Devoted to the Propagation and Defense of New Testament Christianity
February 12, 1970

"X-Spurts" On Human Problems

Lowell Blasingame

The rebellion of our present generation is the fruit of the permissiveness of the preceding one. Lose of respect for authority leads to rebellion and anarchy. This is true of the home, state or church. Many leaders and teachers recognize the existence of our problems and that solutions are sorely needed. The sad and unfortunate thing is that the most publicized solutions seem to come from "X — spurts" (those generally recognized as authorities in their fields) on human problems who advocate greater license in doing the very things that are creating our problems.

One of the most refreshing bits of modern journalism which I have read is from the pen of Dr. Max Rafferty and appeared in The Birmingham News (11/30/69). Dr. Rafferty lists what he calls some of his "pet peeves" with modern society. All of them are good and merit more consideration than they will likely be given. We give in full his third one because we find it especially relevant to the problems of the present day.

3. Experts who promote immorality in the guise of problem-solving.

Like Dr. Roger Johnson of the Lutheran Hospital Society, who advocates sexuality as the answer to violence: "Perhaps the more we promote intimacy, the less (sic) manifestations of violence we should have."

And psychologists John Marquis and David Newman, who testified at a recent hearing that the sight of topless girls is beneficial to public morals: "Seminude females performing suggestive dances can be good for desensitizing anxieties people have about nudity and sex."

AND THE COLLEGE authorities who go all-out for coeducational dormitories and 24-hour-a day visiting privileges and presumably in the near future communal girl-swapping on a gala, late-Roman Empire scale to make higher education more "relevant."

Relevant To What? A Brothel?

These "X — spurts" who promote and advocate licensing immorality as the answer to our problems sound suspiciously like those whom Jude called 'filthy dreamers' that defile the flesh (v. 8), "murmurers, complainers" who walk after their own lusts (v. 16) and the "sensual" who have not the Spirit (v. 19). We, too, need to remember "the words which were spoken before of the apostles" that warn us of the coming of these mockers (v. 17-21) and build ourselves up in the faith and keep ourselves in the love of God knowing that some day he will come and execute his judgment upon them. The language of Jude shows that the Lord's judgment will be against those who do and speak evil things and against those "who have men's person in admiration because of advantage" (v. 15-16). This includes these modern "X — spurts" on human problems who advocate rebellion against moral restraints and those who admire and quote their advice because of the advantage that it gives them for unrestrained immorality.

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