Gospel Guardian Tell-Al-Gram
Book Report by Carl A. Allen EXPOSITORY OUTLINES ON EPHESIANS — By Edward W. Fudge
The book of Ephesians is designed to show God's eternal purpose in the Church. This book has been the "store-house" for those who have inquired about God's eternal purpose in the "Scheme of Redemption." Brother Edward W. Fudge has composed a booklet of "Expository Outlines," intended for the purpose of assisting those who are interested in more "EXPOSITORY" type preaching.
There are a lot of seed thoughts and suggestions that will be worthy of consideration and will cause one to take a closer look at the book. Though I do not agree with the general lay-out (I do not think it is as clear and concise as it should be) it is worthy of consideration:
Copyrighted in 1969; paper back; 90 pages; $1.25. Published by the C. E. I. Publishing Company and can be purchased through the Gospel Guardian Company, Box 470, Lufkin, Texas 75901.
Book Report by Carl A. Allen New Testament Helps ROMANS — By Edward W. Fudge
"This little book does not propose to be a commentary on Romans, in the usual sense of that word. A commentary on Romans should be more exhaustive by far than this, and necessarily larger in size. An attempt is made, however, to follow Paul's thinking as he unfolds the Good News — sometimes precisely and with care, sometimes with more haste than clarity — but always in words taught by the Spirit of God. The aim here is more positive than negative, more to see what Paul says than what others have erroneously concluded from that." (From the Author's Preface)
Brother Fudge follows a plan that may be described as a "running explanation of Romans." There is no attempt made to consider "in-depth" the arguments in Romans; but rather, to continually point the reader in the right direction of Paul's arguments. A quick glance will assure the reader that he is on the right track.
Some words are dealt with; but, would not be classified as a word study. Brother Fudge described it well in the paragraph above — in the Preface of his work.
Printed by the C. E. I. Publishing Company; Copyrighted 1970; Paperback; 79 pages. The text of the K.J.V. is printed in bold type at the top of each page and the "running comments" are printed at the bottom. Order from the Gospel Guardian, Box 470, Lufkin, Texas 75901.
DANIEL SOMMER — 1850 to 1940 This is the title of a 307 page biographical work compiled by Wm. E. Wallace and published by the Gospel Guardian Company, Box 470, Lufkin, Texas 75901. The price is $5.95.
This is a fine history of the life and work of a noted pioneer preacher. It tells of the struggles of the family in making a living after the death of the father when Bro. Sommer was a small boy.
The account of his conversion from sectarian belief to Christ and gospel obedience is interesting and informative. Shortly thereafter he entered Bethany College, not many years after the death of Alexander Campbell, its founder and first president. Then into full-time preaching and writing.
He began writing for The American Christian Review while still a very young man. He was encouraged to do so by its editor, "Benjamin Franklin, the gospel preacher." After Franklin's death the paper fell into the hands of men who were not members of the church who used it largely as an advertising medium to make money. Bro. Sommer wanted to save it for the cause of Christ. He borrowed several thousand dollars ($12,000.00 I believe), and bought it. He discarded all advertisements, and thus set a good example for other religious papers. Innovations were beginning to make their way into the churches of Christ (among the first were the missionary and other societies) and Brother Sommer, like Ben Franklin, lifted up his voice and pen against them. Instrumental music in worship soon came in and Brother Sommer was an uncompromising foe to it. Seeing that the so-called "Christian" colleges were hot-beds for innovations, he used his influence against them. (The Sommer family struggled with the debt on the Review for many years. )
In 1926 I heard Bro. Sommer and Bro. J. N. Cowan debate the questions of classes in teaching, receiving people on what is called "sect baptism," and Christians engaging in carnal war. On these questions I agreed with Cowan and differed from Sommer. I differed with him on cups in communion and order of worship.
But despite my differing with him, I admired him. He was a very able and godly man. I presume no one did more (if as much) good in defending the cause against the innovations which finally resulted in a large segment leaving the Christian church and "restructuring" themselves into the wrongly-named "Disciples of Christ." Brother Sommer showed me both kindness and consideration. I loved him.
"Our people" generally are not informed about the currents and cross currents of the effort put forth by Alexander Campbell and others to restore the primitive church. Biographical works are very informative sources of information on such matters. Brother Sommer entered Bethany college in Virginia (now West Virginia) a few years after the death of Alexander Campbell. When the Bethany church (or some members of it) organized the "Mite Society" he opposed it. His first sermon from the Bethany pulpit was against it. It resulted in the death of that society. From then on he opposed all societies designed to do church work. One does not have to agree with all he said, nor with all the positions he took, to get a lot of much-needed information by reading the book.
This is meant cordially to recommend the book. — J. D. Phillips in "The Truth"
tttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt Reporter — CLYDE STRICKLAND, 417 E. Groesbeck, Lufkin, Texas 75901
GOSPEL MEETINGS: Past, Present, Future —
Hoyt Houchen with Westend church in Lubbock, July 13-19 — Jerry C. Ray, July 12-19 at West Side church in Irving, Texas. — The church meeting at 6101 Linton, Haltom City, Texas, conducted a meeting July 20-24 with Ward Hogland preaching. — July 26-31, Bristol Road in Ferris, Texas; Lynn Headrick did the preaching. — Alvin O. Raney of Hatfield, Ark., in Cooper, Texas, August 10-16. — The Spring Branch congregation in Houston, Texas, August, Luther Martin doing the preaching. — W. R. Jones at 62nd and Indiana Ave. in Lubbock, August 3-9. — Northshore in Houston had Billy T. Jones, August 17-23. — The Pruitt and Lobit church in Baytown, August 9-15, with A. H. Payne of Richardson, Texas, preaching. — Ward Hogland in Louisville, Ky., in August. — Tom Roberts of Crockett, Texas, August 10-16, in White Oak, Texas. — 1221 Austin St. and Ave. K in Rosenberg, Texas, August 24-30, with R. J. Stevens preaching. — R. J. Stevens was with the Garden Valley Road church in Tyler, Texas, August 17-23. His son, Tim, led the singing for this meeting. — Luther Blackmon at 500 N. Somerville in Amarillo, Texas, September 13-20. — The Kiestview congregation in Dallas, Texas, is to have James Trigg of Longview with them September 21-27. — Robert Farish, Austin, Texas, at Castleberry in Fort Worth, October 5-9. — Donald R. Givens reports that the Thomas Blvd. church in Port Arthur, Texas, begins a meeting with Robert Turner, October 12 through 18. Brother Givens was in a meeting in Bridge City, Texas, September 13-18; he is to be with the congregation in Port Acres, Texas, October 5-9, and then, beginning November 1 and continuing through the 8th, in Milbridge, Maine.
From Lanny Parish, P. O. Box 1522, Bay City, Texas: "This month, September, I begin my second year of labor with the Matthews Street congregation here in Bay City, Texas. We have had a very profitable year for the Lord in that we have had 15 confessions of fault, 5 baptisms, and 2 to be identified. The congregation is yet small in number, but we have the unlimited potential to enlarge the borders of the Lord's kingdom as we are the only conservative congregation within 24. miles, and there are easily 20,000 people within this area, plus we have access to the power which can save their souls, that is, God's word. You are always welcome to worship and study with us should you have occasion to be in Bay City. The building is located at the corner of Matthews Street and Avenue I."
Preacher Needed:
The congregation meeting on Irene and Coke Streets in San Angelo, Texas, is in need of a faithful gospel preacher who has access to or can obtain his support while working with the congregation there. The congregation is quite small in numbers but are determined in faith. If interested in this work, contact Neal Wilkerson, 2902 N. Chadbourne St., San Angelo, Texas, 76901.
Preachers To New Locations:
After several years of fruitful labor with the church in Lafayette, La., Bob Franks began work August first with the Westside church, 6110 White Settlement Road, in Fort Worth, Texas.
Jim Everett, after spending three years labor in the Cause of Christ in Australia, began work August first with the Southern Oaks congregation in Lake Jackson, Texas.
Jack Gilliland is moving from Edna, Texas, around September first to work with the church in Corrigan, Tex.
A New Congregation:
Saints have begun meeting in Richardson, Texas, recently. They are presently meeting in the T.P. & L. building, 503 Lockwood, across from the post office. Al Payne of Jackson, Miss., began work with these brethren about August 1st.
Preacher In Need Of Support:
Jose A. Sanchez, who preaches for the small Spanish speaking congregation in Pharr, Texas, has been, and presently is, working at a secular job in order to make his living. However, the work there has grown and requires so much of his time that he would like to devote his full time in the Lord's work. This would necessitate his being supported by congregations elsewhere. Congregations that might be interested in supporting him may write him at 802 E. San Antonio, Pharr, Texas, 78577, or they may write to Valente Rodriguez, Sinton, Texas, for further information concerning Brother Sanchez and the work in Pharr.
JERRY RAY — CANCER By now possibly most of us have heard that Jerry Ray, a faithful young gospel preacher, has undergone surgery for cancer. He underwent surgery in St. Luke's Hospital in Houston, Texas, on Monday morning, Aug. 10th, during which a third of his stomach and part of the esophagus was removed. We are happy to learn that the cancer had not spread as much as had been suspected prior to the operation and the doctors were able to remove all the cancerous growth. However, the lymph glands have been affected with inactive cancer cells which may or may not prove to be dangerous or prohibitive of complete recovery. Jerry was released from the hospital on Monday, the 24th, and continues to gain in strength, and he is reported to be in good spirits. By the time this appears in the Guardian, he very likely will have returned to his home in Florida.
tttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt OFFICE NOTES — W. E. W.
PERSONAL NOTE TO CORRESPONDENTS: Many of our customers and subscribers write to us notes and letters, and we read them all. Many of the orders for books, supplies, and literature include personal notes. Frequently someone writes a friendly letter. All of these notes and letters find their way to my desk, and I read them all. I feel a little guilty in not answering each one, but with the rush of the largest volume of business ever known by The Gospel Guardian, I find it difficult to take time to answer these many notes and letters. I have been thinking about hiring a secretary to handle all my correspondence, but there is some disagreement between my wife and me on this point! Anyhow, I want you to know that your notes and letters are much appreciated, even if you do not receive an answer. Keep the business coming, we have to have it to keep The Gospel Guardian in the mails each week! And thanks for your remarks and expressions! — W. E. W.
WHEATON accommodating preachers and churches. Mel Myers, sales representative for Wheaton Van Lines, Inc., and gospel preacher in Bloomington, Indiana, writes that "Wheaton is putting all churches on National Billing rather than C.O.D. They are really going all out for the preachers!"
THE BOOK OF ACTS IN POETRY by Jim W. Middleton, Sr. is now ready. Brother Middleton says, "It is written in hope that those who read will want to know what the text means." This book is first-class, first-rate poetry. What a great gift it makes! One customer has already ordered 20 for gifts. $2.00.
ttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt O. B. PROCTOR writes that three were baptized at 1410 Oak St. in Abilene, Texas during the month of August.
OUTLINES OF SERMONS AND INSPIRATIONAL TALKS by M. C. Kurfrees: About 20 years ago Bill Thompson saw the original outlines of Kurfrees in the possession of Cled Wallace. Thompson and Jim Cope published the outlines. Thompson recently turned over to us 100 copies of this outline book. When these are gone the book will be out of print. Slightly damaged copies — $1.00.
LEON GOFF of Camden, Arkansas will move to Mt. Pleasant, Texas in October to begin work with the Southside congregation.
ROBERT H. FARISH of Wonsley Road in Austin, Texas will move to Lewisville, Texas to begin work the first of the year.