Tests That Teach
A test has two purposes: to teach and to evaluate the students progress. It must be clearly stated and logically arranged. There are many types of tests but only four of the most effective types will be discussed here. The teacher should select the points in her lesson to be stressed and then use the type test which most forcefully presents them. Tests may be mimeographed, written on the blackboard or given orally after the lesson. Older classes like tests using the Bible as they hunt answers. An oral test on general Bible questions given after the mid-week lesson stimulates the interest of the whole congregation. Caution: Never make a test too hard or too easy.
Matching Tests
This test shows the relationships of specific information such as dates and events, places and areas, causes and effects, names and achievements, etc. Two columns are usually used but three are sometimes necessary; i.e., a list of Christians (middle column) to be matched with a list of events (first column) and with a list of places (third column). Do not use more than ten items in the first column. Provide several extra options in the second column to eliminate guessing.
Sample Test: Bible Firsts
Select the ten words in the second list that relate to the ten statements in the first list
_____ First king of united Israel | 1. Lydia |
_____ First Gentile Convert | 2. Abel |
_____ First son of Adam | 3. Water to wine |
_____ First Christian martyr | 4. James |
_____ First European convert | 5. Cain |
_____ First person murdered | 6. Cornelius |
_____ First miracle by Jesus | 7. Esau |
_____ First apostle to die for Jesus | 8. Aaron |
_____ First son of Isaac | 9. Healing leper |
_____ First high priest of Israel | 10. Peter |
11. Stephen | |
12. Saul |
Key: 12, 6, 5, 11, 1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 8.
Suggested Tests: Husbands And Wives, Two Names For One Person (Saul- Paul), Kings And Events, Prophets And Miracles, Parables And Key Words, Numbers And Events, Women And Deeds, Quotations And Speakers, Books And People, Etc.
Arrangement Tests
This is a test of relationship according to chronology, importance or size. It may be by dates, time order, numbers or locations. It is essential in teaching the proper divisions of Bible history.
Sample Test: Old Testament People
Number the following in chronological order:
_____ Abraham
_____ Elijah
_____ Noah
_____ Joseph
_____ Samson
_____ Nehemiah
_____ Saul
_____ Seth
_____ Jeroboam
Key: 5, 9, 2, 4, 6, 10, 7, 1, 8.
Suggested tests: Thirty people to be placed in the three dispensations, ten events in time order, lists of contemporaries, pairs of names with instructions to check the first of each pair to appear in the Bible.
Completion Tests
One word completions are the best for clarity. However, two or three blanks (clearly indicated) may be used. Oral tests (sample below) may require even more. Sample Test: Bible References
Complete these scriptures:
- 1. "For God so loved the world __________________" (John 3:16)
- "Blessed are the peacemakers _________________ " (Matt. 5:9)
- "Be thou faithful ____________________________" (Rev. 2:10)
- "Come unto me ____________________________" (Matt. 11:28)
- "Not everyone that __________________________" (Matt. 7:21)
- "Pure religion ______________________________" (James 1:27)
- "Study to _________________________________ " (2 Tim. 2:15)
- "Faith is __________________________________ " (Heb. 11:1)
- "Bear ye _________________________________ " (Gal. 6:1)
- "Then Peter said unto, them, 'Repent ___________ " (Acts 2:38)
Suggested tests: Map locations, numbers, buildings, people, events, proper names in a lesson, objects in a lesson.
Multiple Choice Tests
Sample Test: Old Testament Kings Underline the correct answer:
- Who was called the "king of Salem?'
a. Melchizedek b. Solomon c. Jeroboam - Who set up golden calves at Dan and Bethel?
a. Rehoboam b. Ahab c. Jeroboam - Whose life did God prolong fifteen years?
a. Hezekiah b. Saul c. Jehoshaphat - Who was punished with leprosy?
a. Azariah b. Adonijah c. Agag - Who sent Solomon cedars for the temple?
a. Cyrus b. Darius c. Hiram - Who was given a vineyard through a murder?
a. Ahaz b. Josiah c. Ahab - Who saw a hand writing on a wall?
a. Belteshazsar b. Belshazzar c. Benhadad - Who threw Daniel in the lions den?
a. Nebuchadnezzar b. Manasseh c. Zedekiah - Who married Esther?
a. Cyrus b. Ahasuerus c. David - Whose hand was withered when he opposed a prophet?
a. Joash b. Jehoikim c. Jeroboam
Key: 1-a, 2-c, 3-a, 4-a, 5-c, 7-b, 8-a, 9-c, 10-c.
Suggested tests: Causes and results, reasons, identifications, places, events, battles, prophets, prophecies, promises, commands.
Miscellaneous Tests
Book Test: List the 16 faithful people named in Hebrews 11 and make one statement about each.
Clue Test: Make clues (graduating from hard to easy clues) about Biblical people, places or books.
"Who Said?' Test: Quote Bible conversations for identification.
Spelldown: Assign a list of words for study. Ask a question about a word which the pupil then spells. Example: Who built the ark? (The pupil must know the answer, Noah, before he can spell it.)
Reading Test: Give each pupil a paper with the letters C-O-R-N-E-L-I-U-S printed down one side. He is to find as many words as he can in Acts 10 that begin with these letters. Example: C-Cornelius, Caesarea, Christ, etc. (No prepositions nor conjunctions)
Scoring Tests
This increases interest and accuracy. It should not be stressed, however, in a slow group.
NEXT MONTH: Memory Work