Devoted to the Propagation and Defense of New Testament Christianity
May 7, 1970

The Bible And Society

Forrest Darrell Moyer

Our nation is experiencing a definite change in its whole moral fiber. People keep getting farther away from God and the principles upon which this nation was built. Many sinful practices are becoming more socially accepted all the time. Why this change? I believe that Mr. Calvin Coolidge properly expressed it when he said,

"The foundations of our society and our government rest so much on the teachings of the Bible that it would be difficult to support them if faith in these teachings should cease to be practically universal in our country. Leaves of God, p. 192

It does not require much perception to know that the teachings of the Bible are not now practically universally believed. Atheists, evolutionalists and modernists have for a long time been implanting seeds of unbelief into the minds of students from grade school through universities. Enough pressure has been brought to bear to outlaw Bible reading in schools. While the Bible cannot be read and the being of God cannot be taught, the students read of evolution as a fact in the text-books. People who try to follow the Bible are mocked, scoffed at, and ridiculed in many social circles.

So the very foundations of our society and government are threatened and are crumbling. The nation is traveling a course that can only lead to destruction. I may not live to see it, but it must come as we turn farther away from God and His high precepts. The only recourse is "Back to God's way!" Let this be the hue and cry of all those who believe the Bible to be God's word.

— 10038 Rose Avenue Bellflower, California