Devoted to the Propagation and Defense of New Testament Christianity
June 21, 1951
NUMBER 8, PAGE 8b-9a

Adventures In Good Reading

Earl West

THE WAY INTO THE HOLIEST, by F. B. Meyer; Baker Book House, 1951, 277 pages, ($2.50)

It is rarely possible for one to fully endorse a given book, and especially is this true when that book is written by a high dignitary in denominationalism. F. B. Meyer belonged to the Church of England, and gained his greatest fame at Christ Church in London. As is typical of such men, he believed in some "mystical," universal church made up of all Protestant and Catholic sects. This idea lurks in the background of the book. Still however, the author is recognized as being a master in expository preaching. Perhaps no small part of this reputation is due to his excellent use of the English language. But few writers and preachers have as flowing and picturesque style as has Meyer.

THE WAY INTO THE HOLIEST is a series of expository sermons on the book of Hebrews. There are thirty-five sermons in this book, which gives a fairly complete coverage of the Hebrew epistle. These are brief, well-outlined, and thoroughly suggestive of interesting lines of thought. The book will be of special interest to preachers. Admittedly, no preacher would want to take these sermons and try to preach them as the author himself did. But for that person who is looking for good sermon ideas, or suggestive lines of thought, it is not often that he could spend $2.50 and get more for his money than he can by purchasing this book.

LET'S GO FISHING FOR MEN, by Homer Hailey, Chronicle Publishing Co., 1951, 174 pages, ($2.50)

Brother Homer Hailey, teacher of Bible in Abilene Christian College, is one of the foremost thinkers and Bible teachers in the church today. He is a close and careful student of the Sacred Word, and whether he is engaged in teaching, preaching or writing, this fact becomes increasingly obvious. In his new book, LET'S GO FISHING FOR MEN, just off the press, brother Hailey not only gives some vital information on how to do personal work, but clearly reveals that even on this subject, the Bible is a worthy textbook.

"It is time that the church restudy its methods, increase its efforts and improve its means of teaching and persuading people to 'repent and turn to the Lord'." These words from the author form the fundamental thesis of the thirteen chapters that comprise this work. It is not enough, brother Hailey believes, for the church to have two evangelistic meetings a year, and two sermons each Lord's Day. This is necessary, but if any major affront is made on the devil's ramparts, each individual Christian must become a personal worker. This necessitates knowing how to do the work which is the subject matter of the book.

Brother Hailey is himself a student in the full import of that word. LET'S GO FISHING FOR MEN was clearly written for students. This, paradoxically enough, is both the strong and weak point of the book. It is good that brother Hailey has given us a book that is weighty, serious and not of the "mine run' material. However, many people are lazy mentally, and may be less willing to think than the author is. However, LET'S GO FISHING FOR MEN is an excellent work, and will undoubtedly enjoy a wide sale.

(All books reviewed in this column may be purchased from the Cogdill Publishing Company, Box 980, Lufkin, Texas.)