued gospel meeting." A number of congregations in Texas have promised to support their preachers in this effort.
I began work with the small congregation here on February 16, one month ahead of the proposed date in March. My support is from the congregations in Hale Center. Lockney, Wolfforth and Earth. Texas, and Bartlesville, Oklahoma. Congregations in Wichita, Kansas, and Tulsa. Oklahoma, have been helping in the construction of the building. The above mentioned support and help is deeply appreciated by every member here and we have pledged ourselves to do our best to see that the money they have expended will par great dividends in the harvest of souls. The work here offers a tremendous challenge. One that we are ready to accept.
The great need in the work here is for a radio broadcast over the local station KGGF, a 10.000 watt station that reaches out into three states. Sectarian error has been preached for years over the air in these regions and has gone unopposed long enough. People are listening to religious broadcasts and we have an unsurpassed opportunity to reach many with the unaltered truth. The cost of a 15 minute program is $9.75- Surely there are congregations who will help to see this work done. Is there a congregation willing to support this work for a year? Can we find an individual willing to support one broadcast or more each month? Brethren if you were here to hear the error taught over the air you could readily see why I ant so anxious to see this work accomplished, I've had enough experience at radio preaching to know that we have an opportunity to do good here. We must let the people of Coffeyville know that there is a church after the New Testament order in town. Will you help us do it? Send your check to the church of Christ, Box 451, Coffeyville, Kansas. It will pay dividends in souls saved.
Under the direction of Brother Al Wilborn we have started a "Round Up of Strays Campaign." This work will result in much good. Many who were "strong members" in Texas and Tennessee have moved here in times past but have forgotten God and some have drifted into denominational error. We have a list of some 30 "strays" that we are contacting every week. Perhaps some who read this article know of someone in Coffeyville who should be attending church but is not. Will you send us their names? Maybe we can reclaim them for the Lord. Help us if you can.
If you should be near Coffeyville, come by to visit us. Our home address is 1503 W. First. Telephone 1545-M.
W. E. Fortney, 162 Harrison, Clarksburg, West Virginia, March 16: "The meeting at Fairmont, W. Va., resulted in three restorations."
Raymond C. Kelcy, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, March 21: "Our meeting begins tomorrow at Tenth and Francis with Cleon Lyles preaching. Since I began here in November there have been thirteen baptisms, nine restorations, and fifteen to place membership."