Devoted to the Propagation and Defense of New Testament Christianity
May 20, 1971
NUMBER 3, PAGE 12-13

Gospel Guardian Tell-Al-Gram

Wm. E. Wallace — News Editor

Preachers Wanted:

The West Rogersville church of Christ, Rogersville, Alabama is interested in contacting a full-time evangelist to work with the church here. A new brick house is being constructed for the preacher and the church is prepared to give a reasonable support. Contact Hogan Lee Cooper, Route One, Killen, Alabama, 35645 Deming, N.M.--The church in Deming is looking for a full-time preacher. "We are a small group and could partly support him and could, I think, find other support. We are a 'Faithful church' and not a liberal one. We have a nice church building that seats about 125 people. Phone, 546-2184, Box 708, Deming, N.M., 88030"

Brother Cleo Blue has resigned from the work at the East Central church of Christ, Tulsa, Oklahoma, effective July 1, 1971. Bro. Blue has labored with us for three years and we wish him the best of luck wherever he may go. We are in need of a preacher and if you know of a preacher who would be willing to work with us, please have him write to the East Central church of Christ, 1702 So. Memorial, Tulsa, Oklahoma, 74112 or call of one the elders: Vernon Cox, 918-936-8573 or Clint Reed, 918-838-1623.

NEW CHURCH: You might be interested to know that a faithful church meets in Chula Vista, Calif. at the Chula Vista Woman's Club, 357 G. Street. This church was started four years ago, Clyde Goff was the first preacher. Twenty-seven were present at the first service, we average eighty-five now and are looking for a building to buy. We are in an area served by six other churches in various states of apostasy." Robert Pharr 5506 Lesa Road, La Mesa, Calif. 92041 LEWISVILLE, TEXAS: One was baptized today and two were restored last Sunday, at West Main Street church of Christ--May 2. Robert Farish

I know you believe you understand what you think I said, but, I am not sure you realize that what you heard is not what I meant.

JAMES P. MILLER: Weldon Warnock is going to debate W. T. Russell, Missionary Baptist, the week of May 17th.


Sometimes I wonder why that I Should all these burdens bear;

While others seem to do so well, How sumptuously they fare!

Perhaps I think my burdens hard, When really they are light;

At least I have some food to eat And peaceful sleep at night.

I do recall the other day, A man I left behind;

I raised my head and passed him by;

Poor fellow — he was blind.

I thought, how fortunate am I That with my eyes I see;

I'm sure that with my burdens all He'd gladly change with me.

And too, I passed another man, Just sitting on the street.

I wondered why he did not walk, But saw he had no feet.

He said "Good Morning" cheerfully To all who came his way;

It seemed that he was happy, too, So lively, kind and gay.

He had no thought of horrid things;

Said he, "You think it odd?

My thoughts are on a higher plane;

I put my trust in God.

"I follow him through all the day;

He is my all in all, When sorrows like a tempest come,

On him I humbly call.

"By faith, obedience, and love, He saved my soul from sin;

That's why I have this peace of mind And happiness within."

So after this short interview With that poor crippled man,

I'll never think my burdens hard;

But do the best I can.

James W. Middleton, Sr. 134 Manor Drive, Azle, Texas 76020