Devoted to the Propagation and Defense of New Testament Christianity
September 4, 1952

An Urgent Appeal From Haarlem, Holland

Jimmy Wood, Odessa, Texas

We take pleasure in appealing to Christians in this country to help our brethren in Haarlem, Holland. The Northside Church of Christ in Odessa is supporting the Harry Paynes in Haarlem, and has taken the additional responsibility of publicizing the work there as much as possible. Recently our brethren in Haarlem have been able to purchase a 12-room house that is well adapted to their needs. They have been able to pay only $5,000 of the $11,000 that the building cost, and need our help in retiring the debt of $6,000 left against the property.

The building will be a great asset to the work of the church in Holland and was sorely needed by our brethren there. Their work has been continually hampered because of the lack of a suitable place for the church to meet. This building will provide them with this need, as well at furnish them with living quarters for two of the families that work there.

The house is three stories high, of solid masonry construction, contains two upstairs apartments, with plenty of closet and storage space, and has ample room for a church auditorium, that will seat about 200, two class rooms, and an office on the lower floor. Brother Payne writes that the central heating unit alone would cost some $2,000 in this country. Brother Gary Adams writes that they plan to follow a Dutch custom in using every single foot of space in the building, and utilizing it to the glory of the Lord's church in Holland. We feel that our brethren have been indeed fortunate in securing this property at such a low cost and that brethren here should really respond to their plea for help.

The accompanying picture will give you an idea of the beauty of the building, and the excellent state of repair it is in. Very few alterations were necessary and very little redecorating had to be done. The church in Haarlem has assumed the responsibility of taking care of these things. Brother and sister Harry Payne and children have already moved into the third floor apartment, and brother and sister Bill Richardson will live in the apartment on the second floor. The church began meeting in the building early in June, and they write that they have already seen an increase in attendance.

Here is how you can help. A mortgage of $5,871.45 is held against the building, and we would like to see this mortgage retired this year if at all possible. Regardless of how little 'or how much you can help your contributions are urgently needed if this mortgage is to be retired. Perhaps the congregation where you worship has intended to spend some money in a foreign field this year. We are hoping that all who read this article will find it possible to help in some way. If you would like to be kept informed about this work, write us and we will send you the Holland Mission News each month. In closing let us urge you again to send a contribution to this deserving field within the near future. If you would like to write brother Payne in Holland, his address is Harry E. Payne, Spruitenboschstratt 9, Haarlem, Netherlands.


New Book On Preachers

A new book giving sketches and pictures of gospel preachers is to be published this fall by the Christian Press of Nashville, Tennessee. Over 900 sketches have already been received, but before the book goes to press the editors would like to have several hundred more sketches of gospel preachers.

The book will sell for $3.50 after publication, but can be ordered now for $3.00 per copy. Sketches of pioneers like Early Arceneaux, 'G. H. P. Showalter, Life Sanders, S. A. Ribble, James F. Cox, Marshall Keeble and many others will make the book interesting and valuable. If you know of some gospel preacher who should have received an information blank, but who has not yet, please write to The Christian Press, 3909 Granny White Pike. You may order your copy through the Gospel Guardian.