Gospel Guardian Tellalgram
CLINT SPRINGER: On June 27 I began my work with the Eastside church of Christ in Ranger, Texas. My address is Box 153, zip 76470. The church is small but strong. When passing through this area, take time to worship with us.
PREACHER WANTED: The self-supporting congregation in Fontana, California, will be needing a full-time preacher as of shortly after September 1. If interested, please write to the Elders, c/o 9123 Sierra Avenue; Fontana, Calif. 92335, or contact them by phone at 822-0625, 822-2822, or 822-7894. A/C 714.
THANKS: "I don't know exactly how to express our thanks for the many cards, letters, and calls from our friends around the country since my husband's recent heart attack. He has not yet been released by his doctor, but is able to do some preaching and class work, and is much improved. We thank God for friends in Christ who have offered prayers in his behalf." Sister John W. Wilson 1366 Manzanita Ave. Chico, Calif.
SUPPORT SOUGHT — SAVANNA, OKLAHOMA: "We are trying to help find support for a preacher to work with the Lord's church here at Savanna.
In corresponding with several preachers we find that they will need some support in addition to the $175.00 and house that we can provide. If the Lord's church there could help a sound preacher in this effort, we would be most appreciative and will provide their names so you could correspond directly with them. If you would like to talk personally to some of the brethren from here, we would be glad to meet with you. We (that are working) would need to know a few days in advance in order to get off.
We have a membership of about thirty. We bought pews and some carpeting last year. We are paying $100.00 per month on them, and should have them paid off by July of next year.
Any consideration you may give to this problem will be greatly appreciated. E. E. Sturgeon, for church of Christ, Savanna, Oklahoma.
MANSFIELD, OHIO: "The work here is moving along in a very fine way as of now we have had three to obey the Gospel in Baptism in the last few weeks here in Mansfield.
We have a Gospel Meeting coming up in the near future with Bro. Bill Reeves from Fredricktown, Ohio, this meeting begins August 25th thru 29th.
I will be away in a Gospel Meeting in Kentucky, this meeting will be held at the Church of Christ Tomahawk, Kentucky, date for the meeting will be August 16th thru the 22nd 1971. Delbert Mills PREACHER WANTED: "The church meeting in Waupaca, Wis. is in need of a full-time Gospel preacher. For information write to Thomas J. Comely — 506 Waupaca St. Waupaca, Wis. 54981 or phone A/C 715 258-7900."
DERREL STARLING: 627 Glamis, San Antonio, Texas 78223. The Pecan Valley church (formerly South Flores) is now in its new building in the Southeast part of San Antonio just off I-H 37 Expressway. July 4th I began my sixth year with these brethren. Oct. llth-17th Bro. Terry Sumerlin of Refugio, Texas is to be with us in our next meeting.
"DENVER, COLORADO: The University Hills Church of Christ has been blessed in obtaining a new meeting place. The new building has a seating capacity of 100 and classrooms for all ages. We feel that this is an encouragement to the Lord's work in this area. To reach our new location, take 1-25 Valley Highway to Exit 92; go east on Yale Ave. to So. Holly; and North on South Holly to 1995 South Holly. Our new schedule for services are as follows: Bible Study: 10:00 a. m. Worship Service: 10:50 a. m. Evening Worship: 5:30 p. m. Wednesday Bible Study: 7:00 p. m.
Bro. David Harkrider of Birmingham, Alabama will arrive here July 13, the Lord willing, to begin working with us in this area.
Our meetings for the remainder of this year are as follows: Bro. Jimmy Thomas: July 25-August 1 Bro. Ken Stamper: September 27-October 6.
We wish to encourage you when traveling in our area to worship with us at any time for any of our services. Your presence will encourage the work in this area. If you may know of anyone moving to the Denver area, please contact us."
KERRVILLE, TEXAS: The first meeting of twelve faithful Christians met in a rented building January 1969. Brother Elmer Moore, of Lufkin, Texas, moved to Kerrville to preach for us. Also others came from Baytown, and Houston, and it was not long before we needed a building of our own.
In November of the same year a building was erected to seat 260, with seven class rooms. We have been blessed with a gradual growth in numbers, as well as spiritual strength.
Kerrville is a city of some 15,000, with many more who live in the surrounding country. It is on the Guadalupe river, with many retired people coming here to settle. This is in the hill country, which affords pleasant living conditions the year around.
The new building is between Kerrville and Ingram on the Junction Highway. For information write Elmer Moore, P. O. Box 1594. Phone CL 7-6345, or CL 7-3479. Paul Hutchinson SPOKANE, WASHINGTON: We are presently meeting at W. 3525 Crown Place in Spokane. Our "Ask Your Preacher" call-in radio program is heard live on station KUDY, 1280 kc, for two hours on Saturdays beginning at 12:30, and is attracting a great deal of the attention of the citizens of northern Idaho and eastern Washington to our presence here. Those with friends who are not Christians in this area should encourage them to listen to this program and put them in contact with us. Those wishing to contact me further concerning this new work may write me at the above address, or call Sam Dawson (509) FA6-5736.
GARY M. OGDEN: "On May 2, 1971 I began working with the brethren in Jonesboro, Georgia I just completed nearly four years of work in Lawrenceville, Georgia Bro. Steve Bobbit is now working with that fine congregation. The church in Jonesboro has been meeting for three years and is presently meeting in the basement of Jones' Grocery on Hwy 54. Attendance is in the 50's. My new address effective July 1, 1971: 211 Porter Lane, Jonesboro, Georgia 30236"
NOTICE - PORT ELIZABETH BOND HOLDERS in preparation for paying off their church bonds the Cape Road Church of Christ in Port Elizabeth, Rep. of South Africa, requests all Bond Holders to send photostat Copies of their bonds to attorneys Markman, Cohen and Jankelowitz, P. O. Box 731, Port Elizabeth, South Africa.
JACK GIBBERT: "I just returned from holding a meeting with the Gwinn church in Michigan. It was well attended, visitors every night. The church has only been there for about 9 months. The liberals are meeting in Marquet (25 miles away). The church in Gwinn is located just 5 miles from K. I. Sawyer AFB and has the potential of not only growing larger than the liberal church, but of literally shutting the doors on them. Brother Dave Waldron went with me for the meeting and Dave has agreed to move to Gwinn in July and work with them. He just retired from the navy so there will be no moving expenses. The church there (4 men . . . attendance of 22 to 28) has agreed to support him at $100 a month. Of course he will need additional support. As Dave is retired from the navy he is only looking for a total of $500 a month support. I can assure you that brethren will be seeing their money go to good use in supporting this man. Write him at P. O. Box 58 Gwinn, Michigan, 49843."
PREACHER NEEDED: The Tenth and Lincoln Street church of Christ in St. Joseph, Missouri will be in need of a full time evangelist, September 1, 1971. The congregation can supply only part of the support. The average attendance in June was 51 and May 62. Any preacher interested in moving to this area should contact Ronald Goforth, 7124 Lundeen Drive, Rt. 3, St. Joseph, Missouri 64506 (816 — 279-7552) or Terry Kepley, 2604 Lucille, St. Joseph, Missouri 64506 (816 — 232-1847). William C. Sexton PREACHER NEEDED: I have accepted an invitation from the 28th Street church in Pine Bluff, Arkansas to begin work with them as soon after the middle of August as possible. Brother Edgar Dye will be moving to Springfield, Missouri at that time. I look forward to a good work with these brethren. Anyone who might be interested in working with the church in Bartlett, Tenn. (northeast Memphis) should write Thomas Woodard, 4412 Cleo Rd., Memphis, Tennessee 38122, or contact him by calling (901) 685-6347. Walton Weaver
PREACHER WANTED: Church of Christ, 1112 No. 16th St., Pekin, Illinois is looking for a full time preacher. If interested in moving to this area, please write or call after 4 P. M. one of the following: Bernard Perrill, 300 Capri St., Pekin, Illinois 61554 (phone 309 — 346-3957) or Vernon Retzer, 100 Hazel St., No. Pekin, Illinois 61554 (phone 309 — 382-2486).
BEATRICE, NEBRASKA: The church in Washington, Illinois sent me to Beatrice, Nebraska to work this summer. There is a small — 6 members — but faithful group that meets in Beatrice. They need a preacher to work full time with them. They cannot support a man, but are willing to do all they possible can to help get support. They have struggled very hard for several years under very unfavorable conditions. The church here is supporting a weekly radio program, and will continue to do this if and when they can get a man to work with them. If you know of any interested in this work, he may contact me at 111 Sherwood Park Road, Washington, Illinois 61571, for further information, contact William C. Sexton, 2804 Lafayette, St. Joseph, Missouri; Jesse Wiseman, 406 East Indian School Road, Scottsdale, Arizona. John D. Barnes.
EARTHQUAKE: The earthquake that hit in Chile a few days ago has caused great loss among some of our brethren. We are thankful that no Christian lost his life so far as we know. But several lost part or all of their house. I was appealing to you to aid the Christians in Quillota where even the meeting place was destroyed. Since the quake has affected all the Christians, there is little they can do to help each other materially. Surely it is the Lord's will for brethren from other places to come to their aid. If you are able to help, please mail a check to Roberto Perez, Casilla 355, Quillota, Chile. Indicate whether you want it used for rebuilding the meeting place or as aid to a Christian individual. Also please pray for these brethren and pass this word along as I am able to send these letters only to those whose addresses I have. I'm sorry I am unable to give you a more complete report because communications are still difficult. Please do not send anything but a check because the customs house will make the brethren pay more than the article is worth, and it would take months. If you prefer to send a check in the name of the church or in my name to my address (3319 E. Thunderbird, Phoenix, Arizona, 85032), you may do so. It will be exchanged quickly to Chilean Escudos and sent as you request. God's grace be with you. Philip R. Morgan It seems that three men were preparing the place or worship for an important religious holiday soon to come. The first professional religious man beat himself on his breast, and cried out: "I am nothing! I am nothing!" The second professional man beat on his chest and cried out, "I am nothing! I am nothing!" The church custodian, observing his religious superiors, made a stab at imitating them. Beating on his breast, he too cried out: "I am nothing! I am nothing!" One of the professional religious men looked at the other rather quizzically, raised his holy eyebrow, and commented: "Look who thinks he's nothing!" ("Via Vital Christianity")
Texas Report
Jim Beech — Rt. 2 Box 162 B - Madisonville, Texas 77864 A sound congregation has recently started meeting in Taylor, at West 10th and Hackberry composed of five or six families from Taylor and surrounding areas. Attendance averages about 30. Taylor is a city of 10,000, and brother John Crow, preacher there, assures me that the opportunities abound for the church.
They have leased a building once used by the church and then by the Pentecostals, with an option to buy within six months. Kent Ellis, who is preaching in Bryan/College Station is helping in this effort with a week of good preaching I am sure, July 19-23. Their times of services, Sunday: 9:30 & 10:15 A. M. and 6:00 P. M. Wednesday 7 :30 P . M.
If you are planning a fall vacation, here is some news to look forward to, the church at 404 S. Caddo St., Cleburne will have a Gospel meeting Sept. 6-12, 7:30 each evening. Billy T. Jones from Olsen Park in Amarillo will be the speaker.
I need more NEWS. I don't need gossip, as some brother or sister who calls and says, "did you hear," (and I usually didn't) because I can't use that! If you know it's so, or if it is published somewhere (as a newspaper or bulletin) please send it to me — and brother Wallace says I need to get it four weeks before you want to read it in the Guardian. For those of you who plan your meetings that far ahead, send me the news now and I will try to get it printed just before your meeting. The folks at the Guardian have assured me that they will cooperate, so get on the ball.
Two of the three churches I reported looking for preachers now have preachers. Centerville now has one, and Leo Christ is moving to Greenwood Village in Houston. I understand Ward Hogland's son is moving to San Augustine Road in Dallas where brother Christ preached.
Oliver Murray preached for one of the best meetings the church at Bedias has had while I have been in Texas, in fact their meeting helped us baptize one here in Madisonville the Wednesday night of the meeting. Their attendance was good, one night they mentioned looking for chairs. The success of their meeting has given encouragement to all brethren who attended and I dare say will encourage other meetings in this area.
Working as a news reporter has advantages. One being that you are in contact with good news, cheering news, spiritually uplifting news. Example: the report just received from James Strickland in Conroe that a church of 28 has increased by 20 in one year, now numbering 48. This church is evidently enthusiastic and working. Their enthusiasm is shown by the meeting they have planned August 23 through August 28. They have planned: James Adams, speaking on "Evolution." Oscar Smith, on "What Must I Do To Be Saved?" James Wilson, on "Christian Responsibility." Jerry Wilburn, on "Family Life." Roy Cogdill, on "Institutionalism." and Bill McCuistion, on "Living the Christian Life." I am going to plan to attend as much as possible and I am sure others will want to be there also. All of the announced subjects are of prime interest and importance these days.
I have heard of several meetings just past, Roy Cogdill in Lufkin, Bob Walton in Huntington, Jesse Fogel in Lufkin (Fogel St.), Dale Vernon at Dam B. Bill Cavender will be with the church on Loop 287 in Lufkin August 1 through 11 with a singing 2:00 the first.