Devoted to the Propagation and Defense of New Testament Christianity
February 24, 1972

News & Notes

TOLEDO, OHIO: Our new address as of January 1, 1972 is 840 East Broadway, Toledo, Ohio 43605. Three restored at East Broadway January 23. We are continuing our plans for our meeting house to be constructed at Frey and Pemberville Roads, Toledo. Interested contractors contact Mr. James Briggs, 125 Bond St, Pemberville, Ohio 43450 or call (419) 287-3717. R. E. Corns, Gibsonburg, Ohio 43431.

WANTED: I need bound volume 20 of the GOSPEL GUARDIAN (May 1968 to April 1969) to complete my set of bound volumes. Please contact me if you have this bound volume to sell, and quote your price - Donald R. Givens, 4349 Vassar, Port Arthur, Texas 77640.

PREACHER NEEDED: Charlotte, North Carolina. Self-supporting, new preacher's home is being built Contact Alton R. Watts 3308 Denson PL, Charlotte, N. C 28215, Phone 535-0393 or David Haga 7133 Star Valley Drive Charlotte, N. C., 523-6938.

MUSKOGEE, OKLAHOMA: Please place a notice in the Guardian that the church in Muskogee has purchased the property of the Grace Bible church located on 417S. York and will be worshipping there beginning February 15th. Jerry Parker, P. O. Box 921, Muskogee, Oklahoma.

OKEECHOBEE, FLORIDA: Through the determined efforts of a godly woman, a faithful church is now meeting in Okeechobee Florida. I spoke for this group of five disciples at their first services January 30. For further information you may write Mrs. Carolyn Varson, General Delivery, Okeechobee, Florida. The church is temporarily meeting in the home of Clee Kea. - Jefferson David Tant.

DANVILLE, KENTUCKY.: The Danville church just finished a weekend lecture series which proved to be a tremendous experience. The speakers and their subjects were as follows: B. G. Hope, "In A World of Suffering, Where Is God?" - Eugene Crawley, "Christian Youth: Modem Problems of Modesty and Morals." - John Clark, "An Evaluation of the Lord's Church and the Ecumenical Movement" -Robert Crawley, "Christian Women and Women's Liberation"- Ronald Mosby, "God's People and the 'Jesus Move-men." - Royce Chandler NIGERIA - A CLOSED OR OPEN COUNTRY - WHICH? In a recent letter to brother Wayne Payne in Nigeria I wrote, "It is my understanding that the Nigerian government is now allowing short visits by gospel preachers. Does it looks like they will in the future allow preachers to enter for longer periods?"

In reply to this inquiry brother Payne wrote, "It does seem that the immigration may be loosing the strings a little on visas, but just what the future holds on resident permits I don't know. I do wish that someone would try to come through and see what the action will be. We will be coming home in June if all goes as planned. I wish that someone could be here before the year is out but nothing in sight "

It may be that the Nigerian government will not yet issue a resident permit but unless one is requested it is certain that none will be issued. Who will "try...and see what the action will be?" Fred A. Shewmaker, 1627 S. Morton, Evansville, Indiana 47711 INDIA CALLING - The church here had been supporting a native preacher in India. He was taught and baptized by J. C. Bailey. We had sent him TRUTH MAGAZINE tracts and other literature by sound brethren. He has taken a stand for the truth. In the last five years he has baptized 4,067. I would like to see two American preachers visit him to investigate the work there and also, no doubt he could use some teaching. I have been teaching him through letters. He would welcome a visit by the American brethren. He has been asking for about 4,000 Bibles in their language. Whoever would go could see their needs and recommend ways the churches here could help.

I believe a great work can be done there. I feel it would be a shame and a sin if someone did not go there as soon as possible. Many souls could be saved. We now have a beginning of the church in India and they need help. If we do not help now we will lose a great opportunity to further the cause of Christ in India.

Americans could go for a period from one to three months. Do you know of anyone who might be interested in going to India? Please have them contact me. We must find two brethren who will go. The native preacher is anxiously waiting for the visit. The field is white unto harvest. — Ray F. Dively, 425 Dippold Avenue, Baden, Pa. 15005.

GREENVILLE, TEXAS: "Thirty were baptized into Christ here at Walnut Street in 1971. Meetings for 72 include work with Bobby K. Thompson, Miami, Fla.; Ted Beaver, Oklahoma City; Rufus R. Clifford, Franklin, Tenn.; Charles Bland, Houston, Miss.; Rayford Petty, Haynesville, La.; Franklin Williams, Lawrenceburg, Tenn.; Kenneth Keller, Weiner, Ark.; Weldon Warnock, Paden City, West Va.; A. W. Goff, Morrilton, Ark. We look forward to our meeting with Robert Jackson, Nashville, Tennessee beginning April 9th." Ward Hogland, Box 166, Greenville, Texas 75401