Arley E. Moore, 841 Flanagan Ave., Coos Bay, Oregon: "The first Gospel meeting ever to be conducted in Coos Bay or this vast area, came to a close Wednesday night, August 8. L .D. Webb of. Portland did the preaching. The Central church in Portland where brother Webb preaches released him and continued his salary that he might preach in this meeting. Brother Webb did his characteristic good preaching. Two men were baptized, which united two families in the church, and one sister confessed unfaithfulness. More non-members attended this meeting than any in which I ever had a part. The church here was begun fifteen months ago. We knew of only five members of the church within a radius of thirty miles of here when we came. We now have thirty-three members. Thirteen have been baptized, five restored and a number added by transfer of membership. We have lost fourteen members during this time—moved away. We had not been able to have a protracted meeting until recently because we had no place to hold it. Now we have a meetinghouse of our own in an ideal downtown location. This property, which formerly belonged to the Episcopal people, was purchased for the astoundingly low price of $5,000. We have spent something over $2,000 in repairs. For a little over $7,000 we have a meetinghouse which probably could not be built today for less than $35,000 to $40,000. Most of this has been done by the little group here. Our two radio programs on KOOS, Coos Bay (1230 kc) and KWRC, Coquille (1450 kc) continue to bear fruit. Within the last ten days I have received two requests for conference from people who have been listening to our broadcasts. We hope to baptize one young couple as a result of this soon. I work at the First National Bank of Portland here eight to nine hours a day. This with the preparation of two radio programs, two pulpit sermons and two Bible classes, with all the details of a new work in a new field, leaves me no time for personal work. I know of no field with greater potentialities than this, and I know of no church that has had a more rapid growth in a virgin field in this country, or that has brighter prospects than the church in Coos Bay."
Cleon Lyles, Little Rock, Ark., Aug. 27: "Six were baptized, three restored, and one placed membership at Fourth and State in August. We expect to move into our new building about the fifteenth of October."
Joe H. Morris, 2707 Ky. Ave., Paducah, Ky., Aug. 23: "We closed a fine meeting with the Pleasant Hill church in Monroe county last night with two baptized. Brother Lehman Hammer of Glasgow, Ky., directed the songs well. Begin a meeting August 27 with the church at Brookport, Ill., thence to Hayes Avenue in Detroit for a meeting the middle of September. Our work at Clements St. here is splendid."
J. T. Marlin, Seventh & College, Mayfield, Ky., Aug. 22: "The work is making definite progress here. I baptized two here last week. In a meeting at Cold Water, Ky., there were nine baptisms and two restorations. Pat Hardeman will preach in a meeting here beginning Sept. 21."
Garnie Atkisson, Lovington, N. M., Aug. 20: "Brother T. H. Tarbet closed a short meeting here last night. Four confessed sin and requested prayers."
Cecil B. Douthitt, Box 67, Brownwood, Texas, Aug. 20: "During the ten day meeting in Hamilton, Texas, where Harry E. Johnson ministers, nineteen responded to the gospel invitation. Twelve were baptized and seven were restored. Most of the meetings in which I have worked this year have been good. I was at home a few days last week and preached for the Southside church in Brownwood on Wednesday night the 15th and Sunday the 19th. Five placed membership. Southside is making noticeable progress. Plans are now being considered for building a new auditorium and converting into classrooms the auditorium the church is now using. We have an excellent location. I am now on my way to Terre Haute, Indiana, for my next meeting."
Merle Bryant, Box 226, Center, Texas, Aug. 27: "I have preached in the following meetings this year: April 9th through 19th, Laird Hill, Texas; June 3rd through 10th, Rogers, Ark.; June 17th through 27th, Center, Texas. This meeting was under a tent away from our building. July 2nd through 11th, Joaquine, Texas; July 16th through 22nd, Paxton, Texas; July 23rd through 29th, Central Congregation near Hope, Ark.; July 30th through August 5th, Palestine, congregation near Center; August 9th through 17th, Messer, Oklahoma. In these meetings there have been thirty-four baptisms and twenty-three restorations. I am now in a meeting in Brookeland, Texas. The work in Center is enjoying its best days. I have only been away from the local work five Sunday's in these meetings. We had one baptism and one restoration here in Center yesterday. My next meeting is in Pineland, Texas, Oct. 1."
Vaughn D. Shofner, 1320 E. Allen Ave., Fort Worth, Texas, Aug. 28: "I preached in a meeting at Wellington, Texas, the first two Sundays of August. Attendance was splendid throughout; three were restored and one was baptized. This is one of the strongest churches in the brotherhood, doctrinally. Brother Paul Lusby, the preacher there, is turning adult men and women from the errors of denominationalism to the Lord's way almost every week. This church supports a man full time in the needy field of Nevada. I preached in a meeting at Corinth, Arkansas, the last two Sundays of August. This church has been meeting at the same place for 101 years. Crowds were good; two were baptized and seven restored."