Devoted to the Propagation and Defense of New Testament Christianity
January 8, 1970
NUMBER 35, PAGE 10-13

Gospel Guardian Tell-Al-Gram

Reporter: George T. Eldridge; P. O. Box 96, Hilliard, Ohio 43026

Illinois Indiana - Ohio Kentucky News

THESE "HAVE BELIEVED OUR REPORT" — Indiana. Hobart — 200 N. Liberty St.; Cecil Willis in a meeting. Two restored and Rex Shell baptized. Indianapolis, 860 S. Belmont Ave.; Paul M. Caldwell, preacher — restored 3 and Michael and Sue Angles placed membership. Ohio. Youngstown, — 570 Sherwood Ave., Jerry Parks, preacher, 2 precious souls withdrawn from. Kentucky. Glasgow — Westwood St., Everett Hardin, preacher; bro. & sis. Ottis Ennis placed membership. Another state — Missouri. St. Louis — Spring & Blaine; Jimmy Tuten, Jr.; preacher; 3 identified and 1 restored.

The church at 168 Lawndale Dr., in Plainfield, Indiana on Nov. 2 recognized Lewis Brown as an elder to serve with elders: Thomas Long, Nick Skelton, Robert Arden, and Roy Weliever. Rick Baughn and Ronnie Capps were added as deacons to serve with Jim Wolven, Stanley, Carl Hendell, and Roscoe Ping.

Across The Waters:

Unable to obtain the necessary papers to enter Nigeria, James Sasser left for Australia on October 1. His temporary address is P. O. Box 159, Miranda, NSW. 2228, Via Sidney, Australia.

Harold V. Comer, who is presently supported by the 77th St. church in Birmingham, Ma. 35206, plans to return to the U. S. in the spring of 1970. He will start work with the 77th St. church around the first of June, 1970. Bill Hall, presently preaching for the 77th St. church, will go to Australia sometime in September, 1970. The 77th St. church will support brother Hall in Australia.

Moving Preachers:

Donald Townsley will move from the work with the Armory Road Church in Tompkinsville, Kentucky in June, 1970 to work with the Underwood Heights Church in Florence, Alabama. The Underwood Heights Church started this year. The College View Church in Florence will furnish brother Townsley's wages. Brother Townsley will have spent 4 years and 11 months working with the Armory Road Church. Brother Townsley commends the work with the Armory Road Church to any faithful preacher of the gospel. The Armory Road Church is served by two bishops and two deacons. Those men are all sound in the faith and in life. J. F. Dancer, Jr. moves in January, 1970, the week of Jan. 11, from the work with the 4724 E. Manslick Road Church in Louisville, Kentucky 40219 to work with the Winchester Road Church in Memphis, Tennessee. Bro. Dancer will have completed 4 years and about 5 months with the Manslick Road Church. He leaves Louisville after working there 7 years and 7 months. Connie Adams moves around March 1, 1970 from the work with the 1835 Brown St. Church in Akron, Ohio to work with the Manslick Road Church in Louisville, Kentucky. Brother Adams has been with the Brown St. Church since the summer of 1965.

A New Paper

THINK ON THESE THINGS is printed by brethren Leslie, Karl, and Al Diestelkamp. It is printed "in the interest of purity of doctrine and practice. Distributed free in such quantities and with such frequency as our ability permits." Write for it: Leslie Diestelkamp, 401 Woolf Ct., Rochelle, Illinois 61068. You will be glad you did!!


Lewis Willis, who is a younger brother of Cecil Willis, was scheduled to enter Jewish Hospital on November 17 for surgery the next day. Lewis' address: Church of Christ, 11408 Dixie Hwy., Valley Station, Kentucky 40272. Pray for him. Send him cards.

Savannah, Tennessee

Weldon Warnock of Bowling Green, Kentucky is not going to move from Bowling Green to Savannah as previously reported. Savannah, Tennessee still needs a faithful gospel preacher. Contact Doug Bain of Savannah. The Downtown Church, 239 North Military Ave. in Lawrenceburg, Tennessee 38464, is still planning to support the preacher in Savannah.

H. A. Dixon

He is dead. He had served as President of Freed-Hardeman College for nearly twenty years.

Reporter Robert A. Bolton Attention!

Preachers and churches "way out west" desiring their news items published regularly in these pages, should send such information to me (at least 30 days in advance of publication) at 126 West "E" St., Ontario, California 91761. Incidentally, I find it rather difficult to be accurate in reporting news that I have to make up in my own mind. So, how about it! Let me hear from you regularly. — R.A.B.


Sunnyvale, California — December 9, 1969: The church, meeting at 1050 Remington Drive in Sunnyvale, has recently completed a building program which provided new classrooms for use in their well planned teaching program. In addition to utilizing these facilities, a recent report shows members of the congregation conducting 19 Home Bible Studies weekly. As a result of their zeal in this regard, precious souls continue to be added to their number. W. W. (BILL) CASSIO is the local preacher. — R.A.B.

Lancaster, California — December 9, 1969: OTIS MOYER, local preacher with the 5th St. Church of Christ, 44860 North 5th St. East, in Lancaster, recently spoke two nights there on the following subjects: Monday, Dec. 8 — "Miracles, Baptism of The Holy Ghost, Speaking In Tongues — Do They Exist Today?" Tuesday, Dec. 9 — "Why Religious Division In Lancaster & Who Is Responsible For It?" — R.A.B.

Santa Ana, California — December 9, 1969: I am happy to report that FLOYD THOMPSON, 429 Eastside, Santa Ana, is rapidly recovering from his recent surgery, as previously reported, has returned home from the hospital, was able to attend both services at Fairview in Garden Grove last Lord's Day, and says he plans to preach at both services in Garden Grove, Sunday, December 14. His grateful appreciation is extended to all for their prayers and concern for him. Above all, thanks be unto God for his recovery. — R.A.B.

Montebello, California — December 9: I regret to inform our readers that ELVIS BOZARTH, who will terminate his work as local preacher with the Poplar St. church in Montebello around January 1, 1970, has been hospitalized. According to information available at this time, Elvis was flying to Indianapolis, Indiana on November 29, to keep a preaching appointment the next day, when he was stricken with what was thought to be a heart attack, was taken from the plane in St. Louis, and rushed to the Christian Hospital Northwest. After thorough examination, it was determined that he did not suffer a heart attack, as originally feared, but is suffering from multiple ulcers and a hiatial hernia. As of this date, he is still hospitalized in St. Louis, but is scheduled to be released at any moment. According to his good wife, he should be able to continue his trip from St. Louis, returning to Montebello sometime next week. We wish for him a complete recovery. (NOTE: Later news — Bozarth is recovering in a fine way — will move to Berea, Ohio, January 1.

Bremerton, Washington — December 5: "The work here continues to progress slowly. . . Last week we had three identified and one restored and identified. We have a weekly radio program on KBRO (1490) called "Search The Scriptures" at 8:30 PM each Sunday evening, which we feel is doing much good in this area. We are just a short distance from the Puget Sound Navy Ship Yard, so if any Navy personnel are in that area or are bound for there, have them contact us if transportation is needed to services (ES7-0311 or ES7-5622) I continue to enjoy the 'Guardian' and feel that the recent up-dating has made it an even better paper. One thing that I would like to see occasionally is an article on some of the more difficult and prophetic books or passages found in the Old Testament, such as Daniel, Ezekiel, etc.... Keep up the good work and many thanks for the new service." — JOHN J. MILLER, JR., Bremerton Church of Christ, Pleasant Drive and Price Road, Bremerton, Washington 98310.

BY THE WAY: "He who occupies a place in the sun must expect some blisters!"

QUE QUE, RHODESIA — Called by bro. Cope, "One of the most pathetic and touching situations I have ever known."

Thus started bro. Paul Branch's article in the Gospel Guardian dated September 1969.

The response to his appeal kindled anew the flame we once had to fulfill our obligations to God in being able to preach His beloved Son to the lost without worry of "where or how could we pay for it" in the back of our minds.

My health is much improved, thanks to God and the many prayers offered on my behalf. Although I don't have as many cottage classes on the go as I could have, this is due to much needed rest and Doctor's orders to have at least three early nights a week. As my mind settles I will be able to increase the classes.

The Word of God tells Christians how to live to be pleasing to Him, and it also tells the church how she should do her work. The great command was from our Saviour just before he left. "Go ye into all the world and preach the gospel." We all understand that without this wish the church would soon become stagnant: we also believe that to be pleasing to Him that purchased it, the church must be vibrant. Yet at the same time she must not give heed to seducing spirits and doctrines of devils as many are doing, but to stand firm on that which was once delivered. In the mean time we believe that not every Christian can do the 'Going' in the flesh, but if the Inspired Word says to Christians 'Go' then it must indicate that those who cannot go must send. (2 Cor. 11:8, Phil. 4:14-18; 2 Cor. chapters 8 and 9). If my illness and the Doug Bauer story was the trigger to start such peat response I then thank God that my illness was not in vain, and I would be willing to go through it all again for the very same purpose. I pray that this story will be remembered whenever we hear of one who is willing to go into the field for our Lord, and the response will be the same if not even better.

It was said by a liberal preacher in Africa "That owing to the way in which bro. Bauer's support is failing we can see the 'antis' point in direct support. The best thing he can do is try and arrange a sponsoring congregation to take over." This was said some six months previous to my entering hospital. I suppose I could have done just that: but my mind went to Matt. 5:19, James 2:10, and 1 Tim 4:1). And if I altered God's laws to suit my wants I would then be as Paul says in Gal. 1:8-9. So I thank God for the faith he has given me and my family to trust in Him for all our needs. To hold to the Truth, even unto death. "Therefore, my beloved brethren, be ye steadfast, unmovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, forasmuch as ye know that your labor is not in vain in the Lord."

So, may I, through this fine magazine, thank bro. Branch for his article, Gospel Guardian for printing it and to the many churches and Christians who have shown that when the need arises we will rise to it.

Special aid received totaled $7000 and our monthly support which, in June, was $463 now stands at $821.

For further information please write to Paul Branch, 1613 5th Street, Palmetto, Florida 33561, or Bud Brake, 505 26th Avenue E., Cordele, Georgia 31015. — Doug Bauer ARTICLES ON SEX EDUCATION IN SCHOOLS available from Jimmy Tuten, Jr., Spring and Blaine Church of Christ, 3800 Blaine Avenue, St. Louis, Missouri. These are articles Tuten has written, made up in booklet form. Free — send 124 for postage. Order direct from Jimmy Tuten, Jr. in St. Louis. Title of articles: "Public School Sex Education — Is It Sensible?"


"Thank you for the Guardian. It is a pleasure to read a good paper and one that is not filled with 'Social Gospel.' " Woodrow Lee — "I would like to say first that I'm a subscriber to the Gospel Guardian. I'm within my first year of subscription and I enjoy the Guardian very much and look forward each week to reading it." Bernard Perrin — "Keep up the good work with your journal. I look forward with anticipation to its arrival each week. I can't speak for others but I can say with surety that the articles contained therein have been of immeasurable help and encouragement to me. Lloyd P. Atherton — "There is nothing wrong with the GG. It is and has ever been superb! May the brotherhood never be without it!" Geneva Brandenburg — "I read the paper and love its every page." Mrs. Eloise Boble — "It is no longer the paper it was..." F.A.S. — "May I also say at this time you are doing a splendid job of preaching the unsearchable riches of Christ through this media. God bless you!" Robert W. La Coste — "The improvements in the Guardian make it even more enjoyable to read. We look forward to receiving it each week." Danny Green — "I think it has been the general consensus of conservative brethren the past several years that the Guardian could stand some needed improvements. It is my observation you are making those improvements, and I commend you in your efforts." Harold Fite — "I enjoy the Guardian." Olin Kern — "Keep up the good work!" Glen L. Shaver — "It is a good paper, I read it all." Arnold Hart — "I appreciate the Gospel Guardian more and more. May God bless you in your efforts to make it an instrument for good." Lloyd Moyer — "You are doing a good job with the paper." Robert Farish.

NOTE: We are cheered by the remarks coming in regarding the paper. We print these remarks in order to share with our readers the encouragements we have as we move into the 1970's. While letters of encouragement are far greater in number than those of criticism, we need your criticism and suggestions. We will consider all of them carefully. Let's all work together to make the Gospel Guardian a worthy paper for the 1970's!
