William J. Hart, 235 North Elk St., Casper, Wyoming, Feb. 11: "I preached at Sheridan, Wyoming, yesterday. There is a small but faithful group meeting in that city of 12,000 people in the northern part of the state."
Hoyt H. Houchen, 2110 Lipscomb St., Amarillo, Texas, Feb. 27: "During 1951 there were 199 additions here at Central, 14th and Monroe: 40 baptisms, 56 restorations, and 103 memberships. Our Bible classes averaged 518 for the year and the contributions averaged $1,026.61 per Lord's day. The new building at 40th and Lipscomb is nearing completion and this work under the direction of Central is scheduled to begin on April 20th. The elders here have selected brother Jack L. Mackey of Weslaco, Texas, to be the preacher for this work. Ford Carpenter is ably assisting me in the work here at Central and we are enjoying and appreciating the fine cooperation and the spirit of unity which prevails. Central is a good congregation with a fine eldership. For $1.00 I shall be glad to send you a copy of the Houchen-Tatum debate, a debate between a Fundamental Baptist preacher and me that was held here in Amarillo. When coming our way, visit us. Our budget for 1952 calls for $60,650.00."
Report On Debate
It was my privilege to accompany brother Wilson Coon to Cheyenne, Wyoming, the week of February 11 through 16 and to hear him debate Mr. Isaac J. Smith, Missionary Baptist from Pueblo, Colorado. The church in Cheyenne issued an emergency call to Dallas for an expert debater to defend the truth and brother Coon was contacted for the work. He did an excellent job. The truth prevailed mightily and the church in Cheyenne was greatly strengthened. Mr. Smith will be in Dallas later this year to debate brother Coon again and toward the last of the year I am to meet Mr. Smith in debate. If anyone is ever in need of someone to defend the truth in honorable public discussions, brother Coon will always fill the bill. The truth will not suffer in his hands.
— Texas H. Stevens
Hogland-Yandell Debate
The elders at Tuttle, Oklahoma, have asked Ward Hogland of Fort Smith, Arkansas, to meet I. W. Yandell (Baptist) of Oklahoma City, in a four nights debate. The establishment of the Church, Baptism, and Faith Only will be discussed. It will be conducted in the high school auditorium at Tuttle from April 7-10. Brother Hogland needs no further introduction to any who have heard him.
— L. K. Tuner
A Debate In Waco
Beginning on Monday evening, March 10, I am to engage A. J. Wall, Missionary Baptist preacher from Longview, in a five nights discussion. Due to the fact that our building in East Waco will not take care of the crowds expected, we have secured the Columbus Avenue Church of Christ building at 1525 Columbus. Services will begin each evening at 7:30 and will include two thirty minute speeches by each speaker. Subjects will cover the Church Question, Baptism, and Apostasy. Brother Will Thompson of Atoka, Oklahoma, will be my moderator. We are expect-large audiences-and a good debate.
—Thos. McDonald, East Waco church of Christ
Dean Bullock, 312 N. Waldrip, Grand Saline, Texas, March 1: "My work here is pleasant and enjoyable. The congregation seems to be making substantial progress. Attendance is good and our contributions are slowly increasing. We are making plans to begin work on our new building soon. I think that it can be arranged for this church to support me in two mission meetings. I would like to hear from small congregations wanting the pure gospel, but are unable to fully support a preacher in a meeting."
Olen Holderby, 408 E. 3rd, Casa Grande, Arizona, Feb. 25: "Seven were baptized here February 17. Five responded to the invitation yesterday. February 24, two restored, two baptized and one placed membership. In spite of much illness, we averaged 168 in attendance for February."
"Facts And Figures"
Ralph A. Casey, 2201 Pine Trail, S. E., Atlanta, Georgia, Feb. 7: "I am now publishing a monthly bulletin called FACTS AND FIGURES which reveals, by monthly statistical reports, the rapid growth of the church in each state and in foreign fields. This growth is shown by the total number of baptisms reported, the total number of denominationalists converted, preachers converted, new congregations established and debates held together with other interesting reports. Subscription prices are $1.00 for ten months or $2.00 FOR TWO YEARS. If you would like a courtesy copy for examination, make your request to the above address and it shall be granted."
W. Herman Neill, Box 464, Clute, Texas, Feb. 22: "Lord's day evening March 2 will bring to a close eight months of very profitable work with the church here in Clute. On March 3, we will move to Seminole, Texas, to work with the church in that city. Since we came to Clute on July 1, 1951, forty have been added to our working forces from all sources. The audiences have increased until it became necessary to enlarge the auditorium so as to be able to seat the enlarged crowds. Bible school attendance above any record of the past, and the contributions also. There are some of the best people here that it has ever been my good fortune to be associated with and it is with regret that we leave. Brother Paul Foutz, minister of the church in Sweetwater, Texas, will be with the church in Seminole, to do the preaching in a series of gospel meetings March 19 through 30. We are looking forward with a great deal of pleasure to our new work with the church in Seminole."
SINGING SCHOOLS Ralph A. Casey, 2201 Pine Trail, S. E., Atlanta, Georgia, Feb. 7: "The first two weeks of March I will be in a singing school at Atmore, Alabama. With my projector, slides, screen and tape recorder I am prepared to bring to the local church what is in all probability the most practical and efficient singing school for the local congregation available today. The rudiments of music are taught by the lecture method from the screen and are indelibly stamped upon the minds of the students, especially the young folk. Some time is spent with the young children in the learning and singing of children's songs. Time for training song leaders is also given. The tape recorder helps to reveal and correct errors in the congregation's singing. I am now booking singing schools for this spring and summer. If you are interested, write me at the above address. I will be glad to consider a singing school in conjunction with a gospel meeting or either one separately."
Grover D. Stevens, 1218 Phyllis Ave., Louisville 16, Kentucky, Feb. 29: "There were 35 baptized, 36 placed membership, eight restored and seven restored and placed membership at Taylor Boulevard during 1951. Of this number, 13 came out of religious error. Four were former Baptists, two were Episcopalians, one came from the Christian Church, one from the Catholics, two from the Evangelical and Reform Church, and three renounced premillennial error. So far this year, we have had two to be baptized, three restored and six to place membership. Brother J. T. Marlin of Mayfield, Kentucky, will be with us for a meeting March 16 through 25."
James W. Reynolds, 136 Vernon Place, Pueblo, Colorado, Feb. 26: "Four more adults were baptized Sunday. This makes 10 baptisms, three restored, and one to be identified in the first two months of this year. Our Homecoming for the Pueblo church is Sunday, March 2, and I begin a meeting the 3rd of March at Canon City, Colorado."
Richard Donley, 417 West Dimmit, Crystal City, Texas: "I have been working with the good church here for two weeks. Texas sunshine feels good after five years in the North. I have time for one meeting this summer, and shall be glad to go anywhere I am needed."
Two Opportunities To Help In The Mexican Field
Here are two good opportunities for churches wishing to do their evangelistic work by the direct method rather than through some "sponsoring" arrangement.
Brother Manuel P. Gutierrez, of Juarez, Mexico, just across the river from El Paso needs about $50 per month more support. He is being supported at present by about five different congregations which send their contributions to him direct, and to which he makes regular monthly reports. One of these congregations is dropping out because of other work.
Brother Gabriel Ortiz is preaching here in El Paso for the Mexican church at Luna & Rivera Streets. He needs between $75 and $100 more per month. The contributions may be sent to him direct or to the Luna & Rivera Streets church.
Both of these men are recognized as worthy by congregations in the El Paso area. Further information about them and their work will be furnished gladly upon request.
— Mack Kercheville, 59 Luna St., El Paso, Texas