"Let There Be Light"
A Good Sermon On Light — Ed.
In Genesis 1:3-5, we have these words. "And God said, Let there be light: and there was light. And God saw the light, that it was good: and God divided the light from the darkness. And God called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night. And the evening and the morning were the first day." The Decree of God that "there be light" follows verse two which, first of all, describes a period of darkness and formlessness during earth's history. Second, verse two symbolizes spiritual death and darkness in a person's life prior his conversion to life and light. Let us consider briefly these verses and their meanings and applications.
First of all, what is the source of light, both physical and spiritual? It is Christ, God and The Word of God. Many passages reveal and teach this. New Testament passages are as follows: II Corinthians 4:6; I John 1:5; and John 1:4 and 5, 8:12 and 12:35 and 36. In the Old Testament, we have these passages: Proverbs 6:23; and Psalm 27:1, 43:3, 19:8, 118:27 and 119:105 and 130.
Second, why is light good? There are, at least, four reasons. Light illuminates one's mind. Light guides one in the right way, and opens one's eyes to where one is at the moment, and where he is going. Dangers and pitfalls are exposed by the light. Finally, light gives life in that it reveals how to avoid dangers, death and pitfalls. Ephesians 5:11-16 should be carefully read, studied and applied in this connection.
Our third or final topic deals with the dividing of the light from the darkness. This is true in both the physical and spiritual realms. Light represents that which is positive, revelatory and constructive. Darkness in negative, hidden and destructive in nature and operation. Day is also positive, whereas night is negative.
Negatively speaking, what are the duties of a Christian or a child of light. Simply stated, a Christian is not to have any "fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them," and not to have fellowship or communion with darkness (II Corinthians 6:14).
Now, what are the positive duties? A Christian or a child of God and light is to be a light of the sin-darkened world in order to tell others about God, "who hath called you out of darkness into his marvelous light" (Matthew 5:14-16; Ephesians 5:8; I Thessalonians 5:5; and I Peter 2:9). A Christian, who was delivered from the powers of darkness and is a "partaker of the inheritance of the saints in light," is to wear the armor of light and to walk in the light (Colossians 1:12 and 13; Romans 13:12; and I John 1:7).
In short, there should always be a definite separation between a Christian and a non-Christian, just like there is a definite separation between light and darkness. This is due to the basic differences between a Christian and a non-Christian as to life, attitudes, motives, interests and so on. This difference can only be accomplished and then maintained when the Word of God is heeded and obeyed, and when the God-Christ Light shines forth and illuminates a Christian or a child of Light.
In view of these things, "let us walk in the light of the Lord" (Isaiah 2:5). Is the reader walking in the light, or, in darkness? Is he obeying or disobeying God, Christ and the Word of God? Let us, therefore, think on and practice these Truths humbly, sincerely, faithfully, willingly and obediently as children of light rather than doing just the opposite as children of darkness under God's justice, wrath and condemnation.
— 1418 Rosslytt Drive, Palmetto, Florida 33561