Devoted to the Propagation and Defense of New Testament Christianity
July 17, 1969
NUMBER 11, PAGE 2b-3a

Pat Boone, Oral Roberts And The Liberals

Frank L. Smith

A few years ago when some began to see that the church was moving in the wrong direction and called for a restudy of some of our practices and for scriptural authority in all or organization and work, we were met with the cry of "antis" and we were told it didn't make any difference 'how' we did the Lord's work just so long as we did good. Many thought this was a little thing and should not divide the churches. But those who were determined to have institutions in the work which are unknown to the Bible drew the line of fellowship and put a 'quarantine' on those who opposed the centralized programs. They were determined to do big things and to make the church get recognized. One common argument was made by Cleon Lyles, Gus Nichols, and others — we do many things for which we do not have Bible.

Now the movement has moved further and further away from center. The young leaders have taken over and brought in many things some of those who first made the split did not foresee. The colleges they so strongly defended have turned out young men who believe in direct Holy Spirit guidance, and social gospel action, etc.; they sowed the wind and now they are reaping the whirlwind. All around the country we have been hearing of the fellowship between the so called Lord's church and denominationalism. At first it came from men like Ketcherside and Garrett, and with the liberal Christian church, but now it is embracing all.

Pat Boone appeared on the Oral Roberts TV Special the other night and gave endorsement to Roberts who recently defected from the Pentecostal Church to the Methodist church in Tulsa, Okla. It was enough to make one who knows the scriptures sick to see and hear the performance of this supposed Christian leader. One recognized recently by leading the singing for the largest church in Nashville (Madison), while they were having what they described as their greatest day. On the Roberts program, he first gave general endorsement to the program, including the singing of the chorus (with instruments accompanying) while they dramatically marched and performed. Then at the last he said he was sure the program would be a blessing to God. He further stated that he and his wife had recent new experience and understanding from God that would give to them a greater life and usefulness in the Lord's work as well as in his entertainment business. (Maybe the Holy Spirit is now guiding him as it is claimed by many in the church now (?). But he also told the events that God was leading Foley each step his last days and then finally called him to be with God. So far as I know Foley never obeyed the gospel of Christ and so had no promise of life with the Father. But the worst was yet to come.

Roberts preached for a few minutes about God's healing power which has been his theme for years. I have personally challenged him to prove one single case of real divine healing of a known disease and he has been silent as the tomb to me and others who have asked for scriptural or physical proof. He told the audience that he was THE Oral Roberts and that he healed a man in Jordan a few years ago and that those who heard him Wednesday night could be healed. Then as has been his claim through the years, the power flows through his hands, so he and Pat put hands on each other and prayed for the sick to be healed and he put his hands on the world globe and prayed for God to heal the world as though he would do this by Roberts's hand. And to all of this Pat gave his smiling approval.

Of course the scriptures teach that miracles of healing were done by the Lord, and the apostles, and those upon whom the apostles laid their hands, (Acts 8; 17-19, Acts 19:6). But Oral Roberts nor anyone today has such miraculous gifts. Paul taught that all such would end when the perfect revelation of truth had been finished. (I Cor. 13:8-10). Their purpose was to confirm the word, and when this was done during the first century, they ceased. Not because God's power has diminished, but because he determined their usefulness and when that was completed, he has left us His word that we must believe to be saved.

It is a sad day when those who claim to be servants of God will compromise truth and give fellowship to error. John said those who go beyond the teachings of Christ have not God; and those who bid them encouragement partake of their evil (II Jno. 8-11) Paul said if any man or angel preached any other gospel than what he preached, he would be accursed of God. Roberts does not preach nor practice scriptural baptism. He has claimed thousands of fake healings in the name of Jesus, but the Lord said he would disown those who in his name failed to practice the will of His father. (Matt. 7:20-21).

— 525 Roebuck Drive, Birmingham, Ala.