Eaten Macon, 4707 - 12th Ave., Chattanooga, Tennessee, Jan. 28: "Two persons were baptized yesterday and two were recently restored. The work goes well here. I'm in my second year with the forty-seventh Street church."
Hines - Ballard Debate
This debate which was postponed has been re-set to be in the Woodin Boulevard church of Christ building (Dallas, Texas) February 26-29, each evening, beginning at 8:00 o'clock. Propositions in order: 1) Apostasy, 2) Baptism. Brother Wilson Coon will be my moderator.
— J. L. Hines
B. G. Hope, 1253 Chestnut St., Bowling Green, Kentucky: "Eleven have been baptized in the last three weeks at Twelfth Street. This makes a total of 13 since the first of the year. Two have been restored, and three have expressed a desire to work with Twelfth Street. Of those baptized, two were Seventh Day Adventists, two were Methodists, one a Presbyterian, one from the First Christian Church. Interest is growing in every way. Five hundred thirty-two attended Bible classes Sunday, the 18."
Tillman B. Pope, Box 217, Alma, Arkansas: "I gave up local work in 1942 and since then I have been doing general evangelistic work. I have been offered many places to work full time with a local congregation but I have chosen the evangelistic field, going anyplace where called. I would be glad to have elders and congregations to keep this in mind when you are planning for your meeting."
Clifton Trimble, 3509 Golf St., Nashville, Tennessee, Jan. 31: "Three have come to be restored since last report."