Gospel Guardian Tell-Al- Gram
LYONS CHAPEL CHURCH, TOMPKINSVILLE, KENTUCKY — Spring meeting April 6-10 with the following speakers: B. G. Hope, Kenneth Green, Royce Chandler, Rodney Miller and John Clark.
C. R. SCROGGINS: "I began work with the church that meets at 1720 South Turner Drive in Hobbs, New Mexico on 8 March 1970. I would appreciate being added to the Mailing List of Sound Churches everywhere. My address is: 305 W. Castle Avenue, Hobbs, New Mexico 88240. When visiting the "Land of Enchantment," plan to stop and visit with us. We will conduct a series of Gospel Meetings 6-12 April 1970, with Stanley J. Lovett of San Antonio, Texas doing the preaching."
MEETING: Sayre Church of Christ with Tom O'Neal of Murfreesboro, Tennessee. Beginning April 20 at 7:30 P.M., and to continue through the next Sunday, with preaching at 11 A.M. and 6 P.M. J. P. Gurganus of the Bellview Heights church in Birmingham, Alabama, will direct the singing, if the Lord wills.
DONALD G. COLLINS — "I am moving to Joplin, Missouri about the 20th of June 1970, to work in establishing some congregations in the "Four State Area" — Southeast Kansas, Northeast Oklahoma, Northwest Arkansas, and Southwest Missouri. If any reader of this paper knows of anyone living in this area (except Rogers and Fayetteville, Arkansas, as there is a conservative congregation in each) with conservative views, please send their name and address. Also, if any individual or congregation has a tent and/or folding chairs that I could use in meetings, please contact me: Donald G. Collins, 4566 La Rue St., Dallas, Texas 75211. Or, the Kiestview Church of Christ, 3323 Guadalupe, Avenue, Dallas, Texas 75233."
Preacher Needed:
"A sound gospel preacher is needed by the Forest Hill church of Christ, 1208 W. 41st Street, Richmond, Virginia, by July 1, 1970.
"The work at this location has grown steadily for the past 4 years. Average Sunday A.M. attendance is around 80, and at the present time the contribution is such that the church here can pay a preacher $500.00 per month and furnish a 3 bedroom house.
"The undersigned has been working with this group of brethren the past 4 years and supporting himself and family. I agree with the brethren here, that a full time preacher is needed as well as a change in evangelist; consequently, I am attempting to help locate a preacher before leaving at the end of June." — L. Don Freeman
News From Fields Afar
"And they went everywhere preaching the word. . ."
Reported by J. Paul Branch Because of a manifested interest in men and places of labor in foreign lands, brother Wallace asked me to write this monthly report. Accepting it places a serious responsibility upon me of, accurately, reporting the labors of those who leave country and kindred to preach Christ, to those in darkness.
May God use this column to his glorification. Until, I receive reports from more fields, I need the help of churches or individuals receiving reports. PLEASE have someone send me a copy of your next report. Thereafter, I can contact each man in the field for future reports. We wish to give world-wide coverage in each report. Informed brethren are concerned brethren. May these reports be a means of informing and encouraging the support and proclamation of His Precious Word around the world. (JPB)
Reading The Reports:
"Bergen Briefs" Bergen, Norway. (January). — Torn Bunting and family have returned to the states after three years in Norway. Arthur Olafsen, an American citizen but Norwegian by birth, arrived in Norway in August. He can be a great boost to the work. Bill Pierce was in Bergen, Norway, Sept. 12 — Oct. 8, in four different meetings. He reports progress and commends the good work being accomplished. Tommy Thornhill is the other American evangelist in Norway. These brethren are trying a new plan in 1970. They are placing newspaper ads in key cities, to locate areas of interest for gospel meetings. Correspondence courses continue to be "door openers" and their best source of contact. Brother Pierce reports, a big break-through for the church will come if the country decides to separate church and state. This move is being debated now.
Wm. C. Hinton, Jr. reports from Nagoya, Japan. His newly translated tract and correspondence courses are proving a most effective means of teaching. The Osaka congregation has a fine personal work program going, using films and tracts. Brother Ankyu plans to retire in a few years and devote full time to evangelistic work. He is reported to be a capable, zealous personal worker. The Kamiseya church, unable to get a full-time American preacher, is now supporting the gospel among the Philippine Nationals.
Gene Tope, Krugersdorp, Republic of South Africa — Writes in a personal letter . . . that the work in Krugersdorp is looking up after lagging for the past two years.
Gavin Du Toit, Brakpan, TVL, Republic of South Africa — Is in his sixth year with the church in Brakpan. He can use additional support.
Doug Bauer reports from Que Que, Rhodesia (January 70) — Three baptisms January 4th. During the month they printed 4,000 tracts (four different titles) in the African language and distributed them. They need supplies, paper is scarce. Doug requests bulletins, tracts and Bible class material, etc. for use in teaching. Mail them to: P. O. Box 549, Que Que, Rhodesia, Africa.
O. Fred Liggins, Jr. writes in the December and January "Voice of Valhalla." Pretoria, South Africa. — In 1969, in Pretoria, the white work had six baptisms and two restorations. In the African work, one of the brethren, reported seven baptisms and brother Liggins baptized one African. Quote. "This year we started printing and distributing about 5,000 bulletins each month." Brother Liggins, also, reports an eye injury of his son, Richard, age 11. A wire penetrated the right eye, completely destroying the lens capsule and causing traumatic cataracts, which will be removed in two operations. The first operation in mid-March.
Philip A. Mon writes from Caringbah NSW 2229, Australia. — The "gospel mission" closed at Port Hacking on October 26th. Meeting at Newcastle November 1-2. Attendance average about 30, with one baptism. VBS at Caringbah January 19-23. In January, a correspondence course was first offered with 11 non-members enrolling. December was, largely, spent completing Bible school classrooms. The James W. Sasser family arrived in Australia on October 13, 1969. Their address is P. O. Box 93-S South Wagga Wagga, NSW. 2650 Australia.
His activities began with distributing of tracts, writing a weekly newspaper teaching article and in Albury, the second congregation he is working with, a thirty minute weekly religious radio broadcast. This radio station has a listening coverage of 100,000 persons.
Jim R. Everett, Miranda, NSW, Australia reports: January ends the distribution of "Doing Truth" (a teaching paper pb), 4,000 were put in mail boxes each printing. After this it will be mailed to 500 persons near the meeting house. Jim states he has been swamped with requests by conservative preachers, from the Rep. of the Philippines, for "Doing Truth," tracts, correspondence courses, and material to be used in teaching. (Note: He suggests that someone could profitably spend $50-100.00 for tracts, teaching aids, etc., to send to these preachers. He can supply names and addresses. Write P. O. Box 159, Miranda, NSW Australia, 2228)
Jim reports the Newnham church in Launceston, Tasmania, with the departure of a liberal preacher, again has peace. A brother Pace migrated there five months ago. It is believed he may return to start a second church. Brother Everett reports a visit to Newcastle (Warners Bay) this month. These brethren seriously need a full time preacher. They have a membership of 28, their own building and saving up money to help with the preacher's support. Who will go? (Note: More Americans need to go. Brethren Corner and Everett will return to the states in 1970).
From Nigeria: George Pennock, P. O. Box 4064 UCI Ibadan, Nigeria — Brother sends back a full accounting of the Nigeria Relief Funds. Total received — $41,326.46, Total distributed — $40.849.87. Those helped: Churches — 302, Preacher — 226 (either clothes or money), Children, widows and abandoned families of preachers — 34 and other persons 23 .This distribution was a herculean task. It involved determining the needs, then, distribution of funds, food, medical supplies, clothing etc. Under the conditions, such an involved pro- gram was exhaustive. Brother Pennock deserves the "Superman" trophy. He requests that no additional funds be sent for aid to the needy. His time is limited before returning to the states. He desired to spend the remaining time in spiritual activities.
Brother Pennock states a number of good faithful gospel preachers have labored without support since the beginning of the war (3 years). They can be supported — $25.00 monthly in the bush or $50.00 a month, urban areas. If you desire to help, contact brother Pennock for preachers' names and addresses.
An "Open Door" in Nigeria — All visas to enter Nigeria have been refused. Only one preacher has a permit to enter. When brother Wayne L. Payne left Nigeria last year he made application for re-entry. This means he is the only American gospel preacher allowed to enter on a permanent visa. In view of the recent war, the needs of the brethren for strength and leadership, and the threat of liberalism, it is necessary that we send him back! Why spend thousands of dollars to establish 300 plus churches and leave them without stable leadership? The 77th Street church in Birmingham, Alabama will supply his salary. Still needed is monthly support of housing — $125.00 and work fund — $150.00, plus, the travel fund — $7,000.00. The need for response is urgent! His visa expires June 18th. Write him today. Wayne L. Payne, P. O. Box 683, Newport, Arkansas 72112. Let him know that he can count on you.
Until next month keep the news coming.
1613 Fifty Street, Palmetto, Florida 33561 Reporter — Clyde Strickland
Gospel Meetings:
James Adams of Nacogdoches, Texas did the preaching in a gospel meeting March 2-8 in Bryan, Texas, for the Twin City congregation where Kent Ellis serves as evangelist.
A gospel meeting was conducted by the congregation in Smyrna, near Atlanta, Texas, March 2-6, in which Carl Allen, Lufkin, did the preaching. One was baptized in this meeting.
The church of Christ in Dickinson conducted a gospel meeting March 8-15 in which John Iverson of Deer Park did the preaching.
James Trigg, preacher for the Greggton congregation in Longview did the preaching in a meeting for the Ridgecrest church of Christ in Orange, March 9-15. Brother Trigg is to be with the congregation in Edna where Jack Gilliland preaches, April 6-12, then in Hillsboro, May 4-8.
The Highway 287 church in Groveton, begins a gospel meeting March 29th and continuing through April 3. Johnny Stringer of Port Arthur will do the preaching in this meeting.
Robert L. Craig will be with the congregation in Denton, where Jess Jenkins preaches, beginning March 16th and continuing through the 22nd. Then beginning April 5th Robert is to be with the congregation meeting on Wonsley Drive in the North part of Austin, for a gospel effort. Robert Farish is working as evangelist with this congregation. Also, from April 13th through the 19th, he will do the preaching in a gospel meeting in Brazoria, where Jerry Wilburn serves as evangelist.
Harold Turner did the preaching in a couple of gospel meetings in the state of California in March. First, at the West Anheim congregation, March 2-8, and then in Brea, California, March 9th through the 15th.
The Westside chruch, meeting at 6110 White Settlement Road in Fort Worth, will have Robert Turner with them for a meeting April 5th through the 10th.
Don Willis of Wichita Falls, is to do the preaching in a gospel meeting, April 13-19, for the Sixth and Meredith Street church in Dumas.
The Pleasant Valley congregation in Amarillo, will be engaged in a meeting from April 26th to May 3rd. Harold Sharp is to do the preaching in this meeting.
The Southern Oaks congregation in Lake Jackson, has arranged a meeting for April 20 through the 24th featuring a different speaker each evening. The speakers for this meeting are men who have spent much of their time working with small churches while supporting themselves with secular work. The speakers are: James Moore, Owen McGee, Ben Thomasson, Glenn Walker, and Elmer Edwards.
FROM JOHN IVERSON: "In 1969 I conducted about twenty meetings in eleven states. Since my last meeting, it has been my privilege to preach at Dickinson on Sundays, and conduct classes on Wednesday morning and evening. For the next few weeks, the Lord willing, I shall conduct meetings at the following places: Dickinson — March 8-15; Tyler (Garden Valley Road congregation) April 5-10; Pine Bluff, Arkansas (Sixth Avenue) April 19-26. We would be delighted for those in these areas to attend."
Signed: John Iverson, Deer Park Oliver Murray of Lufkin, did the preaching in a gospel meeting in Pineland, March 23-29. He is scheduled to be with the South College Road church of Christ, Lafayette, Louisiana, for a meeting April 19th through the 24th, and then, beginning May 10th through the 15th, he is to be with the church in Port Gibson, Mississippi, for a meeting.
The Fourth and Groesbeck congregation in Lufkin, has scheduled a gospel meeting to begin April 27th through May 3rd with Harold Trimble of Blytheville, Arkansas, doing the preaching.
Grover Stevens, Lubbock, did the preaching in a meeting March 16th through the 22nd in Wickett.
Brother Jack Kirby of Brownwood, is to be with the Greggton congregation in Longview, April 20 through the 27th for a gospel meeting.
A religious discussion is scheduled for the nights of April 20, 21, 23, and 24 (Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday) in Dalhart. The disputants will be Dwaine E. Dunning, preacher for the church of Christ (instrumental) of Bridgeport, Nebraska, and professor of Bible in the Platte Valley Bible College of Scottsbluff, Nebraska, and Brother David D. Bonner, preacher for the church of Christ (non-instrumental) meeting at 6th and Meredith, Dumas. The proposition for discussion Monday and Tuesday nights is; "The Scriptures authorize Christians to praise God with singing (vocal music), and there is no authority for Christians to use mechanical music (such as pianos and organs) in praise to God." David D. Bonner affirms and Dwaine E. Dunning denies. On Thursday and Friday evenings the proposition will be: "The use of (mechanical) instruments are justified in the praise of God by Christians." Affirmed by Dwaine E. Dunning and denied by David D. Bonner. The debate will be held in the building of the church of Christ meeting at 1013 E. 10th St., Dalhart, and sessions will begin each evening at 7:30. This is the second meeting of these two men on these propositions. The other debate they had was reported to have been very good, and this one should prove to be even better for the Cause of Truth. Attend if you can.
Harold Turner is to terminate his work with the Westside church of Christ, 6110 White Settlement Road, Fort Worth, about the first of May and will move to Greenwood, Arkansas, to work with the church in that city. Harold reports one restored at Westside in Fort Worth on March 1st.
Pat Farish, preacher for the Castleberry church in Fort Worth reports that there were three baptized there recently and two have been restored to fellowship.
One was restored and placed membership with the congregation meeting at 500 N. Somerville in Pampa, where James Lusby is the preacher. One was restored at Caprock in Lubbock, February 15th. One was restored to fellowship recently in the congregation meeting at 808 Fresa in Pasadena. Four were "identified" and one restored to fellowship at Bellaire in Houston recently. Six were "identified" with the Fourth and Groesbeck congregation in Lufkin, on March 15th. One was baptized Sunday, March 8, Hereford, at the church meeting at 15th and Blackfoot Streets.
Harold Fite of Lubbock, did the preaching in a gospel meeting with the Red Bluff congregation in Pasadena, March 15th through the 22nd.
The church in Highlands, conducted a gospel meeting March 16th through the 22nd. Eugene Britnell of Little Rock, Arkansas did the preaching in this meeting.
— 417 East Groesbeck, Lufkin, Texas 75901 —