Devoted to the Propagation and Defense of New Testament Christianity
January 31, 1952


W .L. Douthitt, Box 1, North Uvalde, Texas, Jan. 26: "The church at Uvalde will need a preacher before long. Last Sunday I made my resignation public, which will take effect within a month or two. We have about 300 members, building full on Sunday morning, and night crowds are away above average. There is absolute peace and harmony here, with a very busy group of elders. We have a growing Mexican work. We have had five baptisms since last report."


Rufus Clifford, Box 282, Lawrenceburg, Tennessee, Jan. 19: "Our first two months with the Downtown Church here have been very pleasant and profitable. We began a new church across town last October, but we are having as many now in Bible Study as before, and the new work is nearing 300 in Bible Study. Our attendance at worship services and offerings are as large also as they were before the new work started. One has been baptized this month."


Ralph R. Givens, Morton, Texas, Jan. 21: "The work here continues to show some progress. A man and wife were baptized at the morning service yesterday and the husband of a Christian woman last night. I plan to move sometime soon, if you are looking for a preacher you may write me at the above address or phone 5161."


Eugene Britnell, Newark, Arkansas, Jan. 21: "On January 13 I terminated my work with the church in Manila, Ark., and am now with the church here. This is a splendid congregation that believes in doing the work the Lord intended for the church to do. We are looking forward to a profitable work. Please note the change of my address."


Flagstaff, Arizona, church is looking for a preacher to labor with them. They are able to pay an average salary, prefer an older man with some experience in local work, and would like for anyone interested, with a clean record and proper references, to contact them. Address: Church of Christ, Box 125, Flagstaff, Arizona.


James P. Needham, Rich Pond, Kentucky, Jan. 16: "Nov. 18, 1952, terminated my labors with the congregation at Maury, Tenn. I labored there for about 15 months. That section of the country is certainly a needy field. While I was there I preached in three mission meetings in that area. One congregation was established, a fine Bible class started in another community, a digressive church almost broken up, and Mr. Frank Perry challenged for a public discussion. Brother Earl Fly, who is one of my best friends, and a firm loyal gospel preacher, worked with me in two of these meetings, and is assisting the new congregation at this time. Brother Fly is doing an outstanding work in Crockett County in spite of the opposition from within which he has incurred. My work is very pleasant here. Since my coming two have been restored and one withdrawn from. The brethren here in general are fine spiritually minded Christians. Brother Kennith Fielder, now of Franklin, Tenn., and brother Robert Pressnell, now of Park Street in Bowling Green, Ky., both did wonderful works here. Brother B. G. Hope, brother Pressnell, and I have a daily radio program over WLBJ, Bowling Green. We think this is going to accomplish much."


Correction: In The Wrong Pew

The Mr. T. A. Drinkard whose article I reviewed and which you published in both the "Guardian" and "Landmarks," has just phoned me and demanded a printed correction. This, however, concerns what he is religiously and not the article. He can't demand a correction on the article because I quoted him verbatim and still have his articles. I called him a Baptist since I was informed he was but he is not a Baptist. Here are his words, "I am not a Baptist. I never have been, and I never could be. I am associated with the Church of God and not be confused with the 'Holiness'." As for me, I had just as soon be called a Baptist.

— Charles L. Heron, Arlington, Texas


M. Roy Stevens, 1208 9th St., Orange, Texas, Jan. 23: "We have recently closed our first years work with the congregation that meets at Ninth and Elm Streets in Orange. During this time there have been sixty-three additions from all sources. Twenty-two by baptism, fifteen by restoration, and twenty-six coming to us from other places. However during this time we have suffered the loss of over fifteen good substantial families, due to a slackening of industry here. Even though this is true all phases of the work are filled with enthusiasm and we are looking toward the future with zeal and for greater achievement, giving God praise through Christ. Brother Wallace Layton has recently visited us, representing the Gospel Guardian. He was received heartily and wrote forty-seven subscriptions among our folk. Others who were not called on have asked that the paper be sent to them. Any congregation wishing brother Layton to visit them may address him: P. 0. Box 980, Lufkin, Texas."


H. F. Sharp, Box 213, Blytheville, Arkansas, Jan. 21: "The church in Blytheville, Arkansas, closed a meeting last night with Denton Neal of Jackson, Tennessee. Brother Neal did his part well and our attendance was good. Three were restored and one baptized. Brother Neal was the first man to work full time with the church in Blytheville and he was able to preach over our daily radio program which he started about 18 years ago. We are glad he came our way and we feel better able to do the work expected of us in Blytheville."


Loyd L. Smith, 1903 Kinyon, Lawton, Oklahoma, Jan. 18: "The Lord willing, we will begin a new congregation in Lawton next Sunday, the 20th. This work is necessary because the others buildings are overflowing, with extra chairs being used each Sunday at both 8th and Lee and 6th and Arlington. In addition, our city has doubled in population the last ten years. We will meet temporarily in the auditorium on the Whittier school at Oak and Laird Streets. This is the northwest section of town, where most of the new development has been. The two congregations bought a very valuable location in this section several months ago, and we hope to have a good building on it in the not too distant future. I will preach for the new group for a time. Of course this work is being started with the cooperation of the other congregations, and we have every reason to expect the same fellowship to continue that has characterized the work here in the past. We will be glad to do all we can to contact those here who should be in services."