Devoted to the Propagation and Defense of New Testament Christianity
June 7, 1951

Talks With Teachers

The Vacation Bible School At Work

Marian White, 4667 - 12Th Ave. So., St. Petersburg, Florida

(Many vacation Bible schools are now in progress. Therefore, the following suggestions deal mainly with the operation of such a school rather than the organization of one. Teachers in these schools are urged to send to me ideas and suggestions that made their school a success. This information will be kept on file for a spring article next year.)

Teacher's Prayer Meeting

A five minute teachers' prayer meeting daily before the school starts will set the proper spirit for the day. Daily Schedule 8:55 - 9:00 — Teachers' prayer meeting 9:00 - 9:20 — Opening assembly 9:20 - 10:10 — First period 10:10 - 10:30 — Recess 10:30 - 11:15 — Second period 11:15 - 11:30 — Closing assembly

Orderly Division Into Classes

To avoid confusion the first day, have each teacher stand by his section in the auditorium. (The youngest class should be on the front row) The children are then called into the auditorium by the grades assigned to each teacher.


Make two classrooms out of one room with screens. Secure the use of a porch of a nearby house.

Have an outdoor class of an older group.

Put two classes in the auditorium.

Lesson Plan Chart

On large sheets of paper, make a lesson plan chart for each week. Divide a sheet into five sections—one for each school day. Write in the sections the story, the memory work, the songs, the handwork and the list of handwork supplies needed for that day. Indicate the time for the day's activities at one side. Check these plans each night as you prepare the next day's work.


Insist on good discipline the first day and you will have little trouble. Try to spot trouble makers and quietly re-seat them the next day.

Give responsibilities to the above and praise their efforts.

Above all, have a well-prepared lesson and plenty of handwork to keep the class busy.

Quiet Assembly Dismissal

The children are usually noisy at the close of the school day. Here is a suggestion that will empty building quickly and quietly. Have a teacher or a pupil stand with his back to the assembly. Tell the teacher (or pupil) to turn around when he (or she) thinks the auditorium is empty.

Roll Call

From the first day, keep a list of each child's name, age, grade, address, telephone, and Sunday school he attends. Check those who ride the church bus. (Give a list of the latter to the year round driver of the bus. Also check those who attend no regular Bible study.

To avoid class interruption, post the daily attendance outside the classroom door.


All handwork should be simple, related to the lesson and accurate in teaching the scriptures. Samples of completed handwork should be on display for the children to see as they work. Check daily to be sure that each child writes his name on his handwork. Handwork for the final exhibit should be kept in the classroom but it is a good idea to have some handwork for the children to take home daily. They expect it and it encourages new children to attend.


Exhibition of handwork may be made on walls, the floor, screens, tables, bulletin boards, etc. Hold in place with scotch tape, thumbtacks, nails, adhesive tape (on cement walls), cord. Label types of handwork clearly, Group each type of handwork by itself or put each child's work by itself. (The latter aids in quick distribution after the exhibit.) Floor exhibits can be effectively set out on white wrapping paper. Coat hangers are ready to hold handwork (such as birds) suspended on strings.

Teacher's Report (To be put on file)

Teacher's name Grades taught Course studied Books ordered Total enrollment No. new pupils No. riding bus Supplies ordered (attach) Roll (Attach separate sheet with complete information on each child.)


Visit within a week the home of each new child who attended the school. If you are not the regular Bible study teacher, take her with you and introduce her. If possible, take a New Testament with each child's name written in it as a present for the child.

Chronological Test (Intermediates And Seniors)

In each of the following, underline the two people who lived at the same time. (Example: Shem Jacob Ham)

1. Peter Moses Andrew 2. Absalom Solomon Job 3. Lazarus Nehemiah Judas 4. Samuel Elijah Saul 5. Ezra Elijah Elisha 6. Orpah Dorcas Ruth 7. Lot Methuselah Noah 8. Isaac Abraham Joshua 9. Moses Gideon Aaron 10. Goliath Daniel David NEXT MONTH: How to Plan A Lesson.