Devoted to the Propagation and Defense of New Testament Christianity
December 20, 1951

He Dood It

Charles M. Campbell, Akron, Ohio

Again Billington does the job in apple-pie order. The following comments published in the regular weekly display advertisement of the Akron Baptist Temple will show the ability of the "Pastor and Founder" in the field of hermeneutics.

"Mark 3:25—And if a house be divided against itself, that house cannot stand.

"This means a man and wife for number one.

"It can mean a slit in the church for number two.

"And now it is our government: a division has come between our President and the great General MacArthur." Jesus applied his remarks in Mark the third chapter, as quoted by Billington—to the devil. I am wondering therefore, which of the twain—husband or wife—does Billington think to be the fellow with a reputation for dealing in fire and brimstone.

Incidentally, the "greatest historian ever produced in Kentucky" let his radio audience in on a secret recently. He was going on a trip to the capitol of the nation. He was going to have breakfast with some "congressmens." So, again I am wondering. This time it is regarding Billington's choice of the president or the general to operate certain regions. It could hardly be Truman-a-Baptist—for the Baptist cannot make the grade, according to Baptist doctrine. And Billington would hardly apply such an undesirable appellation to MacArthur while the general's popularity is the vogue of the day. Perhaps he will just have to leave the question for the "congressmen?' to decide. Or, he could resort to his original explanation of the text and apply it to the defenseless man and wife proposition.