Devoted to the Propagation and Defense of New Testament Christianity
January 22, 1953


Roy E. Cogdill, Rt. 5, Box 116, Lufkin, Texas, Jan. 19: "We began a meeting at the Timberland Drive church here in Lufkin yesterday, Jan. 18. Brother Rufus R. Clifford of Lawrenceburg, Tennessee, is doing the preaching. The services yesterday were impressive, preaching the very best, audiences extra good, and interest high. One placed membership at the morning service. Two were identified the Lord's day before. We have had additions almost every Sunday for some time. Our work is making substantial progress and has done so from the beginning. In spite of our having lost a good many families by moving away, we are gaining in membership and now number close to 150 members. Plans are being made for the completion of our building program in the not too distant future. We will eventually have the best location and one of the nicest buildings in this entire section. A new High School building is to be built directly across the street from us. We thank God and take courage."

Lloyd A. Boyll, Evanston, Illinois, Jan. 6: "I began regular work here Nov. 15. There is a great challenge in this area and much hard work to be done. The Evanston church has a good program of work outlined and we hope to aid them in growing spiritually and numerically. One was baptized two weeks ago and one placed membership last Sunday. We intend to continue the publication of Fellowship News from here. If you know of anyone attending Northwestern University or living in any of Chicago's northern suburb, let us know. Address: Church of Christ, 1044 Elmwood Ave., Evanston, Ill."

Bill Fling, Church of Christ, 2501 Pine St., Napa, California, Jan. 8: "I terminated my work with Booker, Texas, the first of the year. We had one baptism in December. A young man who was in the Christian church and who now plans to preach the gospel. We are looking forward to our labors with the church in Napa."

Win. H. Parsons, 1327 W. Chestnut, Denison, Texas, Jan. 12: "During the past year there were 103 responses to the invitation here at the Central congregation. Our budget for '53 calls for $400 per week. Attendance in all phases of our work is at its highest. Brother B. C. McCarley of San Angelo, Texas, will be with us in a meeting this April. When visiting Lake Texoma, worship with us. If you know of some at Perrin Field Air Force Base that should be contacted, please inform us."

Tice Elkins, 1523 Cuba, Alamogordo, New Mexico, Jan. 12: "I wish to take this means of expressing thanks for the many greetings, messages of sympathy, and for financial help received, as I am unable to answer each letter personally, conditions here are very bad. The work here has already been taken over by a good and able man, who is younger and in good health. My own work in the Master's vineyard is almost finished. I do not expect to be able to undertake any more work for a long time, if ever. My wife is in poor health, and has been badly crippled for some time, At present I am confined to bed with pneumonia. That, coupled with a heart condition of long standing, is almost proving too much for a man of my age. Once again we wish to thank everyone for your kindness in our time of need."

W. Earl Mansur, 241 E. Arlight, Monterey Park, California, Jan. 12: "Our regular work with the church in Montebello is moving along nicely. One was baptized and two identified recently. Attendance at all services is fine and the contribution is increasing. We hope to be in our own building in possibly two or three months."

J. T. Marlin, 1503 McCaulley, Sweetwater, Texas, Jan. 13: "We have just closed an eight day meeting in which the writer did the preaching. There were 23 responses, 17 of the number were baptized. My first six weeks here has resulted in 44 being added to the congregation."

Newman Leonard, Church of Christ, 62 Fern Ave., Toronto 3, Ontario, Jan. 6: "We began our labors with the congregation here Jan. 4th with good audiences and contributions. The work in Canada seems to be going forward. We have just concluded a pleasant and profitable year at Water Valley and Mt. Pleasant in Kentucky. When m Toronto come and worship with us."