Devoted to the Propagation and Defense of New Testament Christianity
May 10, 1951

Just Squibbing

A. H. Porterfield, Poplar Bluff, Missouri

Something—deep-rooted in my humble soul—is hard to fathom, control or satisfy. From my early youth something has charged every fiber of my being with the desire to do or say something—write a book, teach a lesson, write a poem, paint a picture, preach a sermon—something that will enable others to know, even after I am dead and gone, that I have been here for their eternal good. Such hope keeps my soul alive to its purpose and intent, but it seems that the nearer the end I come, the farther away my goal!


Obstacles never grow too steep nor too rugged for a good man to overcome if he has a faithful, loyal, devoted wife behind him.


It's not the doing of so many good deeds that makes you dizzy; it's the effort to dodge them that keeps your head in a whirl.


A recent report shows that more than a thousand women are taking up law. Yeah, but that's nothing. More than fifty thousand are laying it down.


The man who boasts of being a self-made man usually finds himself overwhelmed in criticism because he has done such a poor job.


Calling one a liar has its telling effect while proving it has its hushing effect.


Grandma says: "All men are born free and equal, but very few of them remain that way—most of them get married."


The professor was trying to explain the principle of the new anti-tank weapon to a rather dumb pupil: "A shaped charge is a piece of high explosive with a depression . . ."

The dumb pupil butts in, " mercy, man, man, you don't mean they have invented an explosive that will force the payment of a charge account or cause another depression, I hope!"


The difference between the right way and the almost right way, can be the difference between going to heaven and going to hell.


Perhaps the most forceful and effective water power known to man is a woman's tears.


Son: "Dad, I would say there are no impossible tasks any more."

Father: "Well, son, I can think of at least one."

Son: "What is that, dad?"

Father: "Well, for instance, convincing a boy of adolescence age that he will ever be as dumb as his father."


Shaking hands with sister Complainer, "How are you today lady?" Sister Complainer mumbles: "Oh, so much better, so much better, thank you. Worse than I was yesterday, of course, but so much better than I expect to feel tomorrow."


A judge says the youngsters of today know all the answers—except the real. ones.


Floyd J. Spivy, Box 153, Ranger, Texas, April 21: "Six have placed membership in the past two weeks. More personal work is being done by all members of the congregation than ever before. Brother Wallace Layton will conduct our summer meeting."
