Devoted to the Propagation and Defense of New Testament Christianity
January 24, 1952
Preacher's Double-Talk
Politicians are adept in the art of double-talk—the art of saying one thing and meaning another. But "professional" preachers are not far behind.
Below I have listed, in the left column a round down of such expressions as you frequently hear from some preachers. In the right column are explanations of what they usually mean.
1. "Due to my wife's hay-fever, I have reluctantly decided to move." | 1. "I'm fed up with this place." |
2. "The other field seems to offer a greater opportunity for good." | 2. "They pay more over there." |
3. "While I've made no definite commitments concerning my future, and much as I hate to leave this good church ..." | 3. "I'm anxious to move, and nowhere to go." |
4. "At the lectureship I enjoyed the fellowship of many good brethren." | 4. "I made some good connections at the lectureship." |
5. "I love your soul." | 5. "I hate your guts." |
6. "Hello. Yes, this is Dr. Jones. I'm the Minister of the Valley Heights church of Christ." | 6. "I'd call myself 'Reverend,' but the brotherhood won't allow it." |
7. "The Lord abundantly blessed our efforts. The brethren there say it was the best meeting in their history." | 7. "I'm the best preacher they've ever had." |
8. "This passage is, admittedly, most difficult to explain." | 8. "Let's see now. How can I get around this passage?" |
9. "I can't see why brother Doakes is always praised as such an outstanding preacher. I've never thought he was really that good." | 9. "I think I can preach better than brother Doakes." |
10. "Brother Brown, while this cannot be considered official, it may be that our elders would consider you for a meeting next year." | 10. "Brother Brown, if I get you a meeting next year, will you get me one?" |
11. "So far as I know, brother Smith is sound as a dollar." | 11. "Brother Smith has never disagreed with me." |
12. "Our records show a membership of about 700, although I must admit that some of these are not as active as they should be." | 12. "We have about 200 members worth shooting." |