Devoted to the Propagation and Defense of New Testament Christianity
April 3, 1952

Adventures In Reading

(All books intended for review in this column should be sent to Earl West, 25 N. Layman, Indianapolis, Indiana.)

W. W. Tynes, "WHAT IT MEANS TO BE A CHRISTIAN," Published by W. W. Tynes, 1951, 134 pages.

Brother Winston Tynes of Tulsa, Oklahoma, the author of this book, has crowded into sixteen chapters some excellent thought for the growing child of God. Fundamentally, the Christian life embraces two factors: honors and responsibilities. The Christian is a member of God's family, wears the name of "Christian," the same as worn by early disciples, can approach his heavenly Father through prayer. But he also has responsibilities. He must worship God in spirit and in truth, be ready always to give an answer for the hope he enjoys, must possess the mind of Christ. These are but a few of the worthwhile thoughts brought out in the book.

What It Means To Be A Christian can be studied with great profit by class groups in a congregation. It would be well to indoctrine young people in these fundamental truths, or a class at a mid-week service could equally well study them.

The book is attractively bound in red cloth, and would be a valuable addition to any Christian's library.


THE HOUCHEN-TATUM DEBATE, Published by Hoyt Houchen, 216 pages, $1.00.

This debate is one held between Hoyt Houchen, minister of the Central Church of Christ in Amarillo, Texas, and Mr. Ray Tatum of the Glenwood Baptist Church in Amarillo. The discussion was held in Municipal Auditorium in Amarillo on the nights of December 26-29, 1950.

It covers such subjects as "The Establishment of the Church," "Baptism," "Apostasy," and "Premillennialism."

Although brother Houchen is a young man, he is an ardent and devoted student of the Bible. He loves the truth, and in a plain and emphatic way he pressed it in this discussion. This book will prove valuable reading for individuals looking for information on these vital scripture subjects. It is reasonably priced at only $1.00, and is well worth the money.


Mack Kercheville, 59 Luna St., El Paso, Texas, March 26: "Saturday, March 22, a Mexican man and his wife were baptized in Las Cruces, New Mexico, which marks the beginning of the church among Spanish speaking people in that city. I have been doing personal work among the Mexican people there one day each week since January 1. The El Paso Mexican church has already grown more since January 1 than it did in the whole year of 1941. Seven people have been baptized. Attendance, contribution and general interest has increased considerably. To God be all the glory."