Devoted to the Propagation and Defense of New Testament Christianity
April 10, 1952
NUMBER 48, PAGE 13,15b


H. C. Winnett, Box 785, Brownsville, Texas, April 2: "Last Sunday, March 30, one young wife was baptized and her husband restored. A husband, wife and daughter of the Ketcherside faction renounced their error."


James H. McBroom, 1819 Glen Echo Rd., Nashville, Tenn., April 2: "The Green Hills Church of Christ on the corner of Hillsboro Road and Castleman Drive keeps growing. Thirteen Christians associated themselves with us recently. We have doubled our parking lot and set out shrubbery. J. P. Gaither of Gallatin begins our meeting May 18. April 6th will be the first anniversary in our new building."


Jimmy Bays, 3621 W. Second, Wichita, Kansas, April 2: "Every attendance record was broken in April, too we had our highest collections for our work. Ted Norton did excellent preaching in our spring meeting — two baptisms and ten to be restored. Three more recent baptisms. At present I am with the church in Augusta, Kansas, in their spring meeting. Until April 1st Arnott Louder worked with them and did immeasurable good. July and August I will be in Tennessee in meetings the Lord willing. We are now having regular services at one of the Rest homes in the city."


Raymond Whittington, Carthage, Texas, April 3: 'We have planned a meeting to be conducted in Longbranch, Texas, in the auditorium of the school building April 13-20. I will preach and Charles Nelson will direct singing. There is no church in Longbranch. Our meeting here in Carthage will begin May 5 and continue through May 15. Wilburn Whittington of Paris, Texas, will preach and Charles Nelson of Carthage will direct song service."


Roy E. Cogdill, Lufkin, Texas, April 9: "Our work at Timberland Drive church in Lufkin is now one year old. We have made splendid progress. While several of our families have moved out of the city, others have joined forces with us and our work has grown. We are now in our new building and are justly proud of it. In the last year we have averaged $291 per Sunday contribution. We have spent more than $9,000 on our church property out of our regular contributions. Last Lord's Day was a good day with us. We had 133 in our Bible classes and two of the best audiences for the preaching services that we have had. In the past two Sundays we have had six additions, four by membership, one restoration, and we baptized a fine business man in our city. We are in the midst of a splendid gospel meeting this week with H. Osby Weaver of Greenville, Texas, doing the preaching. Our auditorium is well filled at the services already and we are expecting it to overflow before the week is over. Brother Weaver is doing some fine, straightforward preaching. The entire service each evening is being carried over a local radio station. We are very grateful for the good work that has been done and look forward to the continuing and increasing good of the future."


Stanley J. Lovett, 405 E. Burleson St., Marshall, Texas, April 8, 1952: "On April 6, I concluded three and one-half years of work with the Houston and Broadway church in Kilgore, Texas. I begin April 9 with the Burleson Street church in Marshall, Texas."


M. C. Cuthbertson, Los Angeles, California, April 1: "Central 12th and Hoover Streets, here in Los Angeles, has just closed a fine meeting in which twelve outside speakers had a part. The best attendance and interest for some time, was manifest in this meeting. Thirty-five churches were represented one or many times during the meeting. The men were all very fine, and every sermon was true to the Book. I have recently spoken at Compton, East Long Beach, and West Los Angeles. I am to be with the Santa Rosa church for three evenings next week, during a special meeting. Brother Earl Austin, who about a year ago was baptized from the Baptist, spoke for us recently, and he is making a very active member."


Preacher Available

J. Roy Waldrum, Fort Stockton, Texas, Box 1164, April 11

"After three enjoyable years with the church here and having seen a very successful building program concluded, I feel that it would be best for the cause of the Lord for me to make a change. The church has my resignation effective September 1 of this year. Any church needing my services please contact me here."


Olen Holderby, 408 E. Third. Casa Grande, Arizona, March 31: "The work goes well here in all respects. During the month of March we had 10 responses — five baptisms, three restorations and two placed membership. Interest is good and our building is filled to near capacity every Lord's Day."


Thomas B. Warren, Galena Park, Texas, April 2: "On March 27, 28, F. F. Conley, gospel preacher of Texas City, met Mr. M. C. Hughes, a Missionary Baptist preacher of the same city, in debate on the question of the possibility of apostasy. Brother Conley proved himself able to uphold the truth and to meet the erroneous doctrines of the Baptists. Mr. Hughes proved that he had very little conception as to what a religious debate is supposed to be. He did not even take notes on brother Conley's speeches, showing plainly that he had no intention of even trying to answer the arguments made. This was Mr. Hughes first debate and my prediction is that it will be the last time Baptists will call on him to defend their beliefs. Brother Conley not only gained ground with the audience by the force of his arguments, but by his fine conduct as a Christian gentleman. Excellent audiences attended both nights. Brethren, the right kind of debates will do much good. I moderated for brother Conley. William Reeves of Fairlawn, New Jersey, will be with us here in Galena Park in a gospel meeting April 20 through April 29."


Robert A. Bolton, Box 653, Chowchilla, California, April 4: "Although there is much left to be desired in the work of the church here, the first three months of the year saw six baptized into Christ, three restored and two placing membership. We are having a special series of Gospel Meetings here May 11 through May 25. The theme is "Christ" and with a different speaker from this area each evening, we anticipate a very profitable two-week period of "feasting on the Bread of Life." We urge all in this area who are interested in the spread of the truth to support our efforts by prayer, and attendance if possible, that lost men and women might be added to the body of Christ"