Devoted to the Propagation and Defense of New Testament Christianity
June 10, 1971
NUMBER 6, PAGE 9b-10

Response To Racial Articles

As editor Tant expected and suggested, we are receiving considerable response to Bryan Vinson, Sr.'s articles on "The Racial Problem in America." This week we are publishing one response (see front page). It is representative of those who were "cut to the heart" by the Vinson articles, and the one who wrote it expresses himself from his heart. Some others who have responded, appear to have been cut to the quick and seem to have written more out of irritation than from reason. Still others have suggested that the Vinson articles had no place in The Gospel Guardian...this comment coming from some who "are inclined to agree with brother Vinson", some who are not.

Whatever may be said about the Vinson presentation, whatever reaction the articles may have incited, it is clear that he has a right to express himself journalistically. His conviction is subject to attack, but his attitude, his disposition, and his spirit are commendable. And what of his courage to spell out his convictions in these times of racial tensions! We trust the only bombardment he will receive will be via the written page!

This editor disagrees generally with brother Vinson in the matter, and we doubted the propriety of publishing the material in this journal. But why refuse "white supremacists" a hearing when the "black nationalists" are getting such broad journalistic recognition? One thing about Vinson, he is not of the Klu-Klux-Klan variety. He is a Christian gentleman, a scholar, one who deserves to be heard. Those who confront him, or contend with him, will find him to be fair and kind. He is not, absolutely not, a rabid man.

In addition to the response by brother Smitty, on the front page of this week's paper, we will run an article by Leslie Diestlekamp. It will appear in the June 17 edition.