Devoted to the Propagation and Defense of New Testament Christianity
January 28, 1971

Capsule Commentaries

Robert H. Farish

The Grace Of God Plus The Faith Of Man

Timidity in emphasizing the grace of God can stem from fear of encouraging some to presume on the grace of God. There were those in the first century who turned "the grace of God into lasciviousness" (Jude 1:4).

It is also true that some will not allow the Bible to define what it is to "believe on the Lord Jesus Christ," and will not emphasize the essentiality of obedience of faith, due to fear of people becoming self-righteous and depending on their own righteousness to save them. Obedience of faith does not minimize the grace of God, nor does the grace of God render "obedience of faith" non essential.

The faithful Christian will not be deterred from proclaiming the "whole counsel of God" simply because some have perverted the gospel of salvation to their doom. Salvation is still "by grace. . . through faith" (Eph. 2:8). Grace describes the divine provision; faith describes the human action by which the provisions of grace are appropriated by the individual. It is grace plus faith.

— Lewisville, Texas