Gospel Guardian Tell-Al-Gram
Souls Cost Soles Footwork Needed
ATTENTION: Churches in Northeast Texas. The new and small Eastside church in Marshall, Texas needs assistance in distributing 10,000 announcements for a gospel meeting. All persons who would be interested in helping, contact Wallace Little, (214) 938-7667, or Marshall Bourghn, (214) 938-4498, Marshall, Texas. Distribution of advertising needs to be completed between Monday, May 18, and Saturday, June 6, to be effective. There is a great need for help in this work. The church consists of only three families and just two men. It would be a real help and encouragement to this small church if several brethren would give a few hours during the week mentioned above to helping distribute this advertising. They are worthy of your help and support, and you would be giving the cause of Christ in Marshall a real assist. — J. M. K.
Preacher Needed:
"If space permits request you announce the Church in Pittsburg, Texas, will be in need of a preacher in July.
"We can support a man full-time. Those interested are requested to contact the church here.
"Some of the following men have held meetings or labored here: Gary Scott, Robert Bolton, C. R. Mansfield, Mack Kercheville, Jack Holt, Barney Thompson, Herman Sargent and Eugene Britnell." — Floyd Scott
Rodney M. Miller:
"Two gospel meetings are planned this year: June 21-28 with Bob Owen of Tampa, Fla. the second will be August 16-23 with different speakers each evening. Ron Mosby, James Miller, Bobby Witherington, John Clark, and Connie Adams.
"The work here has seen the appointment of three Elders: Roy Allen, Lee Griffin and John Quinn and Deacons: Doug Allen and Bill Bush. A continuing leadership is necessary so that there be no periods of transition between experienced men and those not so experienced. These men will join the present elders: Malcolm Burgin, Jim Bersot, Alton Scott, and C. B. Sparrow for a bright future Continue to appreciate the paper." — Wendell Avenue, Louisville Kentucky.
Earl E. Harris:
"On May one, brother Robert Lyell began his first full time work with the Central Church of Christ at New Smyrna Beach, Florida. A church composed of dedicated Christians who are spreading the borders of God's kingdom in that community. During the fifteen months prior to brother Lyell's coming, brother Neil Mohan and I preached for this congregation on alternate Lord's days. God has truly provided the increase. Four baptisms and two restorations. Visit these brethren when in the Central Florida area." — Orlando, Florida.
H. L. Bruce:
"The South Side Congregation here recently had an excellent gospel meeting in which Robert Jackson, 1423 Rosebank, Nashville, Tennessee, did the preaching. Eight were baptized and eight were restored. On the Lord's Day after the meeting two more were baptized and one restored. Rejoice with us!" — Box 242, Mount Pleasant, Texas 75455.
Gary D. White:
"The first of April, I began my second year with this congregation. During that year much was done to the building up of the church. Sixteen persons were baptized; sixteen restored; ten placed membership; seven moved away; thirteen were disfellowshipped; engaged in two successful meetings; ordained one elder and deacon; conducted a very successful men's class; and help with the support of a number of evangelists.
"During the week of April 13-17, the church of Christ at Preston Highway enjoyed her finest meeting in over seven years. Twenty-two hours were spent during the five days in study and worship to God. It was one of the finest lectureships you would want to attend anywhere. The ability of every speaker was seen through the excellent manner in which each expounded his assigned topic by means of the Gospel. The Gospel was proclaimed; songs were sung; prayers were offered (and answered); both men and women grew in the knowledge of truth; God was reverend and glorified; and by Saturday, the 18th, four souls had been baptized and seven restored.
"At the two evening services, bro. Harry Pickup, Jr., and bro. James P. Miller delivered very needful, soul-searching lessons; lessons the like I have never heard before. Bro. Pickup directed his lessons to the youth, but the life of every adult present was greatly enriched by the time he finished. Bro. Miller's part of the series not only appealed to the sinner to believe and obey, but in each of his five lessons he used a different method of preaching (Preaching From The Parables, Preaching From The Old Testament, Preaching From Biography, Expository Preaching, and Topical Preaching). Rich for the preachers that attended as well as all.
"Some 36 to 40 preachers attended from five states. A record in attendance was set Thursday evening only to be broken Friday evening by an attendance of 250; fifty-five percent of which was visitors. Brethren and friends from the surrounding areas attended well ... some coming from as far as Akron and Dayton, Ohio, and Nashville, Tennessee.
"The members at Preston Highway are to be commended for the manner in which they supported this lectureship. Untold and lasting good will come from this meeting, thus we hope to see more like it in other areas. We thank everyone who helped us.
"My wife and I look forward to reading the Guardian. Joyce starts reading and doesn't put it down until she is finished with it all." — Preston Highway, Louisville, Kentucky 40213 B. G. HOPE: April 30, 1970
"I am now in my second year with the church at Beaver Dam, Kentucky. Last year, 1969, was a busy year for me. Besides participating in the usual responsibilities of local work, I preached in six meetings. The church here supported me completely in one of them. I feel that in some ways it was one of my most rewarding years. During my stay here, I have had inquiries from a number of places about moving.
"In the main, the Beaver Dam Church is made up of dedicated Christians and they have been cooperative. In my judgment the faithful members feel we have a good, workable program. We are not only trying to save our own souls and the souls of others in the community, but in distant places as well. We are contributing to the support of three preachers away from home. I have already preached in one meeting this year and have four others scheduled.
"I'm enjoying excellent health. I recently had minor surgery and recovered rapidly." — Meadowlawn Drive and Williams St., Beaver Dam, Kentucky.
Jimmy Tuten, Jr.
"My meeting conducted at Rantoul, Illinois during April 6-12 resulted in three restorations. It was a well attended meeting with brethren and preachers coming long distances to support the faithful in Rantoul. The Campbell and Penfield Street Church is made up of dedicated people who love the Lord and His kingdom. They were loyal supporters of the meeting. This was my first time to be with these brethren in preaching the Gospel. They have endeared themselves to me.
"April 20-26 found me with the High School Road Church in Indianapolis, Indiana. Its faithful elders are Alton Darner and Dwayne Laws. Loren Raines has been its faithful and diligent preacher for the 41/2 years of its existence. This meeting was of exceptional interest to me since I am to begin work with High School Road the first Sunday in August. In their April 26 bulletin, brother Raines wrote the following:
"Today we are closing one of the best meetings we have had at High School Road. Both the preaching and the singing have been outstanding and the attendance has been the best we have had. The interest was good in every way. We have had more people from the community in attendance than we have ever had before."
"My next meeting will be at Champaign, Illinois where Victor Sellers is preaching, June 1-7. I hope all brethren who live within driving distance will support this meeting well. This small group of faithful brethren need our support." — 6316 Pernod Avenue, St. Louis, Mo.
Robert A. Bolton
(NOTE: All news involving churches and preachers in the Western States of Arizona, California, Idaho, Nevada, Oregon, Utah, and Washington should be sent to me at 126 West "E" Street, Ontario, California 91761. Due to my meeting schedule in April and May, this report is a little late. Please be understanding. — Robert A. Bolton)
Preaching The Word:
Arizona: LEON ODOM, of San Antonio, Texas, at Westside in Phoenix, April 12-19. . . . MAURICE BARNETT, of Phoenix, at the Ensley church in Birmingham, Alabama, March 29 — April 5 and at Antioch, California, May 11-17. . . . BOB DIETRICH, of Yuma, at Meiners Oaks, California, April 17 — May 3.... ARTHUR ATKINSON, of Del Rosa in San Bernardino, California, at Phoenix, May 4-10.
California: JOHN COLLINS, of Aurora, Colorado, at Venice, May 1-3. . . . DON WILSON, of Sepulveda, at Selma, May 3-10. . . . L. L. STOUT, of Oxnard, at Orcutt, April 27 — May 3. ... BOB DIETRICH, of Yuma, Arizona, at Meiners Oaks, April 27 — May 3.... KENNETH STERLING, of Selma, at Lynwood, April 28 — May 3 and at Parksdale church in Madera, May 11-17. . . . OTIS MOYER, of Lancaster, at Hemet, April 27 — May 1 and at Colton, May 10-15.... ARTHUR ATKINSON, of Del Rosa in San Bernardino, at Phoenix, Arizona, May 4-10.... R. J. STEVENS, of Mt. View in San Bernardino, at Menton, May 4-10. . . . CALVIN C. ESSARY, of Fontana, at Mira Loma, May 17-23... . MAURICE BARNETT, of Phoenix, Arizona, at Antioch, May 11-17. . . . RONNY HINDS, of Sacramento, at Canoga Park, May 17-24. . . . TOMMY McCLURE, of Antioch, at Vacaville, June 14-21. . . . ROBERT A. BOLTON, of Ontario, at Gay Meadows church in Montgomery, Alabama, June 15-21.
Idaho & Nevada: NORTON DYE, of Sparks, Nevada, at Payette, Idaho, April 19-26. Oregon: TED BEEVER, of Brea, California, at Market Street church in Salem, May 4-10.
Washington: BARNEY CARGILE, of Southwest church in Seattle, at Sierra Vista church in Enumclaw, May 4-10.
Preachers On The Move:
CHOICE L. BRYANT moves from East Belmont Avenue Church in Fresno, California to Carmichael, California, July 1.... JACK LYNCH moved from Missouri to Pioneer Drive in Bakersfield, California around May 1.
At Wilmington, California, April 27-28, GLEN LOVELADY met JESSIE S. MACASPAC on "The Deity of Christ" April 27, MACASPAC affirmed and LOVELADY denied "Jesus Christ Is A Man, Not God." April 28, LOVELADY affirmed and MACASPAC denied "Jesus Christ Is God."
At Bakersfield, California, April 27 — May 2, DUANE JENSEN, of Santa Susana, met CICRO GODDARD, of Bakersfield on the following questions: (1) "May The Church Use Classes To Teach The Bible?" (2) "May Women Teach Some Of These Classes?" (3) "May The Church Use More Than One Container To Distribute The Fruit Of The Vine In Communion?" JENSEN was in the affirmative and GODDARD in the negative on these questions.
Clovis, California — April 12, 1970: The church in Clovis is making available the services of their preacher, O. MAX BRADFORD, to conduct gospel meetings for small congregations that cannot financially afford to fully support a preacher for such meetings. If Bro. BRADFORD can be of service to you in this capacity, you may contact him at: Church of Christ, 210 E. Barstow Avenue, Clovis, California 93612.
Fontana, California — May 4, 1970: "Effective Sunday, May 3, the congregation meeting at this place (9132 Sierra Avenue) was blessed with the appointment of elders. The church here is now under the oversight of these bishops: FRED W. WOELPERN, JOHN I. McCANCE, JR., and RICHARD K. ALTMANN. It gives great happiness and causes deep thankfulness to be able to share this news of our 'progress and joy' (Phil 1: 25)." — CALVIN C. ESSARY, Evangelist.