We May Have "Callers"
It is possible that before the year is out we may have "callers" from the Black community that will want to occupy the pulpit and make demands for "reparations" from us to the Black race, asking we give a large percentage of our contributions to them, and that we give them the use of office space in our building. This year has been set as a year to concentrate on the churches in America making such demands, according to U. S. News and World Report.
If such a group does come into our services I suggest that we all remain seated, stay calm, and let the elders or the preacher handle the situation. You as members then follow their lead and advice.
It is my judgment we should not even call the police at first. I would suggest this procedure:
1. Although they are trespassers and are disturbing public worship, I would permit them to speak ten minutes or so upon the condition they would sit down and listen to a reply in the same length of time.
2. If they will not agree to this arrangement, and take over and begin to speak, then all of us should arise and leave the building quickly and quietly (no speaking, no shouting, no threatening).
3. Then, the police should be called, and we should obtain the description of their cars and the license numbers if possible. I'm not suggesting arrests, leaving that to the judgment of the police department of our city.
If I were the one to reply to their ten minute "reparations demand" I would present these points:
A. The church is a spiritual institution (Eph. 1:3, 22-23).
1. We own no property except our modest place of assembly. (Heb. 10:25)
2. We have no income-producing property, but pay our expenses by free-will offerings made by our members weekly (I Cor. 16:1-2).
3. We as a church steer free from politics (John 18:36)
4. The church is God's arrangement for the saved (Acts 2:47;I Cor. 12:12-13).
5. There is no limitation as to who can be saved. (Mark 16:15-16; Matt. 28:19-20).
6. There is no difference in the gospel's demands (Gal. 3:26-28).
B. The church is restricted as to its benevolence to the "needy saints; brethren in need" so far as money from its public treasury is concerned. There are only nine passages that deal with this subject, Acts 2:44-45; Acts 4:34-35; Acts 6:1-6; Acts 11:27-30; Rom. 15:25-27; I Cor. 16:1-3; II Cor. 8; II Cor. 9; I Tim. 5:8-16.
1. Christ is the Head of His church, Eph. 1:22-23.
2. The church is His body and must comply with His will, Eph. 1:22-23; 5:24.
3. It is His will the church give her attention to spiritual matters and only engage in relief (benevolence) as a group, a congregation, to relieve the poor saints.
4. If we love Him we will obey His will, I John 5:2-3.
C. The church of Christ owes no reparations to any person or persons.
1. Reparation defined: "Act of making amends for a wrong, injury, etc. Also the amends; compensation." (Webster)
2. The church of Christ has done no injury or wrong to any person, or persons, or race.
3. Hence, no amends or compensation is due any person, persons, or race.
4. Contrariwise, the church of Christ has sought to be helpful to all persons and all races by preaching the gospel freely to all even as our Lord commanded, Mark 16:15.
5. The church of Christ welcomes into its membership any and all persons, regardless of race or status, who will obey the gospel of Jesus Christ, or who have obeyed the gospel of Christ:
a. By believing Jesus Christ is to be God's Son, Heb. 11:6; Mark 16:15-16.
b. By repenting of all one's sins, Luke 13:3; Acts 2:38.
c. By confessing one's faith in Christ before men, Rom. 10:10.
d. By being baptized (immersed in water) for the remission of one's sins, Mark 16:15-16; Acts 2:38; Acts 22:16, Gal. 3:26-27.
6. The Church of Christ will grant full fellowship to any person having obeyed the gospel as long as that persons continues to live a faithful Christian life, Acts 2:42; I Cor. 5:1-11.
D. Conclusion:
1. We agree that the ills of our society must be given attention and corrected.
2. We believe the Bible teaches the church is to center her attention upon the spiritual ills existing and try her best to correct those ills by preaching Christ and His will to sinful and lost mankind.
3. We invite you and your families and friends to attend our preaching and teaching assemblies.
4. We dislike the interrupting of our worship, as you have done today, but are willing to arrange the time and place with you for an orderly public discussion of the matters we both have set forth briefly today.
5. This assembly now stands adjourned.
— Kent, Washington