Do All In The Name Of The Lord
I was leading singing in a meeting in De Soto, Texas, in 1915; and one night brother J. B. Nelson preached a sermon and used as his text, Colossians 3:17, "Whatever you do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord." He preached an excellent sermon. After the services were dismissed I went to him and told him how I appreciated his sermon. I told him that I thought he presented a much needed truth. He said, "Why don't you write a song on that?"
I went home and got my pencil and paper and began to write. It took quite a while to write the song, especially the words to the song. Since the time I completed it, it has been published for more than 50 years, and it has been printed in about 50 different song books.
People who love the truth love to sing the truth. They appreciate this song because it is Bible. It begins in the first stanza with a series of quotations from the scriptures. Truth-loving people like to sing songs which are written in this manner; I think this is the main reason that people still sing it today.
Even people who are not members of the church think enough of God's word to want to sing this song. They are singing it now in Australia and in Africa. It has also been recently published by some of the denominations in Pennsylvania.
— Uvalde, Texas