Devoted to the Propagation and Defense of New Testament Christianity
November 27, 1952


W. Earl Mansur, 241 E. Arlight, Monterey Park, Calif., Nov. 16: "The meeting in Porterville closed last week with good attendance and interest. This is a splendid church and appreciates very much the zeal and efforts of Brother Edward A. Brouillette, the local preacher. Brother Brouilliette, though a young preacher, is sound in the Faith and is highly respected in that section. Work with the church here in Montebello progresses pleasantly."


Charles E. Crouch, 1051 Upnor Rd., Baltimore 12, Maryland, Nov. 14: "Robert McKenzie of Huntington, Indiana, closed a meeting here last night. There were two baptisms, one by transfer of membership, and three confessed wrong. The church continues to meet at Aberdeen Proving Ground in Building 3219, to the rear of the main post chapel, each Sunday at 10:00 a.m."


Floyd Decker, 2811 St., Shreveport, Louisiana, Nov. 20: "Our meeting with Brother J. P. Staggs of Homer, La., is continuing with interest. The preaching is outstanding and just what we need. We are having excellent song services led by Brother Hugh L. Fuller, our regular song director. My tract on "Instrumental Music Is Unscriptural" is again ready for distribution. I am sorry but this time I must get $6.00 per hundred for them or ten cents single copy by mail."


Judson Woodbridge, Mulvane, Kansas, Nov. 17: "Three baptized and one identified as member yesterday. A fine Christian couple placed membership with us a week ago."


Luther G. Roberts, 2110 West 2nd Ave., Corsicana, Texas, Nov. 14: "I began on Sept. 21st of this year what has been so far, and what promises to be in the future, a pleasant work with the West Side church, 1465 West 2nd Ave., this city. The congregation has about 180 members with a church building that will seat some 400 people. The Bible school attendance averages about what the total membership of the church is, and the contribution averages approximately $2.20 each member per week. The church has an excellent meetinghouse erected four years ago and would be conservatively valued at $100,000 at the present time. They owe $6,000 on the property. The three congregations of Corsicana plan a teacher's training course to be conducted at the West Side building Dec. 8 to 12. The classes are to be held each evening at 7:30. Sister Claude B. Holcomb is to conduct the class for teachers of pre-school and primary grades. Sister Luther G. Roberts is to instruct the teachers of the intermediate and junior grades, and I am to teach the class for teachers of senior and adult Bible classes. Surrounding congregations are invited to attend and have a part in this work."


John W. Brosch, Fritch, Texas, Nov. 18: "I began my second year here in October. There church here is at peace and working together for the spread of the gospel. The past year's work has been very pleasant with 20 additions and interest and attendance much better."


Bill Cavender, 7724 Mohawk, Dallas, Texas, Nov. 18: "One was baptized at the Love Field church on Nov. 9. There have been over 40 responses in the past four months. We plan to construct a new building next summer."