Heaven - The Abode Of The Faithful
In all life's rush and tumult, in this world of sin and darkness there is one thing that gives sunlight to the soul of the saint — the hope of heaven.
Heaven is described as a place of beauty. There the light of God's presence illumes. There is no darkness, mental or moral. No twilight is there. This sun will never set.
Heaven is a place of undisturbed repose. This is a wilderness; it is a scene of toil, suffering and conflict. In heaven all these are unknown. There is rest, entire and eternal.
Heaven is a prepared place for a prepared people. Christ's life, His death, His resurrection, His entry into heaven was to prepare heaven for the prepared. "I go to prepare a place for you..." But we must prepare ourselves if we want to live there. None but obedient believers have a title to a mansion there.
Are we the friends and disciples of Christ? Let us rejoice, not only in what He did for us on earth, but in what He is doing for us in heaven. Heaven is the abode of the faithful — is it for you?