Devoted to the Propagation and Defense of New Testament Christianity
May 17, 1951

W. C. Porter Associate Editor

We are happy to announce that brother W. Curtis Porter of Monette, Arkansas, has accepted our invitation to join the staff of the Gospel Guardian as an Associate Editor. This is in keeping with our desire to strengthen the staff by the addition of sound and capable men, who are conversant with the grave issues now facing the church, and who have both the ability and the willingness to discuss those issues in the light of scripture teaching.

W. Curtis Porter has for a number of years been recognized as one of the clearest thinking gospel preachers in the land. He has engaged in a considerable number of debates with sectarian groups, and has been, and is, in frequent demand for these activities. The truth has never suffered in his hands; indeed, his writings have become a sort of "text-book," and are so carefully studied by younger preachers who are having to meet denominational errors. Brother Porter has written much for the religious papers, and was a particularly valuable member of the staff of the Bible Banner. He will be no stranger, therefore, to our older readers. And several thousand new subscribers, who did not receive the Banner, will quickly come to recognize and appreciate the power of the Porter pen. His writings on how to meet denominational false teaching will be particularly helpful to the seven or eight hundred young gospel preachers (students in the various colleges) who are receiving the Guardian.

With James W. Adams and W. Curtis Porter added to our editorial staff, we feel the Guardian is in a position to go forward into even greater usefulness and service than in the past. They add read strength and balance to us. We are certain our readers will approve and appreciate their addition.

— F. Y. T.

Our Contributors

During the past year we have published articles from 141 different writers. We believe this represents by far a greater variety of talent than has been found in any other religious journal circulated among simple Christians. Most of these articles (though not all) have been sent to us by faithful gospel preachers; a few have come from able and earnest brethren who are not preachers. And some five or six are articles which we have taken from denominational sources, but which we considered to have unusual merit or significance. Then we have taken articles from about half a dozen men who are no longer in the land of the living, but who left writings that are peculiarly appropriate to some of our modern problems: David Lipscomb, M. C. Kurfees, J. N. Armstrong, F. D. Srygley, J. D. Tant, H. Leo Boles, C. W. Sewell, and J. F. Rowe.

Our contributors have been geographically scattered all over the nation, from California on the west to New York City on the east, and from Florida to Canada. We have also published articles from brethren in Africa. Italy, Belgium, and Honolulu. About twenty-five or thirty states here in the nation are represented in our roster of contributors. This is an immense spread, and is indicative of the wide coverage of the Guardian, and of the intense interest that prevails in the battle she wages for preserving the truth and purity of the gospel of Christ. We have here a medium through which scores of faithful men can find expression; this paper provides the means for a free, full, and fair discussion of the questions that arise. While we certainly do have definite convictions on the issues now before the church, we recognize that there are sincere and honest men who differ from us. In open and brotherly discussion there is the hope of achieving unity. We believe in it, and we practice it.

— F. Y. T.