Devoted to the Propagation and Defense of New Testament Christianity
June 13, 1968
NUMBER 7, PAGE 9b-10a

Report From Japan

W. C. Hinton, Jr.

We are glad to have this opportunity to visit with you again and hope that things are well with you and that interest in the work of the Lord is active there in your area.

The year was ushered in with various festivals in the religio-cultural centers of Nara and Kyoto as well as in other cities on more of a minor scale. Many Japanese reply to our teaching as one the other day in that Christianity is alright for you but does not fit our way of life and understanding, so Buddhism is for us and we do not feel the necessity to change this situation. This is the kind of thinking we must overcome before our teaching of the Bible.

Two trips were made to Osaka this month to preach for the brethren there. A brother and his family is moving down from Tokyo to be with them which will lend them more strength. This summer we plan some meeting and study classes for them. Naval brethren in Yokohama are still quite zealous. They are anxious for someone to come over and work full time with them and maybe later as the language is learned for the preacher to move out into the Japanese community. A good chance for someone to gradually move into work in a foreign country. Who will come?

Had an interesting discussion with a representative of the Watchtower (Jehovah's Witness) in Japanese the other day. She was quite insistent, rather un-Japanese in that, followed the same train of thought as in the states...Revelation, Matthew 24 and Daniel. I was surprised in that our house was the only one visited in the block. She sought us out just like the Sokka Gakkai did two years ago when we lived in Nishi-ku.

Have passed out and mailed out almost 200 explanations and invitations to enter the study of the Bible in the Bible Correspondence Course. We have had some response to this, pray for its success in our area. The printing press runs sometimes until 12 and 1 at night trying to get the set of 20 booklets prepared for use.

The afternoon Bible study here in Nagoya continues to be interesting and feel that much good is being done. One of our members has had to work in his company many Sundays lately, but with teaching given has told his boss that he must be granted Sunday's off or he'll seek employment elsewhere. We are very proud of his stand, pray for his strength and determination.

We look forward next month to a visit by brother Nichols to hold several short meetings and edify the churches in Osaka, Noagoya, and Shizooka areas. We continue to appreciate your support and the letters we receive from time to time. Pray that our decisions will be the best for the Cause and that we are able to carry through with our plans for the advancement of Truth.