Clifton Trimble, 4636 Hazel, Chicago, April 29: "One restored at the Downtown congregation today. Chicago is now on Daylight Saving Time and will continue so until September. This is to save confusion for visitors coming to Chicago who expect to worship with us."
Hoyt Bailey, 517 West State, Enid, Okla.: "Fifty-three have responded here during the past ten and one half months, contributions the past four weeks have averaged twice the amount of the contributions ten months ago, construction on our new building is moving forward and we hope to enter it in about two months. I am to be in Birmingham, Ala. for a meeting the first two Sundays of June. I have time for meetings in 1952."
M. C. Cuthbertson, 1220 Eldon Ave., Los Angeles 6, Calif., April 26: "Our work here at Central has shown improvement during this month, with the best attendance and contributions we have had. Some restored and by membership. I was with the church in Eugene, Ore., from March 14 through 25. Brother Clinton Storm is the regular preacher and doing a good work. They had just entered into their new building and it was the first meeting in it. Three were baptized and good otherwise accomplished. The churches and preachers in all that section were very fine in their help. Both churches in Salem were represented during the entire meeting. The work generally is looking up and has a good future. The Eugene church treated us in a very excellent way."
C. F. Jacobs, 1215 Ardee Ave., Nashville, Tenn., April 23: "Frank Pack, Abilene, Texas did the preaching in our meeting last week. Eight were baptized and two restored. You are invited to worship with the Trinity Lane congregation while in Nashville. The Gospel Guardian is great. I read every line in each copy.
Glenn: A. Parks, Camden, Arkansas, April 27: "It was my good pleasure to do the preaching in a meeting with the church at Haynesville, Louisiana from April 8 to April 18. There was one restoration. I served this congregation as local evangelist in other years for two periods, and very naturally, I enjoyed the opportunity of going back and meeting with former friends. Brother Harold V. Trimble is now serving as local evangelist and is doing a good work.
Our meeting begins here with West Washington Street congregation May 6 with brother J. C. Dawson of Conway, Arkansas doing the preaching."
Chester Estes, Sheffield, Ala.,: "Two who had been Baptist, a man and his wife, were baptized at Highland Park last Lord's Day. Two families who were Baptists have been baptized recently. We continue with our daily broadcast on WJOI, Florence."
Sgt. Elvis Bozarth April 27: "We ask that we be notified of any members at Camp Lejeune or Cherry Point Marine Bases, as well as civilians living in the area. We have members stationed in the various Areas and neighboring towns who will make immediate contacts. In our Area, there are three of us permanently located, and two students. I lecture to all new men coming in the area to school (about 700 per month) and thus contacts are easier. The Newport church, located between the bases, is the largest in Eastern N. C. We are enjoying a growth that will increase our possibilities for greater work for the Lord."
Flavil Yeakley, 7003 Fair Oak Ave., Dallas 6, Texas, April 24: "I have brought my work with the Central Church of Christ in Ardmore, Oklahoma to a close after a little more than. two years labor and have moved back to Dallas, Texas to work with the Vickery congregation. This is the congregation where brother A. 0. Colley labored just prior to his death. Please note my change or address and send me THE GOSPEL GUARDIAN to the above address."
Rufus R. Clifford, Old Hickory, Tenn., April 24.: "I did the preaching in a meeting for the church in Pine Bluff, Ark., from April 8-19. S. Leonard Tyler, local preacher, had everything ready for the meeting, and as a result, we had record crowds, high interest, nine baptisms and four restored. The church has under construction a new building, and the prospects for growth are the best' I have seen in some time. Brother Tyler is doing a remarkable work there. A. C. Dunkleberger and Harold Scott preached at home during my absence. Bro. Herman Moody and I will begin a meeting in Martinsville, Va., Sunday. Joe Gray will preach here."
Joe H. Morris, 2707 Ky. Ave., Paducah, Ky., April 23.: "One was baptized, one confessed wrongs, and three came by transfer of membership at Clements Street yesterday."
Jesse M. Kelley, 2905 Wingate Ave., Nashville, Tenn., April 30: "Five baptisms and one to place membership at Grandview Heights yesterday. There were two restorations in a meeting just closed at Gray's Point, Tenn. I was invited to return for another meeting next year."
H. F. Sharp, Box 213, Blytheville, Ark., April 26: "I am to meet Jim Balch, missionary Baptist, in debate May 1518. We are discussing general church propositions. The debate is to be at Dyess, Arkansas."
Homer A. Daniel, Box 1808, Chattanooga, Tenn., April 24: "My meeting at Seventh Ave. in Nashville, Tenn. resulted in 13 baptized, eight restored and three placed membership. W. A. Reagan led songs well. W. N. Loyd preached for this congregation and is well liked. I am in a good meeting with the Chattanooga Valley Church here in the Chattanooga area." x—0—x J. T. Marlin, Mayfield, Ky.: "Six were baptized in a meeting I recently conducted at Wewoka, Okla. Mardell Lynch is doing a splendid work there. The membership is 265. The first Sunday of the meeting 342 attended Bible Study. 404 attended the second Sunday. Fifty-three percent more in attendance than the membership. In the past two weeks four have been baptized here."
Paul C. Keller, 1506 31st St., Sheffield, Ala., April 23: "The work at Eastside continues to grow. I have submitted my resignation to take effect July 1."