Gospel Guardian Tell-Al-Gram
A SPECIAL ISSUE OF THE GOSPEL GUARDIAN COMING SOON: It will appear the second week in August and will be a combination of three weeks — a 48 page special on "exchatology" or things pertaining to the last days. Here are the articles and the writers:
Proper Application of New Testament Prophecy, Hoyt H. Houchen, Aurora, Colo.
The Hope of Israel, Harry Ozment, Nashville, Tennessee Use and Misuse of The Book of Revelation, James P. Needham, Louisville, Ky.
The Armstrong Cult, Lloyd Moyer, Fremont, California The Church Is The Israel of God, Robert C. Welch
Studying The Prophets, Homer Halley, Temple Terrace, Florida Is There Any Connection Between The Modern State of Israel and Biblical Israel? Robert H. Farish, Austin, Texas
The End of Time --. What Will Happen According To The Bible, Luther G. Roberts, Tucumcari, N. M. t Will There Be A Millennium? Kent Ellis, Lufkin, Texas Millennialism In The Restoration Movement, Edward Fudge, Kirkwood, Missouri
Anglo-Israelism, Yater Tant (A reprint of a classic)
Dispensationalism, Wm. E. Wallace A Glossary of Terms, by Jefferson David Tant
and other material This special edition of The Gospel Guardian will be a valuable asset to your reference works. It will serve as aid in teaching those who are excited about the events in the Middle East. It will help combat the inroads of pre-millennialism. The special will sell for 25 cents each or $2.00 per hundred. Of course each of our subscribers will receive a copy, but it will be well for all to order extra copies. Order now and receive them in our regular mailing the second week in August.
KENNETH E. THOMAS, R. F. D. 1 Box 5-B Kirkland, Ill. 60146:"The church here just concluded a fine gospel meeting with Larry Ray Halley of Plano, Ill. doing an outstanding job of presenting the gospel of Christ. One was baptized into Christ, and one brother was restored, and all were strengthened in the faith. This young man is outstanding in his knowledge of the word of God, and in his ease and clarity of presentation. Any faithful church would do well to seek his services for a gospel meeting. We were sorry that we closed with only one week as interest was mounting even toward the end of the week. The church here continues to grow numerically and spiritually. I have been here now for five years on my second tour of work with this good church. We are in the process of appointing elders to feed the flock. When in the northern Illinois area stop and worship with us."
DANIEL SOMMER 1840-1950: This book will be especially interesting to young preachers in that it deals with Sommer's problems as a young preacher — his study habits, memorization, financial problems in college, et cetera. Soon ready for mailing. Last chance for pre-publication price...price after July 1 will be $4.95. Price now only $3.50.
THE VINE AND THE BRANCHES, an article appearing on the front page of The Gospel Guardian recently was written by Robert H. Farish and Elmer Moore. They worked together in the writing of this article, and some more in the series to be published later. We failed to list Elmer Moore as the co-author. It was our mistake.
ONE OF THE MOST SIGNIFICANT happenings among brethren of "conservative" persuasion regarding "current issues" is the very liberal response to the needs of the starving Biafran brethren. The last figure I saw with regard to the amount raised was over $20,000.00...and this figure is considerably out of date by now. This response to the need of brethren has been true to the Book in the cheerful liberality of the givers and in the means of getting the help to the needy recipients. The old cry from brethren on the "other side" to the effect that we were stagnant and not doing anything has been laid aside by this and many other examples of "conservative" brethren doing Bible things in Bible ways.
SPECIAL LECTURE SERIES: August 4-8 at Lake Road church in Dyersburg, Tennessee. Harry Pickup; Jr., Ronald Mosby, Walton Weaver, Leslie Sloan, Harold Howard and others to be announced later. "There will be at least four hours of study each day and we are making plans for five hours..." writes Mason Harris.
Book Report
By Carl A. Allen
A Scientist And His Faith
by Gordon L. Glegg Are you given to reading at night, just before you go to sleep? Well, I'm not, my wife does not like it. But if you are, you will be interested in a little book entitled, "A SCIENTIST AND HIS FAITH." It is most refreshing and delightful.
If I were given to reading at night, this is what I would want to read. A Scientist is expressing his belief in God and the Bible. Today, it is common for folk to believe there is a contradiction between science and the Bible — this is not so. Here is a scientist who expresses himself well.
The book is not in technical terms, an average 8th grader can understand it. Some of the illustrations are the best I have seen. It is a unique approach, clearly stated and well composed.
"Gordon L. Glegg, MA, AMICE, AMIE, MIED, is a man of science. He missed being appointed to the first chair of Science at Cambridge recently, by one vote. He is a master of mechanical science and one of Britians outstanding authorities in Structural Engineering."
The price of this book: $1.50. Postage is paid if you send the money; otherwise, you pay the postage. Gospel Guardian Company, Box 470 Lufkin, Texas, 75901
Capsule Sermon
Larry Ray Hafley
There Is A Time
James the third chapter provides the text for many sermons and articles on the misuse of the tongue. It is a chapter of God's word that should be read daily. However, I fear that too many Christians bridle the tongue at the wrong time. For example, when an opportunity to state a simple Bible truth presents itself during conversation with those outside the body of Christ, do you make it known or do you conveniently become a "conversation dropout?" There is a time to every purpose under heaven. (Eccl. 3:1) There is a time to silence the tongue, but speak "the truth in love." (Eph. 4:15) "Quench not the Spirit." (I Thess. 5:19)