Devoted to the Propagation and Defense of New Testament Christianity
November 15, 1951

Where Do We Commune?

Hoyt H. Houchen, Amarillo, Texas

Frequently it is asked if it is permissible for a member of the church to partake of the communion in a denomination if he happens to be at a place on a Lord's day where there is no congregation. A few questions should settle the point.

1. Where is the Lord's Supper? It is in the kingdom. (Luke 22:29, 30) The kingdom is also the church. (Matt. 16:19; Heb. 12:23, 28; Col. 1:13) Therefore, the Lord's Supper is in the church. Since the Lord's Supper is in the church, how does one partake of it in a denomination.?

2. In an article under the heading, "Do the Unimmersed Commune?" Moses E. Lard in Vol. 1 of his Quarterly made the point that it is not a question as to whether the unimmersed can partake of the Lord's Supper but he does not since he is outside the kingdom. If one outside the kingdom does not partake of the Lord's Supper in the kingdom, how does one in the kingdom partake of it outside the kingdom?

3. If it is wrong to use a mechanical instrument of music in worship, is it wrong to worship where it is used? Would not such worship be in vain? (Matt. 16:9) Observance of the Lord's Supper is an act of worship. How then does one partake of the Lord's Supper in a denomination and worship acceptably?

4. If in an "emergency" one could partake of the Lord's Supper one time in a denomination, would it not be scriptural to do so twice, three times, or all the time? If not, why not?

Christians do not partake of the Lord's Supper in denominations.

A Further Word

If brethren by necessity are traveling on the Lord's day, they should schedule their itinerary so that they can meet with the Lord's people for worship. If brethren move to a new place, the first thing to be considered is the location of the church there. If there is none, an effort should be made to establish a congregation even if it means that only the members of the family meet for worship. Strong congregations are thriving all over the land today as a result of such humble beginnings.