Devoted to the Propagation and Defense of New Testament Christianity
September 27, 1951

Adventures In Good Reading

(All books Intended for review In this column should be sent to Earl West, 25 N. Layman, Indianapolis, Indiana.)

G. B. Hancock, MORMONISM EXPOSED, Telegram Sermons Book Co., 161 pages, $1.95.

"Mormonism Exposed" is the reprint of an old book published by its author nearly fifty years ago, and is undoubtedly one of the finest refutations of Mormonism now in print. While it would be impossible to accurately change the title of this work, yet it is unfortunate that it had to be so designated. Some of the principles dealt with may be just as accurately used against the Christian Science doctrine, the Seventh Day Adventism, or any other whose validity depends upon some modern would-be prophetic revelation. In many areas of the nation, mormonism is no problem, and so the true value of a work like this may be overlooked. Whether one must deal with mormonism or not, this work can be read with great profit.

G. B. Hancock, the author and an outstanding pioneer preacher of the previous generation, wrote the book with the intention of showing that Joseph Smith was an imposter and the Book of Mormon a fraud. The book was gotten out after a debate with them at Fayette City, Penna. He had been challenged for a debate several times but refused because, as the author put it, "They invariably sought propositions that gave them opportunity to play upon side issues and give simply a rehash of matter that they had delivered in lectures and preached in sermons till they had it by heart." This led Hancock to the proposition that Joseph Smith was an imposter and the Book of Mormon a fraud.

"Mormonism Exposed" is simply devastating to Mormon doctrine. The book should be in the library of every preacher. It is interesting reading, and not too hard to follow. While the arguments as a whole are sound and logical, the author's arguments from Old Testament symbolism are his weakest. But all in all, it is a good work.


James D. Bales, The New Testament Interpretation of Old Testament Prophecies of the Kingdom, Harding College Press, 174 pages.

Preachers who are hunting for some good, solid matter for sermons will read brother Bale's latest book with a great deal of appreciation. It is a work for which there is a definite need. Every serious Bible student will welcome the excellent suggestions on the subject of Bible prophecy interpretation. The first five chapters deal in a general way with some broad principles that relate to the subject of interpreting prophecy. Any Bible student would be benefited by these principles.

But especially does this book deal with the subject of premillennialism. If brother Bale's premises be accepted as true, premillennialism must surrender. The author quotes throughout from R. H. Boll and gives an able and logical refutation of his theories.

The chief criticism to be made against the work is that it is slow and laborious reading. This is largely because of the subject matter, but partially because of extensive quoting. It is not a book to be read with little or no thought and devoured, but one that will demand time. The person, however, who will take the time to study carefully with brother Bales will find himself well repaid. Preachers especially would appreciate the book but any serious Bible student will welcome it.