Gospel Guardian Tell-Al-Gram
A Brief Historical Account Of The Sunnyvale, California Congregation
On the evening of October 4, 1949 with the approval and encouragement of the Elders of the Church meeting in San Jose) fifteen members of that Church met together to discuss the possibility of starting a new congregation in the Sunnyvale area where these fifteen lived. For our meeting place we agreed to rent an old laundry building which was available for $75 a month. After receiving a pledged contribution of $46 a week, a bank loan was agreed upon to purchase chairs, Bibles and other necessary supplies. With much enthusiasm, we decided to begin worshipping on October 31, 1949.
On Halloween day, 1949, the Sunnyvale Church of Christ began with 26 members present who publicly announced that they wanted to be part of this new congregation. On that first worship day, our contribution was $110 and it has never been below $100. Classrooms were made by stringing sheets along wires affixed to the ceiling and the teachers of the various classes had to guard against talking too loud. Children were, needless to say, forced to be quiet as their parents were only a sheet away. Various duties necessary to an orderly worship service were appointed and carried out enthusiastically.
As members from other congregations learned of our existence, our number grew and grew. We were dependent on the various congregations to supply our pulpit with a preacher each Lord's Day. We were truly fortunate to have Bro. Charles Hopper and Bro. Joe Gilmore from East Oakland and Bro. Gabbord and Bro. Roy Hyde of San Jose, to name only a few out of so many, to preach for us during our first year.
In about the sixth month of our existence we were scripturally organized with qualified elders and deacons. The membership and contribution continued to increase and in a year, we were able to support our first runtime preacher, Bro. Otis H. Moyer; we have been self-supporting ever since.
Twenty years has seen the Sunnyvale congregation build two buildings; the first was built in 1952 at a cost of $16,500 and was able to seat 300 people. It wasn't long before it was necessary to hold double services to accommodate comfortably the large number of God's people. Therefore, in 1959, we built our present building which has a seating capacity of over 500. During this time of growth and expansion, three good, sound congregations were begun by our members in much the same way Sunnyvale began so long ago. The following men (listed chronologically) have been local preachers for us during these times and we are richer for their being here: Otis Moyer, Peter Wilson, Forrest Moyer, Arnold Hardin, Peter Wilson (again) and Warren Cheatham. Our present evangelist is W. W. Cassio.
A complete list of the men who have filled our pulpit during Gospel meetings would take a great amount of space but I will attempt to name a few: John W. Wilson, Joe Gilmore, Roy Cogdill, L. L. Stout, Lloyd Moyer, Forrest Moyer, Otis Moyer, Hoyt Houchen, Vern Wilson, Don Wilson, Clyde Wilson, Ward Hogland, Yater Tant, O. C. Lambert, Peter Wilson, Ted Beever, Wayne Timmons and Foy Smith. Many more have been here and we were truly enriched by their words.
Because of our continued growth, it was necessary to add a second-story classroom complex last year. This enables us to offer the adults their choice of several subjects to study, both Sunday and Wednesday. The curriculum includes: The Pentateuch Studies, Old Testament History, Old Testament Prophets, Poetic Books of the Old Testament, an Orientation Class for new members, Special Subjects, Harmony of the Gospels, History of the Church, Epistles of Paul, General Epistles and Revelation. Classes are provided for all school-age children on Sunday and Wednesday in addition to a Wednesday evening Young Ladies' Training Class. A Preacher's Training Class is taught each Monday evening. Nine men have been trained to preach while attending services here during the years and are now engaged in full time preaching. We hope to train many more. We are indeed proud of our teaching program and thankful to God for the increase.
We look for a continued and steady growth in the future and to this end we invoke God's blessings. We try to maintain at least 25 home Bible classes in which the alien sinner can be reached and the failing Christian be up-builded. The response has been most encouraging.
At the present, the congregation here is supporting two men in "mission" work and we hope to be able to add another when we are financially able. Five men now serve this church as elders: Joe Forrester, Harry Hendry, Clarence Turner, Ernest Lewis, and Howard Hooper. Two of these men are supported full-time. ERNEST L. LEWIS, Elder, Sunnyvale Church of Christ, 1050 Remington Drive, P. O. Box 822, Sunnyvale, California.
News From Fields Afar
"And the went everywhere preaching the word ..." — Reported by J. Paul Branch Additional reports are coming in slowly. Many in distant fields have not had time to send us regular reports. The help of all interested brethren is needed. If you receive reports from preachers in distant lands (American or Native) please forward a copy to me. Some of you have sent names to be contacted for reports. Some readers have requested that a list of foreign laborers be printed in the Guardian that brethren may help individually. One brother reports that he is adopting and encouraging others to practice a "Miss-A-Meal" gift to individuals in foreign fields. (Note: the suggestion was direct support) This list will be published as soon as a fairly complete list can be made. Do you have names you can add? If native preachers, please try to verify their soundness in the faith.
Reading The Reports:
From Japan: Wm. C. Hinton, Jr, C. P. O. Box 179, Nagoya, Japan — The Hintons set sail in May for the states. Enroute they will visit brethren in other fields. After a speaking and visiting tour of the churches supporting them they will reside at 5966 Park Place, Hammond, Ind., 46320, laboring with the Hammond church. Concerning the work in Japan he writes, "they now have 223 persons enrolled in Bible study courses, nine were added from their last Newspaper ad. Also, several denominational preachers and churches are using this study course." He reports their main problem is follow-up. The churches are so scarce that there is rarely an opportunity for students to attend or study with nearby congregations. A filmstrip and a tract is ready for the printers. A meeting is being planned at Osaka with a Japanese preacher. Brother Hinton continues his appeal to American brethren to COME or SEND SOMEONE to Japan. With his departure, I understand Japan will be without a conservative American full-time preacher. At Yokohama (military or base personal membership) one can preach in English while learning the culture and language, then move on to a new field or assist old established churches. The seed has been planted. Someone is needed to "water and nourish" the seedlings. Who will hear this cry for help? Truly a "Macedonian Cry!" Will you, can you go? Contact brother Hinton at his Indiana address for details.
From Rhodesia: Doug Bauer, P. O. Box 549, Que Que, Rhodesia — Brother Bauer reports printing and distributing a pamphlet to every house with a favorable response. Que Que and Gwelo are having an inter-congregational study and song drill. Brother Foy Short from Gwelo is teaching a song drill on Thursday night at Que Que and brother Bauer and others go to Gwelo on Friday night. Both churches are being strengthened by this program. Brother Bauer reports on one of the African preachers. He has six families in Bible study and teaches on Wednesday morning a class of 40 children at the Amaveni Government Primary School. The Bauer family is now in their house in town. This should be helpful to his work and time saved. Teaching bulletins and Bible material is requested for use in their printing and teaching program.
The Voice Of Valhalia: Fred Liggins, Jr., 34 Henri Road, Eldoraigne, Pretoria, N. Transvaal, South Africa. — Brother Liggins reports two restored on April 12th. Also a family of seven placed membership on the same date. April 26th broke an attendance record with 43 present for worship. They lost one man through a work transfer. He reports an interesting and profitable study each Saturday with the Jehovah Witness. Each Saturday brother Paul Williams is coming over to Pretoria to assist in a study with the Jehovah Witnesses. They have studied the basic tenets of doctrine. This is opening doors for further study. He reports Richard's eye seems much better. A check up soon will tell how much progress. A second operation may not be necessary.
From Rhodesia: Foy Short, P. O. Box 218 Gwelo, Rhodesia writes a lengthy letter concerning a serious need. The brethren in Gwelo are faced with raising $1,000.00 before September 30th or loose their property. They purchased a piece of property from the municipality with two restrictions: 1. To build within two years. 2. To build a certain value structure. Both were reasonable at the time but loss of members (leaving the area) has them in a bind. With funds on hand plus the $1,000 dollars they can float their loan, build the building and make the payments. Brethren shall we allow this property to be lost? Surely enough individuals can send a few dollars to save the property and allow them to build. Let's all help. The above address can be used.
From The Philippines: Romulo B. Agduma, Mland Cotobato 0-117 Republic of the Philippines — Romulo writes, "We are busy making plans and arrangements for the coming series of lectures to be held here in Mang May 21st through 24th. Most (conservative PB) faithful preachers in the island will be attending. The main speakers will be brethren Roy E. Cogdill and Cecil Willis. A fuller report will be made next month."
From Norway: "Bergen Briefs" (April 70) Editors, Tommy Thornhill and Arthur Olafsen, Natlandsveien 84 N-5030, Bergen, Norway — They report personal work and meetings in Bod, Harstad, Stokmarknes and Trondheim. Arrangements had been made for a meeting place in Bad but one hour before leaving a telegram cancelled the use of the rented hall. They went to Bod hoping to locate another hall, only to locate one for future use. With no meeting place they cancelled the meeting by newspaper ad. At Harstad the meeting was disturbed by young people. On the second night a watchman kept peace and 11 visitors attended. At Stokmarknes and Tromdheim profitable study with contacts brightened their trip. Back in Bergen two young Norwegians did the preaching and conducted the services. For one it was his first sermon. The need in Norway is two fold: More workers and more funds. A new tax has been imposed that increases prices up to 20%. This will seriously affect paper ads, mailing cost, paper for teaching use etc. The work fund is hardest hit... and this is their KEY to growth. Can any of our readers assist them?
To Nigeria: Wayne L. Payne — The Payne's set sail for Nigeria on June 12th. Anyone sending funds for travel, work funds or special funds send to the FIRST NATIONAL BANK, Newport, Arkansas 72112. The bank will deposit the funds in his account. He will make the accounting from Nigeria. May his labors in this fertile field be fruitful.
Some Are Going And Some Returning....
After three years the JIM R. EVERETT family is returning to the states. They have spent three wonderful years laboring in Australia. His address is Jim R. Everett % Rt. 2, Box 42, Burnet, Texas, 78611. (Later an article on Australia will give more details) Also from Australia the HAROLD V. COMER family is moving to Birmingham, Alabama to labor with the 77th Street church. BILL HALL, the present preacher for the 77th Street church is making plans to go to Australia. We pray for him a pleasant and fruitful stay in the country "Down under." The FRED MELTON family is going to Oxted in Surrey, just south of London in August. The Eastside church in Athens, Alabama will support Fred. Oxted has a fine potential, being made up of both American and Foreign Christians. Fred will begin his labors with a gospel meeting with the Tunbridge Wells church. I know Fred personally, he will do a fine work there.
RAY VOTAW has returned to Springs, Transvaal, Republic of South Africa. Ray is a veteran of many trips and years spent in Africa. The Lord's work is in the safe hands with men like Ray sowing the seed. We wish him another fruitful labor.
I am receiving information from laborers in the field that will give information on the different fields. We shall spotlight a different work each report. I think you will enjoy reading them. Remember, any reports not appearing will be appreciated. Give us the news and we'll report it. Paul Branch, 1613 -5th St., Palmetto, Florida 33561.
Carrollton, Texas
"Since my last report much has been accomplished at the Josey Lane church, We have had 3 baptisms, 11 restored and 15 placed membership with us. Also the first of June some of the plans of this congregation were culminated with the establishment of a much needed work in Richardson, Texas by seven families from this congregation. Richardson is a suburb on the north side of Dallas. We will be assisting in this work by sending $400.00 per month towards the support of brother A. H. Payne, who will be moving there from Jackson, Miss., in August. At present this sound group will be meeting in the Texas Power and Light building on Belt Line Road. When in Richardson worship with them. When in Carrollton worship with us." Paul G. Kelsey, 1821 Glengarry Dr., Carrollton, Texas 75006.
Report From Clint Springer
"We arrived in Sweetwater the 12th of June and I preached my first sermons the following Lord's day. There were 33 present. We were delayed several days due to a minor accident my wife had with a gas stove while still in Port Arthur. She was burned about the face and hands, but is almost completely recovered now.
"We are being supported by seven churches but are about $100.00 short of our monthly salary. The local church will make this up for the time being. We have a fifteen minute radio program and a short newspaper article each week through which we are trying to create some interest in Bible study. There are two large liberal churches and about three no-class groups in the city.
"The church meets for worship at 610 E. Avenue B, and my home address is 1003 E. 12th, Sweetwater, Texas 79556."
Preacher Needed
"The South Clarksville congregation in Clarksville, Tennessee is in need of a sound gospel preacher. This congregation has enjoyed a steady growth and the possibilities for continued growth are good. This congregation can furnish partial support and will help raise additional support. It is anticipated that some of the churches now providing support for the present preacher will continue their support to the right man. Preachers who are interested in working with this congregation may contact William T. Dickerson, 1-615-647-0547." — William Dickerson, 205 Bullock Drive, Clarksville, Tennessee 37040.
Preacher Available
"I have about 1 years of preaching experience and am available to preach each Lord's day. Can you give me the addresses of some churches in Texas (particularly in this part of Texas) that could use an evangelist to come and preach to them each Sunday?" — R. A. Gilbertsen, Apartment 3, 4026 Prescott, Dallas, Texas 75219.
Jamestown, North Dakota
"The church meets in Jamestown at 202 4th Ave. S. E. for all services. At present we have 7 members. We met for the 1st time on June 28th with 15 present. The church is new in this city of well over 1800. We have a 25 minute radio program each Sunday over Key J. 1400 on the dial. We find the people here very friendly and we believe that the church can be planted by hard work and endurance. At present our plans are to have several preachers come at different times to help in sowing the seed of the kingdom, several have promised to come being sent by the local church or other means. Our funds are limited. We have our support promised for a year or longer by the church here, as money was saved over a two year period in order for us to move. Anyone knowing people in and around Jamestown please send me their address and they will be contacted. When passing through stop and worship with us. When you take a vacation consider coming here; its beautiful and green and a cool breeze all the time even though its in the 90's or higher. Those sending papers take note of address." — John W. Pitman, P. O. Box 229, Jamestown, North Dakota 58401.
C. R. Scroggins
"Just a note to say we have baptized one, Restored one and had six to be identified with the Southside Church of Christ, that meets at 1720 South Turner, Hobbs, New Mexico, during the month of June." — C. R. Scroggins
That June 25 Issue:
That June 25 issue with the articles concerning Pat Boone and speaking in tongues is much in demand. But we have no more available. However, we can send reprints of the articles wanted at $10.00 per hundred.
The Changing Image,
The Changing Image, a tract by Luther Blackmon deals with the changing of the New Testament church by modern innovations. It is a popular item. One customer who had to wait while we had this pamphlet reprinted observed: "I am surprised that you do not have an ample supply of this tract on hand." $15.00 per hundred. A 20 page tract, 4 X 7 size.