Devoted to the Propagation and Defense of New Testament Christianity
February 8, 1971

"The Weapons Of Our Warfare Are Not Carnal"

Ernest A. Finley

Paul wrote to the Corinthians:

"For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds,)"(II Cor. 10:4).

The passage above has been introduced in an effort to prove that a Christian must not engage in carnal warfare. A study of the Bible will unquestionably resolve the question but this passage was not given by Paul in reference to this question. When Paul said, "the weapons of warfare are not carnal" he was not speaking of a metal sword or spear or chariot or any other material weapon. Rather he was speaking of those weapons that are of the nature which satan uses: worldly wisdom, human philosophy, carnal appeal, worldly gain, worldly glory, worldly position or station etc. These weapons are not to be used by the Christian to gain the ends he seeks to accomplish as a soldier of Christ.

A brother who says, "If you brethren will reconsider your decision to hire brother to preach for us, I'll make a $2,000.00 contribution to the building fund," is using a carnal weapon. If brother is unsound, God's Word should be used to prove it. Or if his efforts are not effective for other reasons, then these reasons should be pointed out. But we do not need "carnal weapons" to accomplish any worthy end in the Lord's service.

Threatening to fire an employee who is also a brother in Christ if he doesn't line up with your party in the local congregation is using a carnal weapon. We have make mighty weapons than these. The concern of both employer and employee should be that we remain aligned with Christ.

Telling a young man that he can't have your daughter's hand in marriage unless he joins up with us in the church is using a carnal weapon. We can not win the battle for Truth with such weapons as these. Obviously, if the young man should follow the proposed course of action on these grounds, his action would not be based on conviction and his conversion would be suspect.

Nor can we truly win the battle for Truth with the carnal appeal of church-sponsored recreation, entertainment, suppers, etc., under the pseudonym of "fellowship." "What kind of program do you have for the young people in the church where you worship?" we are asked. "None but the spiritual," we are pleased to reply.

Perhaps the first century church was not rich in worldly goods but I am persuaded that there was something else that kept them from going hog-wild in construction of elaborate, ornate and exquisite cathedrals in which to worship. They knew that the spiritual sword is more powerful than the carnal sword. It would have been difficult for the first century Christians to compete with the temple of Diana in Ephesus from the viewpoint of architectural beauty. But they could compete with Diana and defeat her in the spiritual realm. That is why Paul exhorted them to put on the whole armor of God (Eph. 6:10-18). They would not have defeated Satan with the carnal weapon if they had tried. There are spiritual weapons far better than the carnal weapons of Satan — weapons that will win the battle every time when used by faithful and courageous soldiers of the cross.

Men of strong faith have complete confidence in the might of the spiritual weapons provided by Christ, our Commander-In Chief. We need no others.

— 718 Lambuth Lane Deer Park, Texas 77536