Devoted to the Propagation and Defense of New Testament Christianity
July 8, 1971
NUMBER 9, PAGE 10-13

Gospel Guardian Tellalgram

Texas Report — Jim Beech, Rt. 2 Box 162 B - Madisonville, Texas 77864

There is nothing more needful to the young and old alike than encouragement. To hear of blessings given those in similar circumstances encourages us all.

Brother Herbert Thornton, who played an important part in leading me to the Gospel has sent two very encouraging letters. I believe they will build up every Christian who reads them.

He reports:

"I was in a meeting at the Beach Congregation in Panama City, Florida, April 18-25. There was a well educated Catholic man (around 50) who came to the services every time. I just learned via a long distance call Saturday night and also by letter that he was baptized into Christ the following week. Truly I am made to rejoice with God and the angels in heaven over this middle aged man obeying the simple truths of the gospel of Christ . . . . "Our next meeting here in Edna (Texas) will be with James Trigg the first part of August. When in Edna, why not worship with us at 301 South Robison. The attendance and contribution are holding up well and increasing. There was one restored May 9, 1971.

His second letter dated May 22 is just as cheerful when he says:

"My son, Paul Thornton, who is home from Florida College for the summer would like preaching appointments on Sundays in a radius of 75 to 100 miles of Edna. He is almost 19 and has completed one year of College at Florida College." He would be useful to any congregation needing some one to "fill-in." Write him, P. O. Drawer Y. Edna, Texas, 77957. Better yet, call him, 512 — 657-2844.

People are still being added: both young and old. Don't give up on that person YOU are trying to convert. Robert W. LaCoste tells of three baptized, one restored. BUT, one of the baptized was a 74 year old-man. Bro. LaCoste says, "We give God praise for the power of His gospel!" Amen.

More good news. No matter what may be said about the young people, young men are still entering into full-time work of preaching that powerful gospel. D. J. Sanders, who preached for the Smyrna church near Atlanta, Texas, has moved to Austin (I think) and another young man has become a preacher: Gerald Eaton of Texarkana now preaches for that small congregation. It thrills all preachers to hear of young men entering this field. We wish to commend the church at Smyrna, it is a very good work to help another man get started as a "preacher for the Lord."

There will be a meeting July 18-25, James P. Miller preaching, at the church building, 1700 Imhoff Ave., Port Arthur, Texas.

I have heard of two churches looking for preachers: East Tex Freeway (Greenwood Village) in Houston; and Centerville, Texas.

Please send me your news before it gets too old.

"For Immediate Release"

Hayse Reneau, of Gladewater, Texas, reports that he will close five years of pleasant work with the North Main and Gay Avenue church in Gladewater. Beginning August 1 he will be associated with the Floral Heights church in Wichita Falls, Texas. The church in Gladewater is looking for a man to move there and work with them. Those interested write: Church of Christ P. O. Box 1226 Gladewater, Tens 75647.

ANNOUNCEMENTS OF ONE WEEK MEETINGS COMING UP: North Park, Abilene, Texas Homer Hailey, July 12. Imhoff Avenue, Port Arthur, Tens, James P. Miller, July 18. Highway 90 S., Madisonville, Texas, Foy Layton, July 26.

We're Here To Serve You

The Gospel Guardian Company and the C. E. I. Publishing Company have through the years served basically the same churches and brethren. Both Brother Wallace and I feel that by joining forces we shall be able to give you better service than either of us has been able to do alone.

Brother Wallace will concentrate his efforts on giving you an improved Gospel Guardian magazine. Relieved of the responsibility of the book and church supplies business, he will now be in position to do this.

On the other hand, we at The C. E. I. Publishing Company are free to devote all our energies to supplying your needs in teaching materials, tracts, church supplies, Bibles and books. By the time you read this most, if not all, the Guardian stock will have been transferred to Athens, Alabama, to join the rather considerable stock already on hand at The C. E. I. Publishing Company.

We are fortunate in Athens in having mail service and connections unexcelled, even by much larger cities. This greatly helps speed up service to you.

If you are in Athens, be sure to look us up. We are at 100 South Jefferson Street, on the northwest corner of the courthouse square. In Birmingham, Alabama we have a growing little store at 1725 North Third Avenue. Brother E. H. Vines will be glad to see you there at any time. (All mail orders should be sent to Athens. The Birmingham store is not equipped to handle mail orders except in their immediate area.)

Be sure to check the back page of this issue for moneysaving bargains during our "Christmas in July" sale. Next week we'll list a different set of bargains.

We're here to serve you.

RONALD G. LOVELADY — GOSPEL PREACHER Charles F. House Ronnie is gone. We extend our heartfelt sympathy to "Gerry" and the children. In addition to the many fine words that have been said to cherish his memory, this writer wants to add the following: —

He was, in my opinion, perhaps one of the most powerful, most eloquent preachers ever heard in the pulpit, within his generation. Ronnie loved the truth and stood four square for it. February 4, 1952, RONALD G. LOVELADY, formerly of Douglas Arizona identified with the Gardena CHURCH OF CHRIST, 16424 South Ainsworth St., Gardena, California. (Gardena is a suburb of Los Angeles). I was preaching for this church, which three other men and I of the nearby Compton church started on November 18, 1951, in a rented building. The church at Gardena had failed twice before.

On February 7, 1952 I had the pleasure of baptizing his lovely wife Geraldine into Christ. She had been a former Methodist.

Ronnie was a fine singer and liked to sing. We started him right off leading singing at Gardena. Sunday evening August 17, 1952 he delivered his first sermon at Gardena, which was powerful, scriptural and moving. He had been blessed with a strong voice, and he was able to project it so all could hear and understand. Two weeks later, August 31, 1952, he delivered his next sermon at Gardena. By September 29, 1952 he was one of the featured speakers in a lecture type Gospel Meeting there at Gardena. He was well on his way, His career, power and influence as a fine preacher was now established.

Ronnie loved small churches. The ones who couldn't "pay big." This was one thing that made HIM "big" in the opinion of others. He became the located evangelist at Gardena November 9, 1952, after my resignation there and my later move to Wilmington California. (In the same general L. A. area.)

Ronnie and I were both "tent makers." In those days we supported our families as grocery salesman calling on super markets. Ronnie sold H. J. HEINZ CO. products, one of which was canned soups. We were competitors working the same territory in southeastern Los Angeles. I sold a product then known as RANCHO SOUP (now most of business). By 1954 I had gone into the Mexican work. Ronnie continued in the American work, but still as a "tent maker." He and his brother Glen (presently preaching at Wilmington) were in the printing business when he died. Glen also served as local evangelist at Gardena for a number of years. Truly a great warrior has fallen. We who loved him shall greatly miss him.

P. O. Box 1031, Douglas, Arizona — 85607 —


A group of brethren have recently banded together and agreed to start a sound congregation in Monroe, Louisiana. At present, we have four families of like mind who believe in the all-sufficiency of the scriptures in regard to the work of the church, as well as in regard to the terms of entrance, worship, and organization of the church. It is apparent that the other six congregations in Monroe and West Monroe, whom we have separated ourselves from, are not able to give a thus saith the Lord for all they teach and practice in the church. In view of this, we are thankful that we have the opportunity to stand for God's truth in this area.

The meeting place is located in the southern part of Monroe on 208 Pear Street. Twenty-four people, at present, including children have committed and obligated themselves to work and worship together as the Southside Church of Christ.

We have leased, as a temporary meeting place, a warehouse building. With few alterations, it is adequate; not only for our present needs but for future expansion as well.

We have also secured a gospel preacher to work for us full time. At present time, it appears that $400.00 of this monthly support has been raised. Since he must move from where he is by June 1st and has agreed to come to Monroe; it is urgent that we raise an additional $450.00 to $500.00 per month support as soon as possible.

Brother Thomas Swilley is a faithful and dedicated gospel preacher who loves the Lord's cause and is not ashamed to stand for the truth. He also brings with him a consecrated Christian wife and four children. I personally know that he has been through some severe trials and persecutions from false brethren in the past year because of his stand for the truth. For further references regarding his stand, contact Jim Cope, Florida College; who was instrumental in leading him out of liberalism. Earl Hartsell, 4100 Loop Road Monroe, Louisiana 71201.

JESSE C. FRANKLIN: I am now working with the church at Piscataway, N.J. 08854. We are the only sound congregation within about sixty miles. If you know of anyone in this area please contact us and we will get in touch with them. We need their support and they need to attend services. We meet in our own building which has a seating capacity of 100, and are in the process of trying to expand, since we have about 80 in attendance on Lord's Day Morning. We meet at the following address--258 Highland Ave. Piscataway, N. J. 08854. Ph. 463-1323 or 247-0387.

GLENN SHAVER: I've just returned from three weeks preaching in North and South Carolina. I was with the church at Wade Hampton Blvd. at E. Main St., in Taylors, S. C., and the church at 892 _ Haywood Road West Asheville, N. C. Just as I arrived on Saturday, May 8th in Greenville, S. C. I was told that my father-in-law in Corning, Ark. had dropped dead with a heart attack. I stayed overnight, preached Sunday morning and drove to Arkansas to the funeral. Larry Dickens who preaches for the Taylors Church some and other churches in the area while teaching and going to the University there pitched in and helped me out, and also finished the meeting on Thursday and Friday nights at W. Asheville, N. C. The meetings were good — two were restored and three baptized. Larry is doing a good work in that area. He is from the Nashville, Tenn.. area.

SUPPORT NEEDED — GLENN SHAVER: I hope all things are going well with you and yours! We are doing o. k. We are moving the 1st of August to begin work with the church in Portage, Indiana (will live in Gary while Glenna finishes the 12th grade), and we are in need of support for house rent and utilities (at least $200 a month). P. O. Box 2052 Gary. Indiana 46409 AN APPEAL FOR HELP: Brethren, we appeal to you for help in supporting Brother Swilley and family in this mission field. Yes, it is a mission field because this is the only sound congregation in Monroe, a city of 70,000 people: and the only one in all Northeast quarter of Louisiana. There are many aliens who need to know the truth and also brethren who need to know the way of the Lord more perfectly. With strength, encouragement and help of faithful brethren, and above all God's help, we pledge ourselves to do this. We request both your prayers and your financial assistance to supply the Swilley family's needs. For answers to this call or for future inquiries, address all mail to Southside Church of Christ, %Earl Hartsell, 4100 Loop Road, Monroe, Louisiana 71201. In Brotherly Love, Earl Hartsell, Thomas Swilley, Charles Barlow, and Wallace Price.

"The New American Standard Bible has been produced with the conviction that the words of Scripture as originally penned in the Hebrew and Greek were inspired by God. Since they are the eternal Word of God, the Holy Scriptures speak with fresh power to each generation, to give wisdom that leads to salvation, that men may serve God to the glory of Christ.

"The Editorial Board has a two-fold purpose in making this translation to adhere as closely as possible to the original language of the Holy Scriptures. To make the translation in a fluent and readable style according to current English usage. (This translation follows the principles used in the American Standard Version 1901 known as the Rock of Biblical Honesty.)

Order From The Gospel Guardian, $10.96.

The Faith In FOREIGN FIELDS By DONALD R. GIVENS, 4349 Vassar, Port Arthur, Texas 77640


From the Republic of So. Africa comes the report that 22 were baptized on "Vendaland trip" of Paul K. Williams. This trip was taken in March.

O. Fred Liggin, Jr. is moving to Amanzimtoti (17 miles from Durban) to preach the gospel, by the end of June.

Wayne Payne of Nigeria now reports that over $45,000 has been sent for the relief of needy brethren in that war-torn country.

Samuel Odewumi reports a baptism in Lagos State, Nigeria.


Charles Gentry, 3602 Rush Place, Hobart, Ind., 46342, reports part of his needs have been met, but he still needs more travel funds and monthly support to go to Japan. He and his family plan to depart by August 15, 1971.


Fred Melton, Rt. 6, Hawthorn Walk, Tonbridge, Kent, England; is presently in that nation preaching the gospel of Christ. Faithful brethren spreading The Faith in Europe are few and very far between.

Tommy Thornhill returned from Bergen, Norway in May.


Six were baptized at Camargo, Chihuahua; including two former Catholics and four Pentecostals; in a gospel meeting preached by Alejandro Hernandez in April.

Brethren in Ojinaga, Chih., are in the process of constructing a house of praise and worship. Several individuals in the Beaumont-Port Arthur, Texas area have given many hundreds of dollars to help them build this much-needed church building. The preacher at Ojinaga is Catarino Lujan, Apdo. No. 61, Ojinaga, Chih, Mexico.