Devoted to the Propagation and Defense of New Testament Christianity
July 22, 1971
NUMBER 11, PAGE 11-13

Gospel Guardian Tell-Al-Gram

Wm. E. Wallace — News Editor


"The Challenge is tremendous," was my first evaluation which motivated my moving to Colorado over eleven months ago. Today, the picture is even more clear, and I understand more of what I then wrote. There are many answers which are not available, but here are some which I would like to share with you:

WHAT IS THE AREA PERSPECTIVE? Colorado is the eighth largest state, with an area of 66,718,080 acres, of 104,247 square miles. The population was 1,325,089 in 1950; 1,718,947 in 1960; an increase of 32% which made Colorado the 8th fastest growing state during the ten year period. Recently the population was estimated to be over 2.1 million.

HOW MANY GOOD SOUND "CONSERVATIVE" CONGREGATIONS ARE IN THIS VAST AREA? To my knowledge, only four. There are brethren, however, in isolated areas which were previously parts of good sound churches elsewhere, who are not in favor of the present trend to institutionalize the Lord's church.

WHAT ABOUT COLORADO SPRINGS? The U. S. Census reported that the Colorado Springs Statistical Area increased in population from 74,523 in 1950 to 143,742 in 1960, an increase of 92%. More recent reports state that Colorado Springs resides in a metropolitan area with a statistical population of 255,000.

HOW MANY "CONSERVATIVE" CONGREGATIONS IN THIS AREA? The Northeast Church of Christ, which meets at 2363 East Platte Place stands isolated in this area.

WHAT IS THE PERSPECTIVE OF THE NORTHEAST CHURCH OF CHRIST IN THE AREA? To the east, south and west, the closest congregations standing for the truth are several hundred miles away — in each respective direction. To our north, Aurora and Denver are about 65 miles away, and each have a good sound congregation. Fort Collins, with a good sound church, is yet further north beyond them.

WHAT PROGRESS IS BEING MADE IN THE SPIRITUALLY ISOLATED AREA OF COLORADO SPRINGS? Beginning in April 1969, with six members, the congregation met at first in private homes, then in various locations by the day. Ronnie Houchen did an excellent and sacrificial work in getting the Northeast congregation underway. In July 1970 the service of a full time evangelist were obtained. At the same time the church needing more space, rented a store-front hall (seating about 75) on the east side of Colorado Springs at 2363 East Platte Place. Since this move membership has doubled and now stands at near forty.

HOW DO THINGS NOW STAND? Local members have donated several thousand dollars in work, money and other services. We have already sold about 50% of our bonds. We still have bonds available which are due serially and pay 7 and 8% interest.

WHAT ABOUT A PERMANENT MEETING HOUSE? Property in Colorado Springs is exceedingly high, being a resort city. Zoning, building and covenant regulations complicate matters even more. However, after set-backs and struggles, we now have a well located lot at 6660 Galley Road in the east Northeast part of the area and have floated a bond issue to finance the erection of a new, commodious meeting house.

ARE THERE WAYS OF HELPING THE WORK IN COLORADO SPRINGS? Yes! If you have some funds available, which you would like to invest at 7 or 8% interest while helping a congregation to build a meeting house in an isolated area, you should contact us soon. By doing this you could be assured of this benefit and we would be able to have our funds for our meeting house earlier. Our bonds are in denominations of $250.00, $500.00 and $1,000.00. If you would like further answers feel free to ask. Send all correspondence to us at, P. O. Box 9071, Colorado Springs, Colorado 80909. Our phone number is: (303) 597-6375. H. L. Bruce

The Faith In Foreign Fields By Donald R. Givens 4349 Vassar, Port Arthur, Texas 77640

SOUTH AFRICA: The Faith is being zealously preached in several cities of this nation. Bro. Ronald D. Chaffin has made plans to enter this overseas country to proclaim the faith. The following is excerpted from a letter of bro. Chaffin: "Could I get you to put a short notice in your news column as soon as possible about a letter of bro. Chaffin: "Could I get you to put a short notice in your news column as soon as possible about out decision to move to South Africa in December of this year? Paul Williams is coming back to the states next February and writes that someone is needed to continue the work that he has been doing or else it will greatly deteriorate while he is back here. We just recently decided to go and so are only beginning on a travel fund and support." If you can help bro. Chaffin preach the faith in So. Africa, contact him at 825 N. Main St., Uhrichsville Ohio 44683 very soon.

MEXICO: Bro. Catarino Lujan, Apdo. 61, Ojinaga, Chih., Mexico reports two recent baptisms in Ojinaga. The brethren there have recently started a "house of worship" as their former facilities were outgrown. Several individuals in the U. S. A. have sent hundreds of dollars to the Ojinaga brethren to help them construct this needed meeting house. The following photograph shows the construction completed about the first of June.

The brethren in the Lord's church at Ojinaga have performed the greater part of the labor of this building themselves. Bro. Lujan is the faithful and diligent evangelist here, supported by the Pinecrest. congregation in Beaumont, Texas.

Let us remember to pray and plan and work for laborers to go out into the harvest fields spreading the Faith, wherever it may be, near or far.

JAPAN: Charles Gentry, 3602 Rush Place, Hobart Ind. 46342, who is going to preach The Faith in Japan this August reports that he is still in need of $150 per month living expense and $300 per month for children's school expense.

AUSTRALIA: The following news is from Robert F. Turner regarding his evangelism in Australia and what the Lord has done: "We had good meetings in all appointed places, many with record attendances. My notes, reasonably accurate, show 154 non-member visitors. There were 11 baptisms: and many home studies with results yet unknown. We traveled 6,000 miles or more within Australia, and had two one-hour radio interviews in which listeners participated."

ENGLAND: Fred Melton, evangelist in England, has been preaching at both Bedford and Tunbridge Wells. The following "Macedonian call" and to photographs come to us from bro. Melton.

"The first 'Macedonian call' came in June of 1969. It seemed extremely insignificant at the time. In one corner of the Norwegian report 'Bergen Briefs' was printed a short appeal from an Englishman in Surrey County, England. It read, 'There are two groups in England, pro-American liberal and anti-American liberal . .. Pray that someone will come to work in England.' It appeared to pass completely unnoticed; however, the providence of God was already working beyond the sight of men. A fine church in Athens, Alabama was soon to seek for someone to send to England in an effort to stem the encroaching tide of liberalism engulfing churches in this country. The ensuing months were to see a number of brethren, unknown to each other by face, correlating their interests to reintroduce conservative thought into the church in England in an effort to retain New Testament pattern.

Now, another 'Macedonian call' goes out and we pray that God will guide its acceptance. An entirely new field is ready to open up in Bedford in Bedfordshire County, about 50 miles north of London. Strategically located between two American Air Force Bases, the beautiful city of Bedford is near the heart of the industrial 'Midlands,' the warmest religious climate in England. It was in Bedford prison in 1672 that John Bunyan wrote his 'Pilgrim's Progress.' ... This is a work that must 'start from scratch' with one faithful American Air Force family and a limited time to work on. This fine family is already meeting in Bedford at the Faldo Community Hall while working hard with a number of other good prospects . "Pray that someone will come to work in England." Bro. Fred Melton's address is: 6 Hawthorn Walk, Tonbridge, Kent, England.