Devoted to the Propagation and Defense of New Testament Christianity
November 12, 1970


Lanny Parrish

The old adage, "0 consistency, consistency, thou art a rare jewel," can very appropriately be applied to many religious (?) people and, in particular to many members of the body of Christ. To be consistent, i.e. for consistency to exist one must be regular, habitual, consistent in his actions, particularly in reference to religion and the practice of it.

Being consistent requires more than just mental assent, determination and/or good intentions. It demands the putting into action of the godly intentions and thoughts of the heart. For a person to say or affirm that he believes a certain thing and then not manifest that belief by following it up with action or to act contrary to what was held as faith is to be inconsistent.

When we who are Christians became Christians, we inferred by our action in obeying the Gospel that we would faithfully submit to the will of God. When we neglect His will we are being inconsistent and consistency in obedience is no longer a part of our life. Our Lord encouraged consistency always on our part. (I Cor. 15:58; Eph. 4:14; Rev. 2:10; Matt. 7:21; Jas. 1:25).

Even some of our preaching brethren fail to practice consistency. This is in evidence when they advise other members and/or preachers on how to stand strong for the faith, to be diligent, and "toe the mark" when problems arise that demand every ounce of courage and faith that one can muster then, they themselves don't speak out strong for the faith, are not as diligent as they preach and advise and sometimes are soft-spoken even to the point of leaving doubt as to their true convictions and stand when conflicts confront them.

Consistency is ever so important in obedience to God on the part of every human being (Matt. 7:21; 2 Tim. 2:5). When we teach that God requires obedience, let us all be consistent and live and practice what we teach and profess to believe before all men.

We become inconsistent and consistency ceases to exist when:

1. We forsake the assembling of ourselves together (Heb. 10:25).

2. We stop putting the kingdom of God first (Matt. 6:33).

3. We look back to the world (Lk. 9:62).

4. We stop denying our self of worldly practices (Titus 2:11-14).

5. We fail to confess Christ before men (Matt. 10:32-33).

6. We fail to let our lives shine as lights that God may be glorified (Matt. 5:16).

7. We fail to love our neighbor enough to mention God and heaven to him. (Matt. 22:39).

8. We fail to practice what we preach - we say and do not (Matt. 23:3).

Is Your Life Consistent With The Gospel Of Christ?

P. O. Box 1522, Bay City, Texas 77414