Plans have been made and propositions signed for a debate in Charleston, W. Va., June 18-21, between James D. Bales, Christian, and Woolsey Teller, atheist. The debate will be held in the Municipal Auditorium which has a seating capacity of about five thousand. Propositions for discussion will be (1) "Resolved that atheistic naturalism furnishes a rational explanation of the universe and a basis for morality"; (Teller affirming) and (2) "Resolved that the Bible is the word of God." (Bales affirming). All the congregations in the Charleston area are cooperating in the planning and financing of this debate.
The debate came about as a result of exchanges in the letters to the editor columns in two local papers. The atheists were making their boasts that no informed minister would face the issue. None of the sectarian preachers had the courage to reply to this, but five of the preachers of the church of Christ placed an article in the paper letting it be known that the challenge was accepted. We are hoping to have brethren in attendance from all over this section of the country.
TEXAS NORMAL SINGING SCHOOL Edgar Furr, Sabinal, Texas: "The seventh annual session of the Texas Normal Singing School is to open June 1, 1952. This little school, though small as compared to other efforts, has rendered an outstanding service to the church of Christ in America. It started as an effort to help congregations in Texas who were in dire need of training a song leader. The first year, more than 30 boys attended from various parts of Texas. Beginning with the second year, boys began to pour in from over the nation until more than 16 states have been benefited by this work and more than 300 song leaders and 22 gospel preachers have been recruited to the work of the Lord. Many of these boys are now local preachers and some the sole dependent for song leading of many congregations. Brethren over the states will do well to sit up and take notice of this work. Write for other information and literature. Look for the folder that will be mailed to every congregation in many states, ask your preacher not to throw this material in the wastebasket, give the young and older men alike, an opportunity to be recruited for the service of the Lord. For information write the winter office, Box 187, Natalia, Texas."
V. E. Howard, 3720 Washington, St., Greenville, Texas: "The debate between Julian Pope, Missionary Baptist, and V. E. Howard, church of Christ, will be conducted in Shreveport, La., March 3rd through 6th, in an exhibits building on State Fair grounds. The building will seat some 2,000 people. A large crowd is expected to attend, including many visitors. The propositions to be discussed are: (1) "The scriptures teach that baptism to the penitent believer is essential to his salvation from past and alien sins." Affirm: V. E .Howard; Deny: Julian Pope. (2) "The scriptures teach that salvation comes at the point of faith without further acts of obedience." Affirm: Julian Pope; Deny: V. E. Howard. (3) "The scriptures teach that a child of God can so sin as to be finally lost" Affirm: V. E. Howard; Deny: Julian Pope. (4) "The scriptures teach that it is impossible for a child of God to so sin as to be finally lost" Affirm: Julian Pope; Deny: V. E. Howard. The Central Baptist Church in Shreveport will sponsor Mr. Pope and V. E. Howard speaks with the endorsement of the Portland Avenue church of Christ in Shreveport. For more than eight years brother Howard has conducted a radio broadcast each Sunday, 8:16-8:45 a.m., over the 50,000 watt station in Shreveport, KWKH. Mr. Pope conducted a program over the same station two or three years."
Willis Jernigan, 424 West Second Street, Spur, Texas, Jan. 28: "During the past month six responded to the invitation, including the baptism of one of our young men who leaves soon for Korea. Sunday, February 3 will mark the beginning of my fourth year with this church. Our spring meeting will be conducted from March 9 through March 19 with brother Perry B. Cotham of Paris, Texas, as preacher."