Devoted to the Propagation and Defense of New Testament Christianity
March 19, 1953


M. C. Cuthbertson, Country Club Road Church, Tucson, Arizona: "Brother Ellwood Page, of 1130 S. McDonnell Ave., Los Angeles, California, is available for local or other preaching. He left the Baptist Church some three years past. He has done good work with Culver City and East Los Angeles. Some do not like him because he preaches plain, and will not compromise. He has had a rather difficult time making a living since leaving the Baptists, due to the fact that he was unknown and without work. Brethren Stout and Irvine have both known him well since he obeyed the gospel."


Choice L. Bryant, 165 So. 15th St., Salem, Oregon, March 7: "We are in the midst of a protracted meeting with W. E. (Bud) Irvine doing a fine job of preaching. We baptized another inmate in the Oregon State Penitentiary March 3."


A. L. Harbin, Vallejo, California, March 5: "We recently moved from Napa to the work here. One has been restored and one identified since we came. Brother Roy Cogdill will preach in our meeting April 30-May 10."


Raymond Whittington, Carthage, Texas, March 9: "Ten additions to the work here in the past month: Two were baptized, two restored, and six who were Christians already moved here. We are greatly encouraged by the continued interest and growth."


Louis J. Sharp, Little Rock, Arkansas, March 8: "Sunday, March 8, marked the beginning of a new congregation in Little Rock. The East Side Church of Christ met in a converted residence at 501 East 16th Street for the first time. We had a very encouraging start. Bible school attendance was 95, worship 117, and a Sunday morning contribution of $302.59. Over a hundred were present for the Sunday evening service. We thank God and take courage?'


Jim Sullivan, Grapeland, Texas: "We are in need of a preacher. We have a nice building and preacher's home all paid for. We are few in number and poor but we want a preacher — one not too old or too young. We would like to get in touch with a man of about middle age."


Joe H. Morris, 2707 Ky. Ave., Paducah, Kentucky, March 3: "The Clements Street church continues in its rapid stride of accomplishing things for the Lord's kingdom. During the first two months of this year we averaged one added each Lord's day, five of whom were baptized. Too, on March 9th, we are launching a five day a week radio broadcast over station WPAD, Paducah, to be heard Monday through Friday at 11:15 a.m. Then on March 15th our evening service will be changed from 6 p.m. to 7 p.m., that a class for the young of the church might meet at 6 p.m. Contributions, interest and attendance continue at a high level. The elders of Clements Street church are to be commended for their great vision."


MOYER - BONNEAU DEBATE Virgil V. Lindsey, Albany, California, February 28: "It was indeed a privilege for this writer to have recently attended a debate between Brother J. Lloyd Moyer, minister for the San Leandro church of Christ, San Leandro, California, and Brother Van Bonneau, a digressive preacher and debater for the Anti-Sunday Bible School and Anti-Women Teacher group. The debate occurred at the Arlington Heights church of Christ in Fresno, Calif., where Brother Pat Broaddus is minister, who also ably assisted Brother Mover as his moderator. The debate lasted four nights — February 16 through 19. The first two nights Brother Moyer denied "that when the church has come together for the purpose of teaching the Bible, it must be done in an undivided assembly with men teachers only." This was a rather ambiguous statement, but Brother Moyer clearly set forth before the audience that Brother Bonneau and his group believe that "this is the only scriptural method" and under no circumstances could the Bible be taught in any other manner of assembled Christians. The last two nights Brother Moyer affirmed that "when the church has come together for the purpose of teaching the Bible, it is scriptural to teach in a divided assembly with both men and women teachers." Certainly the Truth did not suffer in this debate, and it was rather remarkable to me and to the audience in the way that these two men carried out the discussion in a gentlemanly and Christian attitude. For those who believe that such discussions are harmful to the body of Christ, I would like to mention an incident that occurred the last night of the debate. An elderly brother and his wife came to Brother Moyer and said that they had been puzzled on this question for many years, but that he had clearly set forth in the light of the scriptures the truth on the matter. Also for those who believe "just let them (the Anti's) alone and they will die out," that as long as this particular group have such an able and poised debater as Brother Bonneau it will most certainly be hard for this to happen. For this reason, I would like to admonish all to meet this particular type of error with vigor, and where "opinion is legislated instead of the oracles of God," that we strive "with the sword of the Spirit" to overcome such erroneous teaching that the prayer of Christ may be fulfilled and that we might all be one, that we might present to the world the unified body of Christ."


Rufus R. Clifford, Box 282, Lawrenceburg, Tennessee, March 7: "A. Hugh Clark of San Antonio, Texas, will preach in our spring meeting, April 5-12. Thomas Huckabay will direct the singing. One was baptized last week."


Olustee Church of Christ, Olustee, Oklahoma, March 4: "The church here desires the services of a gospel preacher. The church owns a preacher's home and will pay a good salary. The church is active and growing. Wallace Layton has held a number of meetings here the past five years. Joe L. Banks will conduct a gospel meeting March 8th through the 15th. Robert Boyd of Fairbanks, Alaska, and Clyde C. Sloan of Washington, D. C., were the two last local preachers."