Joe H. Morris, 2707 Ky Ave., Paducah, Kentucky, Nov. 19: "Our new Clements Street building is being placed under roof. While we await its completion we are forced to furnish the basement with chairs and public address speaker to accommodate the overflow. One was restored and one by transfer of membership yesterday."
Leonard C. Bankhead, 6909 Bernice Dr., Houston 17, Texas, Nov. 26: "Two fine families have placed membership at Telephone Road recently. All phases of the work are gratifying."
M. C. Cuthbertson, Los Angeles, California, Nov. 23: "The work at Central continues good, with some by membership recently. I did the preaching in a meeting at Pomona, California, Sixth and Towne Streets Church, October 22 through November 4. Two were baptized and one by membership. We believe that much good was accomplished otherwise. Brother Robert Carey is the regular preacher there now, and is a fine young man. I believe that he will do a good work with the church there. Brother Herman Campbell preached in my place at Central during the meeting. I recently spoke at the church in Ontario, California, and spoke Sunday afternoon the 18th at Whittier, to a fine audience from several congregations."
To All Congregations, (Nov. 23, Venice, California) "This is to notify you that Roscoe Foster came before the Venice congregation on November 18, 1951, and confessed his sins and asked forgiveness. We're very happy about this and wish to make it known to every congregation that received a notice of the withdrawal."
Cecil B. Douthitt, Box 67, Brownwood, Texas, Nov. 26: "The meeting with the N. Shepherd and West 26th Street Church in Houston, Texas, closed last night. Eight were baptized. Otha D. Fikes is doing a good work with the church there. This was my last meeting for 1951. I am preaching now for the Southside Church here in Brownwood."
John H. Gerrard, 24 S. Lincoln, Aurora, Illinois, Nov. 26r "The work here is moving along in a fine way. The husband of one of our good members was baptized recently. We are still certain that there are many members that have moved to this section and have not located the church for some reason. I you know of such persons please send us their names and addresses that we may contact them."
Chas. M. Campbell, 1835 Brown St., Akron 19, Ohio, Nov. 28: "Two were baptized at Brown Street last Lord's day. Paul Hall of Humbolt, Tenn., did splendid preaching in an eight day meeting October 21-28. Ten were baptized and five were restored. Prior to the meeting a Presbyterian lady obeyed the gospel. We broadcast at present over WAND, 900 on the dial, Sunday mornings at 8:45."
W. S. Taylor, 2606 Vine St., Brownwood, Texas, Nov. 30: "Last Lord's day, Nov. 25, brought to a close six months of very pleasant work with the Southside Church here in Brownwood. During this time a number of transfers of membership were made, the interest and attendance increased, also collections went up. This work helped me very much. This is a fine group to work with and it proved to me that a man sixty-seven years old and blind can still be useful in the Lord's work, for with this handicap I was able to teach a Bible class each Lord's day morning, preach morning and evening, and conduct mid-week services. The last Lord's day service was said to be the largest for some time. I am now out of work. Who among you brethren can use me to preach and to teach? I can go anywhere—my health is good and my zeal is high. Call me for meetings or local work."
HINES-BALLARD DEBATE J. Lee Hines, 611 S. Mont Clair, Dallas 11, Texas: "I am to engage Mr. L. S. Ballard (Baptist) in a debate January 1-4, 1952, in the Woodin Blvd. church building, here in Dallas, Texas. Propositions will be Apostasy and Plan of Salvation, two nights to each, in order. Each night beginning at 7:30 o'clock."
William R. Ward, 604 N. 4th, McGehee, Arkansas, Nov. 28: "One was baptized in McGehee last Lord's day one week ago. The church is progressing rapidly in this section. The church is unusually strong for such a town as McGehee. Ninety percent of the members that attend on Lord's day morning return for the evening service, and seventy-five percent for the mid-week Bible class. The congregation has set aside 540 per month for orphan work, and $40 per month for the radio program in Greenville, Mississippi; also the church here is helping in the local colored work."
James W. Reynolds, 185 Vernon Place, Pueblo, Colorado, Nov. 26: "From October 29 to November 7 brother Melvin J. Wise, evangelist, and brother Ford Carpenter, song director, were with the church here in a gospel meeting. The meeting proved to be a blessing to the work here. On November 11 through the 21 I was with the Pleasant Valley Church of Christ, Amarillo, Texas, where Dale Pearson, as local evangelist, has done a fine job. Brother Cecil Ashford directed the singing in a fine way. Eight were baptized and four restored."